Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 32

K - Words: 4,970 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
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"Um, good breakfast." Kurt moaned as his mind stabilized itself from morning sex with Blaine.

"Agreed," Blaine panted, his lips still in contact with the sweaty flesh on Kurt's neck.

"You know, it's amazing how after all the times we've fucked, you're still just as tight," Blaine said breathlessly.

Kurt laughed hoarsely. He pushed Blaine off and crawled on top of Blaine's body before crossing his arms over the boy's chest and staring up at his dreamy eyes.

"I love you," Kurt whispered.

"Love you more, sunshine."

The boy's brown eyes were dreamy, like the oak trees in the forest of a haven. His hair was perfectly natural- and in that moment Kurt's heart began beating in quick pace as he wondered how a boy like this could've fallen for someone like him.

"What made you fall in love with me?" Kurt asked.

Blaine's eyes shot down to stare at Kurt in curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what made you fall in love with me."

"Mm, the tight jeans you were wearing the first time we met."

Kurt smiled widely, his fingers tracing tiny circles on Blaine's chest. 

"Come on. Get sentimental. Be poetic, be deep!" Kurt urged.

"Alright, alright!" Blaine laughed.

"The day I realized I was in love with you...hmm. The day I fell in love with you was when I thought the world was against me, that there was no good left in this world. And then you came along and took me into your arms when you barely knew me, just because I was crying at your doorstep."

"You looked so broken then.."

"I was, and then you happened." Kurt smiled shyly, his eyes staining with little tears.

"Your turn," Blaine said. "What made you fall in love with me."

Kurt stared into open space as his mind wandered off to all the memories he had with Blaine- all the romantic gestures Blaine had taken ample time to think of to perfection.

"Hmm, I would say it's because of the amazing sex-"

"You're suppose to be equally poetic."

"Urg, fine," Kurt groaned.

"I fell in love with you, when I showed you the skeleton in my closet- my cancer. Most people would have ran for the hills. You didn't. You stayed, and professed you still loved me despite my illness." Kurt said timidly. "Do you regret it?"


"Do you regret sticking around-"

"Kurt of course not! How can you even have that thought! I love you- and I don't regret anything. Ever." Blaine replied sadly.

"Sometimes I just feel your life would have been better if I hadn't come along."

"Right, because I would have still been in the closet, gone to a college I only partially want to go to- and not have been married to you, not experience what true love is. Sounds like a swell life." said Blaine.

"I'm sorry," Kurt whispered, his eyes not meeting Blaine.

"Kurt, I don't regret meeting you, ever. Meeting you was the single best thing that has ever, and will ever happen to me. Please know that, and don't ever have those kinds of thoughts."

Silence followed, the only remote noise came from Kurt's heavy breathing. 

"So you noticed my jeans the first time we met?"

Blaine smiled, glad he had a husband so quick at breaking silences.

"Of course, you were unbelievably sexy."


"Where are we going?" Blaine groaned, a little frustrated that Kurt was behind the wheel and refused to tell him of their destination.

"You've brought me to multiple surprises, it's my turn. But don't worry, it's no big deal. I don't know Lima like you do."

"Tell me!" Blaine screamed.

Kurt simply laughed. His eyes still focused on the road ahead, his long fingers grasp confidently on the steering wheel.

"Relax, okay?" Kurt said.

Blaine surrendered and curled up at the corner of the seat. He stared out the window in defiance, not wanting to meet Kurt's gaze- which is a first.

"Hey c'mon don't be mad! It's a surprise. Be excited." Kurt teased.

The boy crossed his arms and huffed.

Kurt laughed loudly and pulled into a car park- a very familiar car park. Only then did Blaine ease up, because they were at their usual venue.

"The beach," Kurt smiled.

"Why here?" Blaine asked, curious.

"No reason. The day is perfect, and I want to get away with you."

Giving one last flash of a beautiful, toothy grin, Kurt emerged out of the car- Blaine following suit- and they walked hand in hand through the pathway and emerged onto the stretch of white carpet of sand.

The sun was not glaring, and the wind was brutal, making the waves crash violently onto the shoreline. The beach was deserted but a few kites were flying high up in the sky, the people holding on to the string was no where in sight.

Kurt stumbled as the soft sand swallowed his feet with ever step he took. He sat down abruptly, once they were a few feet away from the sea. Blaine curled behind him, wrapping his toned biceps around Kurt's shoulders as they sat in silence and allowed the wind to blow across their faces.

"Whenever we come here, I'm immediately brought back to our first official date," Kurt mumbled, the taste of the salty water rising up his nostrils.

"Mm, I was so nervous that night," Blaine whispered. "Thought you would've found it completely and utterly cliché."

"Here's a little secret- I like cliché gestures."

Blaine laughed, and he pecked a chaste kiss on his husband's cheek. His arms wrapped tighter around his shoulder frame.

"Like the time you brought me cupcakes, and flowers."

"I was trying to promise and show you that I wasn't going to leave."

"And you've held on to that promise," Kurt whispered.

"And I'll never let go of it- ever."

There was no heat burning their skin, the wind was almost cold but because they were wrapped in each other's warmth- Kurt and Blaine did not want to move an inch because through the hype and celebration of Blaine's acceptance and graduation, and the fear of Kurt dying any time soon, they finally felt calm and at peace, simply to just be with each other without the world problems on their shoulders.

"When are you leaving for college?" Kurt whispered timidly.

"I don't know. But I have to go to New York in a week to get some paper work done or whatever- with my dad. Do you wanna come along?" Blaine asked.

"New York? Are you kidding me, of course! I mean, can I?"

"You're my husband. Of course you can."

"Mmm, I love when you call me your husband."

"Come on," Blaine urged. He stood up and tugged his husband up to a standing position, before leading him forward to explore the beach.

"Where are we going?" Kurt asked.

Blaine didn't answer, instead, his eyes fell upon a water breaker that sat right on the shoreline. The waves crashed fiercely onto it. "Up there," Blaine pointed.

They walked slowly, Kurt's limbs barely cooperated with him. 

"Mmm, come here you," Blaine mouthed, as he pulled the boy into his chest once they were standing up the water breaker. Their lips smashed onto each other, tongue exploring deep inside each other's mouth.

"You make me feel like the luckiest man in the planet," Blaine mumbled into the kiss.

The sun slowly began to descend to the horizon of the ocean, casting soft glows of orange onto the surface of the crashing waves.

A tear streamed down Kurt's cheek as he gaze into those brown eyes, that were now littered with the reflection of orange light. "Promise me you'll never stop loving me," Kurt whimpered softly.

"I'll never stop loving you," Blaine said, as the sun slowly began to disappear down to the horizons giving one last wink of bright orange. With that, Blaine pulled his husband into his arms and kissed him deeply.


The car was war- comfortable enough for Kurt to not have to curl himself up to the corner of his seat with his knees pressed tightly against his chest to keep himself at a safe temperature. Blaine took the wheel as he drove slowly, smiling at how the day had only consist of him and Kurt, and no one else.

"Wait, this is not home.." Kurt pointed out, as he looked out the window at the familiar car park.

"Nope," Blaine hummed.

"What are we doing at McKinley?" Kurt asked, gaping at his husband.

"Go with the flow, baby." Blaine smirked. He emerged out of the car after turning the ignition off and got around to pull Kurt's door open for him. "Are we even allowed here at this hour?"

"Who knows," Blaine shrugged.

They walked up to the double entrance doors- Kurt reminiscing on the first time he had ever walked down this pathway, feeling all nervous to start in a new school. He grasp Blaine's hand tighter, earning a comforting smile from him.

Blaine tugged on the door, but it remained as it was. "It's locked, no surprise," Kurt said sarcastically. "Do you have a pocket knife?" Blaine asked.

"Oh, of course. I carry it along with my gun and crowbar."

"Ha ha, " Blaine feigned. "You don't have anything sharp on you, at all?" 

"No, Blaine. Of course I don't. Unless you count a penis sharp." The boy chuckled, and he planted a kiss on Kurt's cheek. "I think I have something in my car. Wait here," He muttered, before dashing back to the car park, only to come back holding a small piece of metal rod that was the length of his finger.

"What is that for?" Kurt asked, but Blaine didn't answer. Instead, he crotched down so the key hole of the door was at his eye level, and he poked the small metal rod into the slot. "What are you doing?" Kurt bellowed.

"Shh, relax. I'm trying to open the door."

"What? Why? And how do you even know how to? Is one of your professions breaking and entering?"

"One of the perks from being friends with Puck- you learn pretty handy stuff." he smiled.

Like it was planned and on cue, a small click that was barely audible was heard before Blaine pushed the door back, giving them entry to McKinley High School. Blaine smirked and gave himself a cock brush on his shoulders before standing up and pulling Kurt along with him.

"Blaine I don't think we can be here. Evident from the fact that the door was locked!" 

"Not up for a little thrill in your life, baby?"

"Sure, take me to rob a bank instead."

"It's just a high school, Kurt. I don't think they really enforce no entry on high schools. What are we going to steal? Chairs?" 

"Fine, but I still don't like it. It feels wrong and I'm scared," Kurt mumbled, though in truth he was feeling strangely turned on from the exhilaration. McKinley's hallway gave a haunted feel with only flickering lights illuminating all the way down to the end.

"McKinley looks sane for once," Blaine uttered as he took in the ghostly corridor.

"And a little creepy. What are we doing here, Blaine?"

"Just go with it, okay?" 

They walked a little further into the school, turning around hallways in silence, until Blaine quicken his pace and walked ahead of Kurt, before halting and turning around to face the boy with his brown eyes piercing into Kurt. 

"Hi. My name is Blaine. Are you new?" he asked. His eyes full of wonder.

Kurt's smile was out of this world. His insides twirled in awe when he realized where they were standing at- the place they first met.

"Why yes, I am. I just transferred. I'm Kurt." he held out his hand, and Blaine took it willingly, squeezing slightly, but he held their hands clasp together.

"It's nice to meet you, Kurt. Can I just say, you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, and your lips are perfectly red I might kiss you right now."

Kurt giggled shyly, his hand still clasp tightly with Blaine. "Thank you," he managed through heated cheeks and quivering lips.

"I don't know if you know this, but we're going to get married in the not-so-distant future," said Blaine

"And how do you know that?"

"Oh, because even now I've already fallen in love with you."

Before Kurt could respond, Blaine tugged his arm forward and wrapped him with his arms- their chest flushed against each other. His smile lingered on the tip of Kurt's lower lip, before he pressed a kiss so passionate onto Kurt's mouth it almost literally took his breath away.

"What was that?" Kurt smiled.

"That-," Blaine uttered, before kissing Kurt chaste on his lips, "-was what I should have said the first time I met you."

Kurt blushed crimson in the embrace of his husband. The curls of Blaine's hair fell perfectly over his forehead though most of it were still gelled down. The same brown eyes that he first met near eight months ago gaze back upon him, only this time- they were different. The first time he looked into them, they were filled with isolation and sorrow. Like he was hiding something, hiding himself from the world. This time, they weren't. They were staring at him in admiration, in happiness, in liberation, and most of all- staring at him with love.

"I love you baby," Blaine mouthed, his hand gently stroking Kurt's waist.


They continued their venture through the dark halls of McKinley. The dim lightning providing them with the slightest modicum of clear vision, but Kurt was not afraid- because the arm he was holding on to was strong, assuring him security, assuring him that nothing could harm him.

"Do you remember this place," Blaine asked as they walked into one of the classrooms. It was the room where they used to have chemistry lesson together- where things began to spark for the both of them. 

"The first time I sat next to you, I was staring at you the whole time." Blaine whispered shyly.

"Awe, my little stalker," Kurt cooed as they entered the classroom. "Mm, and I remember blushing so hard because you talked to me."

"Why would you blush at that?"

"Because the hot football stud in the school was talking to me," Kurt smirked.

"Hot football stud huh," Blaine smiled coquettishly. He lifted Kurt up so his butt was seated on the experimentation desk, his hands travelling up and down Kurt's toned thighs. Blaine brought his lips to Kurt's exposed neck and began planting a trail of butterfly kisses on the flesh, earning a soft whimper from the boy.

"Mm that feels good," he moaned quietly.

Smiling, Blaine began nibbling on the soft skin, leaving tiny red marks along the boy's neck. Kurt's thighs grew rigid and his legs wrapped around Blaine's waist. Heels digging deep into his ass cheeks. He took both of Kurt's hands and pressed them down onto the table, restraining them from moving.

"You're so sexy," Blaine groaned as his lips ascended up to Kurt's chin, slowly up to his lips. They smashed together, tongue once again exploring deep inside each other's saliva infested mouths. Kurt's lips were dry and cracked, but Blaine sorted that out for him by licking the boy's lower and upper lip.

"God I've always wanted to have sex in school," Blaine mouthed, earning a small adorable giggle from Kurt. 

"Well you made all my fantasies come true, I'll make yours come true tonight," Kurt breathed, before he laid back down on the table, pulling Blaine on top of him. He hovered over Kurt for awhile, staring intently into those beautiful blue eyes. His heart expanding and contracting at the amount of love he had for the boyr

Kurt pulled the zipper of Blaine's jacket down to it's hook, revealing his white tank top tightly wrapped around his small frame. Kurt travelled his hand up the singlet, his warm hands comforting on Blaine's skin.

Pulling the jacket off, Blaine threw it to the side and attacked Kurt's moist red lips with his won, devouring his tongue into his mouth. "Urg you're so fucken hot," Blaine moaned as his lips went by the regular motion on Kurt's lips.

Kurt pulled Blaine's tank top over his head, revealing his chest and stomach. The boy went wide eyed with lust as his eyes took in Blaine's shirtless image. "I never get bored seeing you topless," Kurt blushed. His hands went up Blaine's sides to rest gently on his shoulders blades, tugging him lower for more skin contact.

Blaine began pulling up Kurt's simple black t shirt. The boy whimpering when Blaine's fingers came into contact with his abdominal. He grinned widely when Blaine tugged the t shirt over his head and flopped down so their bodies were flushed together- bare skin to bare skin.

"The first time we were here, you flinched when I simply touched your back. Now we're having sex on the very same table," Blaine mumbled in between French kisses.

"Oh how things evolve," Kurt groaned when Blaine's fingers hooked onto his tight jeans. He wasted no time and immediately tug them down to expose Kurt's erection. The boy whimpered at the sudden cold breeze around his penis, and almost came right there and then when Blaine's fingers circled around the length.

"Shit- fuck Blaine," Kurt moaned out.

Hooking his own fingers on the hem of Blaine's pants, Kurt tugged them down to reveal this perfect curve of his ass from the restriction of denims. He clasp the cheeks into his palms, and Blaine cried out in pleasure.

"Mm you like my ass?" Blaine teased, his tongue licking on the folds of Kurt's earlobes.

"Love it," Kurt breathed incoherently,

Blaine jumped off from Kurt's laying body and tugged Kurt's jeans off his long legs before throwing it to join their shirts. He pulled off his own bottoms, tossed them to the pile and climbed back on top of Kurt. Their skin warm against each other.

"I love you so much," Blaine mumbled into their kiss, earning a soft grin from the beautiful boy. 

"I'm yearning for you to be inside of me right now," Kurt said lustfully, which sent a tingle down to Blaine's groin that was pressed against Kurt's own erection.

He pulled Kurt's thighs up so his feet rested on the table top and adjusted himself so the head of his erection was in perfect aim of Kurt's tight, tight entrance. The boy whimpered when Blaine teased his penis on the surface of his sensitive hole.

"Fuck me Blaine," Kurt mouthed in a timid, school boy manner that infused the burning fire in Blaine's stomach. "Fuck me hard," he said, again with the same tone. 

He wasted no time- because Kurt's yearning moans were too much for him to handle he was about to blow his load before even pounding into Kurt. He pushed himself deep into Kurt, the boy began shaking and screaming in complete ecstasy.

"Oh yeah- oh fuck yeah Blaine," he moaned.

The room was in complete silence, only the sound of heavy grunting and Kurt's sinful moans echoing around the four walls of the chemistry classroom. Kurt's hands were grasp tightly on opposite edges of the table tob as his body rocked with the repeated pounding of his husband.

"Mm fuck Kurt you're so tight. Fuck!" Blaine groaned as his penis kept hitting on that particular spot that made Kurt's brain go dizzy, and his testicles tighten.

Beads of sweat formed on his arms, and his back and his forehead from the constant and repetitive pounding, until he felt the familiar heat rush down to the put of his stomach. "I'm so close baby," he moaned out to Kurt.

Kurt's thighs grew rigid once more and clasp on the table top were strong causing his knuckles to shiver. "Me too," he mumbled. His eyes were closed, his lashes pointing downwards and his hair a sweaty mess with brown locks sticking to his forehead.

With one last penetration into the boy, Blaine yelled out Kurt's name as he reached his climax and allowed his body to crumbled in his orgasm. Seconds later, Kurt was the same. His grasp almost broke the table into pieces as his penis shot out white specimens onto Blaine's chest.

Blaine dropped on top of Kurt, crushing the boy slightly with his weight. He panted, gulping down huge chunks of oxygen as his mind swirled from the climax on blowing himself into Kurt. 

"That was, like always, amazing," Kurt panted breathlessly.

"Sex with you is always amazing," Blaine replied, equally breathless.

They laid there for a few heartbeats. The dim lightning in the room resembled an interrogation room. Blaine's chest was stained with Kurt's specimens- dry now. He pried himself off the warm boy before doing his best work to try to clean his chest. Kurt slowly jumped down from the table and wrapped his arms around his husband neck.

He gaped wonderly at Blaine, his blue eyes almost too bright and tantalizing for Blaine to stare at intently. His arms were draped tightly around Blaine's neck, but it felt more like Kurt was using Blaine for support to stand. His eyes were drowsy looking and he seemed to be breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" Blaine asked. He used his fingers to brush the boy's sweaty hair back into place. "Hmm," Kurt hummed. He smiled weakly at Blaine before pressing his lips chaste onto his lips. A tear streamed down his face when he parted from Blaine's lips.

"You mean the world to me," he whispered sadly.

"You mean the world to me too-"

"No, you need to understand me," Kurt said, his breathing irregular. "You mean so much to me. More than anyone. You are, the first boy that I have ever fallen in love with. You are the first boy who made me feel beautiful, who made me feel desired. You are the only person who has never looked at me, and my illness, like I was some kind of broken human being. I love you, so much, Blaine. And despite the many times I've utter those words, they never seem to be enough to express to you how profound they are. I love you," Kurt whimpered, his blue eyes staining with clear salty tears, his lips quivered at every word he uttered.

"I know, Kurt. I love you too, more even. You are not broken. You're perfect, and I love you." Blaine assured, with a smile he was hoping wouldn't turn into heartfelt tears. He held the boy close in his arms, not wanting to let go- ever.


Blaine drove the car into The Hummels. It was way past midnight- probably around two in the morning. Neither of them really cared because Blaine was too satisfied with the day he had spent with the only person that mattered to him- Kurt.

Kurt looked weak. His eyes drifted to slumber and to wake every few seconds.

Blaine pulled the passenger door open and helped Kurt out of the car. The boy was on the verge of collapsing, so Blaine held on tightly to his waist and helped him walk up to the house. 

"Remember when you collapsed in school, and I helped you back to your dad's truck. You were all stubborn not wanting me to touch you," Blaine laughed.

"I love you for doing that though," Kurt smiled weakly. 

They walked into the house, where one Burt Hummel was seated across from the television watching some football game that neither Blaine nor Kurt were interested in. 

"Hey dad," Kurt mumbled, trying his best to keep his brain in sanity. 

"Hi kiddo. Hey Blaine. Where have you two been?" he asked, though his eyes were more fixated on the television. 

"Just- out," Kurt smirked at Blaine.

His father gave no response, obviously he was too engrossed to even give a slight bother as to why they were home so late. Blaine and Kurt descended down to Kurt's bedroom, in which Blaine gently laid Kurt down on his bed.

He climbed across the boy and draped his arm over Kurt's chest. Inhaling the sweet scent of Kurt Hummel.

His hair was out of place, but he still looked as good as ever. He closed his eyes slowly, before fluttering his lashes and turning on his side to stare at Blaine in his eyes. A tear streamed out of the corner of his right eye, soaking a small portion of the bed sheet.

Kurt brought his hand up and stroked Blaine's cheek with his thumb. His sharp stubbles scratching Kurt's fingers as he stroked on the boy's chin softly, and lovingly. 

"You're beautiful," Kurt mouthed in a voice barely audible Blaine had to leaned forward to catch it.

"Not as beautiful as you," Blaine replied, his smile genuine and adoring to his husband.

"I remember blushing so hard when I was walking back to my car on the first day of school, and then I caught you looking at me. I was about to melt into a puddle at how gorgeous you were," Kurt laughed hoarsely.

"Oh I remember that. I remember dreading having to probably make out with Quinn, but smiling when I saw you walking to your car looking all pretty with skinny jeans," Kurt laughed harder, though his throat sounded dry and hoarse.

"Only a few can pull off jeans as tight as mine, okay."

"Right you are," Blaine cooed.

Their eyes bore into each other, like they were reading each other's minds. Brown to blue, like the first time they met. 

"If some miraculous miracle happened and cure my cancer, how do you think our lives would be..10 years from now," Kurt asked timidly, his eyes still holding on to his gaze.

A look of sadness seemed to wash over Blaine's face, his eyes seemed to wander off into the depths of his inner sorrows as he was once again reminded of the death that would soon come and take the love of his life away.

"10 years from now-" Blaine started, his eyes slowly meeting again with the daytime blues that were staring back at him intently. "We would be living in New York, probably. You would be working at some high end fashion company, like Vogue. I hope to be a professional pianist by then, and come home to sing to you. We would live in a small apartment over looking central park, where we would spend every night making out on the balcony. We would order in pizza and ice cream every night and sit together watching re runs of How I Met Your Mother, your beautiful laughter would echo in the living room, making me grin widely. I would make love to you before we go to bed, and walk you to work in the morning, kissing you on the street before bidding you goodbye. We would be legally married, and maybe adopt a child. Most of all, I would be telling you how much I love you, every second of every day."

Kurt whimpered softly, tears streaming down his sparkling eyes. "That sounds- that sounds perfect." Kurt said through soft sobs. "What would the child's name be?" he asked timidly, tears still violently falling down his cheeks.

"I don't know yet. I would leave that up to you," Blaine shrugged. His smile was tantalizingly beautiful, making Kurt's heart tighten in his chest at the thought of not being able to give Blaine the stunning picture of the future he had painted.

"Can I name him Landon?"

"Why Landon?" 

"Because it's a character from a book I love, a walk to remember. A character that resembles you a lot." Kurt admitted.

Blaine smiled, as he shifted himself closer to Kurt so their faces were inches apart. "Landon sounds good," Blaine uttered, before kissing the boy deeply on his perfect lips.

"I'm sorry that I can't give you that future," Kurt whispered sadly, his voice verging on tears.

"It's okay, Kurt. I don't care about the future all that much, what matters to me is now. How I have you here with me, now."

"But, still..-"

"Please don't, Kurt. I love you, and I rather have a few months with you, then not have you at all." Blaine comforted, his eyes gazing reassuringly at Kurt. The boy's limbs were weak and the tears in his eyes kept falling whenever his eyes blinked, which was strangely very regular.

"I love you," Kurt uttered sadly.

"I love you too," Blaine mouthed, before he kissed Kurt chaste on his lips. "You look really tired, Kurt. Maybe you should rest. Do you want a glass of water or something? Or milk?"

"Milk," Kurt laughed.

"I'll go get it for you," Blaine pushed himself up and hovered over Kurt, who looked a sickly pale colour. His eyes were still prominently blue, making the insides of Blaine twirl in admiration. He lowered his lips down and pressed a chaste kiss on Kurt's lips. Only a small energy was exerted on Kurt's part, his lips barely went by the regular motion.

"You're beautiful. You're my beautiful, beautiful husband," Blaine cooed, earning a weak smile from Kurt.

He jumped off the bed and strolled to the flight of stairs, but halted on the first platform when a weak voice called his name. "Blaine?" Kurt whispered timidly.

Blaine spun around to face his husband, the blue eyed boy stared at him with a look so devastating stunning. "Yes, baby?" Blaine managed.

"I never did get to know your favourite colour," he mouthed weakly.

Blaine smiled brightly, before he strolled back to kneel down next the bed Kurt was laying on. "My favourite colour-" Blaine paused, staring into the beautiful round optics inside the Kurt's sockets, "- is the colour of your eyes," he told.

He leaned forward and pressed another soft, chaste kiss on the boy's lips before flashing his familiar quirky smile and leaving the bedroom for the kitchen.

Blaine waited for the water to boil, patiently tapping his fingers on the table top of the dining table. A quiet noise came from where Burt was sprawled on his chair watching the television intently- like men are with football. 

Pouring the water into a spoon full of canned milk, he stirred it with a spoon walked back down the stairs to the basement bedroom, but he halted in his tracks a few yards away from the bed, where Kurt laid.

Only, it wasn't in the state Blaine had left him.

Kurt was lying on the bed, his eyes were closed, covering his blue optics. His red lips were sealed, in a way as if wouldn't ever open again. His nostrils did not flare, it remained still. His hand was hanging off the edge of the bed lazily, his wedding ring still intact around his fingers. His skin pale, no color of health or blood seemed to run in his veins. His chest- remained flat. It did not rise, nor did it fall in a way to show that he was breathing.

He looked, more so than he had ever been- he looked lifeless.


End Notes: It was incredibly hard for me to write this chapter. Really. I hope you guys thought it was apporprite, all the reminscing. Leave reviews I kinda need to know what you guys thought. This is the second last chapter, after this there's one more, and then there's an epilogue. That will be the official last. So two more!


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Oh no :'( You've made me cry

Oh this was amazing, I am crying right now!! I am waiting for your update

Update soon. Kurt!!!! Update soon. Great amazing fantastic chapter.