Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 31

K - Words: 4,737 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,029 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey guys!I apologize for the very late update. I've been swamped with school work and shit. Damn where did the holidays go! Shall not bore you with my life. Enjoy this chapter; took me awhile to write. I apologize for all the grammatical and spelling errors!


Days went by- with every sunrise, Kurt woke up to Blaine's limbs cocooned around his body, wrapping him with warmth and comfort, and security. With every sunset, their lips burned with passion as they kissed the night away, again in each other's embrace.

Blaine had successfully been accepted to the colleges he applied to, mainly; Stamford University and Yale University- not that he doubted he wouldn't. With his surname, he was sure the administration office immediately penned his name down under accepted. Kurt had been more excited than Blaine was, though in his incredibly feeble state, he only managed to thrust his fist weakly into the air, yelling out in hoarse tone, "My husband is smart."

It was a stinging pain in Blaine's chest to watch Kurt in such a state- like with every breath he took, could possibly be his last. He tried to keep Kurt as close to him as possible, but with the last few days of school being upon him, and graduation around the corner- he had to dreadfully leave his husband for 8 hours every day to mark his presence in school.

Though every time he was in school, he would stare at the clock during each lesson to count the number of hours, minutes, seconds he had left before he was free and allowed to rush back home to passionately make love to Kurt.

"Good morning sunshine," Blaine hummed as his eyes flutter open to greet the baby blues that were gazing at him.

"Good morning," Kurt whispered breathlessly. "Someone's graduation is today."

The heat on Blaine's cheeks burned at the beautiful smile of his husband. He pulled Kurt closer to him, stroking his thumb on the thick fabric the boy was donned in. 

"You'll be there?" Blaine asked, his brown eyes warm and gentle to the other boy.

Kurt leaned forward and pressed his lips chaste on Blaine's, chewing on his lower lip. "Of course I will. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Smiling, Blaine wrapped his arm tighter around the boy's waist, nuzzling his nose into the crook of Kurt's neck. The boy's temperature was burning, but the scent was still very much intoxicating. It was still a wonder to Blaine, how god could create such a stunning human being such as Kurt, only to curse him with an illness that'll take him away before the world could gaze and drool over his perfection.

"Are you excited to leave McKinley? What will you miss most about the place?" Kurt asked.

"What I'll miss most is, walking down the hallway you and I first met each other."

Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine's temple softly, his lips dry and cracked- but the affection still made Blaine's heart flutter in awe. "Have you decided on your college yet?"

"No not yet, but I'll probably go to Stamford. My parents don't mind, as long as it's either of the two."

Kurt smiled, and inhaled the scent of his husband- the sweet, musky scent of his husband. It was moments like this he wanted to cherish most; simply laying in bed, his arms and legs around the boy. Blaine's morning scent, the way his normally gelled down hair is all curly and unruly in the most beautifully natural way, the way his eye lids hung sleepily at the middle section of it's sockets. The way his strong biceps held on to his waist for dear life- like he wanted to Kurt as close to him as possibly, as if Kurt would sink down into the abyss of despair if he eased up his grasp- it was moments like this he wished would last forever.

"Are you excited to give your speech?" Kurt asked, his smile broad and tantalizing.

"Urg don't remind me. Thank god there are five other people giving speeches too. That means I only have to swallow up humiliation for like two minutes."

"You'll do fine, Blaine." Kurt assured, the boy's name curling at his tongue. "I have something for you. Call it a graduation present, call it a gift simply because you're my husband and I love you, but I got you something."

Blaine rose to a sitting position and clapped his hands together like a child. "What is it! What is it!" He was basically bouncing on the spot, his eyes bright with excitement.

Kurt stretched to the drawer on his night stand and pulled out a red box, the size of his palm. He handed it to Blaine slowly, his hands shaking at the small energy he had to exert just by simply handing Blaine a box.

Blaine's fingers lingered over the top section of box for awhile, the plastic material soft and shiny on his thumb. He hooked his fingers on the tiny gap and pulled the top section of the box open- his lips immediately stretched so far back of his cheeks the muscles and veins on his neck looked like they were about to explode.

"It's a bow-tie, I made it myself on the days I was waiting for you to come back from school. I thought you would look good in it, and the pin," Kurt said, his finger pointing to the small, metallic yellow object that was securely fixed on the cloth of the bow. "It's a brooch of the sun. You know, because-"

"Because you're my sunshine," Blaine finished, his eyes transfixed at the gift. "Kurt this is beautiful."

"The pin is removal though, I know it doesn't go along with the bow but I thought maybe you could take it off and put it anywhere you'd like."

"You mean I can put it on the clothes I wear for the day."

"Or that," Kurt shrugged, feigning nonchalance when really he had melted into a puddle.

"I love it, and I'm going to wear it today- and forever. Thank you, baby." Blaine grinned, and shut the box nicely, before moving closer to Kurt to kiss him deeply, passionate- taking his breath away in the usual way he did.

"Now go shower, and put on your gown. You're graduating today." Kurt hummed.


The auditorium was packed with proud and excited parents, students from lower grades waiting impatiently to cheer on their seniors, teachers deep in conversation- though Kurt attended McKinley as a student once before, he felt like such an outsider being in the school building now.

"Kurt!" A girl called out amongst the sea of people. 

Her hand shot up and waved excitedly at Kurt. She ran to him and threw herself, gently this time, and wrapped her hands around his neck. "I'm so glad you're here!" Rachel exclaimed. "How have you been? I haven't seen you since your wedding." 

Though Rachel noticed the sickly colour Kurt's skin had turned into, the dry cracks on his lips, how his eyes were tired and almost vacant, how his arms had wrapped around her frame weakly, the burning temperature his entire body was radiating- she didn't say anything, because she was glad he was still physcially standing.

"I've been okay. Catching up on a little honeymoon I didn't get to go to if you know what I mean," Kurt joked. Rachel's smile was broad at the trying attempt of humour. The fact that the boy was still positive despite his weakly state, made tears threaten to form in her eyes.

"How have you been? No, most importantly where did you get accepted to?" Kurt asked.

Rachel blushed lightly, her red graduation gown swinging at her ankles. "I got accepted to NYADA, in New York."

"Oh my god! Rachel that is amazing! Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Kurt," Rachel muttered, her mouth digging into Kurt's shoulder as the boy pulled her into a light squeeze. 

"Calling all seniors, please report outside the auditorium now." a voice bellowed out from a P.A system Kurt didn't realize was fixed in here. 

"I better go. It's really good seeing you again. I hope we can go for coffee or something before I leave for New York?" Rachel hinted.

"Of course," Kurt smiled kindly. They hugged each other once more before Rachel rushed off with all the other students donned in red gowns. Kurt took a seat next to his father, who had his left arm draped over Carole's shoulder. Mr and Mrs Anderson were seated behind him. They all sat, excited to watch the graduation ceremony commence.

"Good morning parents, teachers, students, and friends. Welcome, to the 2012 McKinley High graduation ceremony!" A loud applause and a few cheers were followed once Miss Pillsbury finished off her greeting. "Without further ado, I present to you, our two thousand and twelve McKiney High seniors!"

An uplifting melody bounced around the walls and everybody rose to their feet to cheer on the rows of students that came pouring out from the doors at the very back of the auditorium, all dressed in their red graduation gowns. 

Kurt was on his toes, his right hand grasped tightly on his father's shoulder for support as he stretched his neck higher in search of those brown hazel eyes, but the red gowns all looked similar it gave him a slight headache, but when a light was shined at a particular student, a bright reflection from a metallic object pinned on his collar went straight to Kurt's eyes. He looked up to greet his husbands optics.

His smile was toothy wide as his gaze rested on Kurt. He descended down the steps, along with the row of students both behind, and in front of him. He never tore his gaze away from Kurt, he smiled brightly, and Kurt felt a profound sense of something warm inside his stomach- a sensation that could only mean that he was so proud of his husband.

The yellow brooch on his collar was nicely pinned, and simply by the sight made Kurt's heart flutter in admiration. Blaine took a seat at the very front row, right in front of the stage. The entire first and second row was filled with red.

"Good morning everyone," Mr Figgins, the principal, addressed. "I am very pleased to be here, to celebrate the very monumental achievement of our fellow seniors. I think I speak for the faculty that we cannot be more proud of you," his thick Indian accent surround the room.

"Because we want to highlight and glorify the top five students with the highest GPA, I shall now invite the first student up to say a few words. Miss Rachel Berry?"

A round of applause echoed around the auditorium as the cheery girl bounched up onto stage with confidence, like the stage was always a place she loved to be on. Nobody cheered louder than two gentleman in their probable 40s sat at the very back.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Rachel Berry. Hi dads!" Rachel waved, "I just want to say, that high school was rough for me at first, but after joining the glee club, I felt like I found my place in this school. I guess being part of something special, does make you special. Thank you my fellow glee clubbers, for you guys are the only ones who made me feel accepted. Thank you teachers, thank you especially, to Mr Schuester, for without you, I wouldn't be standing here right now ready to greet the next phase of my life, which is NYADA, with open arms. Thank you," a tear streamed down the girl's cheek as the crowd applauded her. She descended down the small steps back to her seat before principal Figgins slid in front of the microphone again.

"Next up," the man looked at a small card he had in his hands before clearing his throat and announcing the next student up on stage. "Mister Blaine Devon Anderson?"

Blaine rose from his seat and walked nervously up to the stage. Principal Figgins tapped him gently on the shoulder before shifting away and leaving Blaine standing in front of the huge audience, the spotlight on him. He gulped, and was about to blow chunks, when his eyes settled comfortably on a familiar blue eyed beauty.

Kurt smiled encouragingly at him- and simply by his eyes Blaine managed to soak up every bit of confidence he had.

"G-Good morning everyone, my name is Blaine Anderson." the boy stuttered for a bit. Kurt almost wanted to rush down to the stage to hold his hand. He seemed to zone out for awhile, before he came back to reality and smiled. 

"I have much to thank to McKinley high. The teachers for their countless efforts to edge knowledge and education into our brains, and tolerating our behaviour. The students, who gave me a glimpse of how the outside world will be like- no offence. Mostly, I thank McKinley, for without this school, I wouldn't have met the the absolute love of my life. Kurt, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in this school, and probably the thing I would cherish most once I graduate. I love you, sunshine. Thank you," he finished off sweetly before a roar of applause followed his speech.

Kurt had tears in his eyes now, frantically wiping them away but they would not stop falling from his eyes. It was like an open facet. "Here you go sweetie," a kind voice got his attention and he turned to find his mother-in-law, Mrs Anderson waving a piece of napkin at him. He took it willingly before thanking the woman.

Three other students took their turn giving short speeches, but Kurt wasn't paying attention. His mind was too preoccupied with the fact that Blaine had just gone on stage and told almost everyone in Lima, Ohio that he loved Kurt. Though they were married, it still felt surreal to Kurt someone as gorgeous as Blaine could have such a magnitude of love for him.

"Very well then, it is time to present these bright young hopefuls, with their high school diplomas. Seniors, if I call your name, please come up." the Indian man said. "Mister Noah Puckerman," Kurt's jaw nearly dropped. Kurt always assumed Puck was a grade point average 0.0 Neanderthal, he ever expected him to pass any test at all let alone graduate.

The boy with the sharp Mohawk ascended up the stage and shook the principal's hand, before he did an obscene dance that invovled hard thrusting of his hips. The music was one of those songs you would expect at a graduation ceremony, and it soothed into everyone's ears- a rewarding tune.

Kurt was clapping excitedly for everyone, mostly he was excited for Blaine to be accepting his diploma.

"Miss Rachel Berry."

The girl with brunette locks ascended up the stage once more and accepted her diploma. She did a little curtsy. Her smile was wide, and she had little tears in her brown eyes. She waved at the two gentleman seated at the far back, before joining the rest of the students at the back of the stage.

"Miss Quinn Fabray."

The beautiful blond girl climbed the steps carefully, with some assistance from Miss Pillsbury. Her stomach was big now, but she wore it proudly. Taking her diploma, she too curtsied shakily before joining the rest of the students at the back.

"Mister Finn Hudson."

Carole leaped out of her seat and began screaming and clapping with enthusiasm. The tall boy walked up on stage, took his diploma from the principal and search for his mother in the crowd. He waved rapidly at her, his long arms stretching far up to the heavens. He bowed, and too joined the crowd of students all holding on to their diplomas.

"Miss Santana Lopez."

The girl walked up the stage with her hand on her hip. She flipped her hair to the crowd and gave her best smouldering eye look that made all other girls simply want to kill themselves from heavy insecurity- and all the boys at their sexual climax. She took her diploma, winked at the crowd, before turning on her heel and taking her place next to pregnant Quinn.

"Mister Blaine Anderson."

The tiny boy was donned in a red gown, like everyone else, only his drowned him- the cloth sweeping the floor as he walked carefully towards his diploma. A white linen shirt stuck out from the graduation gown at his neck- and a glimpse of a maroon bow tie was seen.

The yellow pin was a focal point with the red fabric as it's colour base.

His graduation cap sat nicely on his gelled locks. He halted in front of the principal and shook the man's hand firmly, taking his diploma, before he turned to the crowd- but it wasn't the crowd he was smiling at, it was Kurt- solely Kurt.

Kurt smiled widely at his husband, waving his arm proudly. In return, Blaine blew him a kiss before bending down and taking a casual bow before turning around and joining the group of students. Kurt had never felt more proud of Blaine, then a tear formed in his eyes.

He realized that this would probably be the only ceremony of achievement he would sit in the audience and watch proudly as his husband stroll across the stage and accept an award- Kurt realized that he was probably never ever going to be there any more when Blaine graduates from college, or when he receives a Bachelor's degree in performing arts, or when he receives his glowing PH.D. The thought made his body weak, and his eyes turned sad and vacant.

Through the sea of people, Blaine tilted his head and watched his husband. Kurt was dragged out of his train of thought when a deep voice bellowed in his ear. "You okay, kid?" Burt asked, staring curiously at his son. 

Kurt breathed in heavily, forcing himself not to ruin the day for Blaine. "I'm fine, just- I'm so proud to see him up there." Kurt said truthfully, because he was not lying.

"Seniors, you may now move your tassels to the left," Miss Pillsbury said. The students followed suit, grabbing the black tassel and moving it from the right side, to the left. "Ladies and gentleman, parents and friends- I present to you, our two thousand and twelve McKinley High graduates!"

An uproar of cheers and applause echoed in the auditorium as the graduates threw their caps into the air, only to have it rained down on them. Mothers and fathers had tears in their eyes as they watched their children complete one stage of their lives. The cheer was deafening, but uplifting. Kurt smiled and hugged Mr Anderson, who had come to his side. 

The students donned in red all poured down from the stage and ran to their parents and friends. Before Kurt could even think, he was lifted into the air by a pair of strong arms. He looked down to find Blaine staring up at him, with a smile so bright it could have cured cancer. He slowly brought Kurt back down to solid ground until their faces were inches apart.

"Congratulations," Kurt mouthed through the cheers and claps, and music.

"I love you," Blaine mouthed back, his brown eyes boring into Kurt's blues.

Blaine wrapped an arm tightly around Kurt's waist, draping him in red, silky fabric. He pulled Kurt closer, until their lips were so close to each other Kurt could feel the hot, sweet breath brushing on the tip of his lips.

"I'm so proud of you, Blaine," Kurt whispered, before taking the boy's lips with his. He realized that as sad as he was that he wouldn't be around for all of Blaine's achievements- he knew in his gut that the boy was destined for big things in his life.


"Congratulations, Blaine. Your mom and I are so proud of you," Mr Anderson said across the table. 

They were having a congratulatory lunch at Lima's only semi- good restaurant BreadStix. Mr and Mrs Anderson sat next to each other across the table, Blaine and Kurt had their hands clasped with each other on Kurt's knee. Burt had left for his tire shop.

"Thanks, dad." Blaine said.

A waitress came over and served them with their orders. Just as Blaine was about to attack his meatball spaghetti, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned when he saw that the number was blocked. 

"Who is it?" Kurt asked, catching the sight of Blaine staring at his phone.

"Don't know, blocked."

"Answer it," Kurt said.

Blaine slid the scroller and put his iPhone onto his hear. A woman's voice came through from the speaker. 

"Good afternoon. Is this Blaine Anderson I am talking to?"

"Yes. May I ask who is this?" 

"My name is Clara. I'm calling from the Julliard School of Performing Arts."

Blaine gulped.

"I'm calling because we got your application form, along with the video of you performing. You did send us way past the deadline, and we were prepared to simply ignore your application, but I am glad we didn't. We watched the video, and we were pleasantly surprised. Floored, even. We do not normally accept students far after the deadline of submission forms, but Mr Anderson, you are truly an exception- a talent we simply must have in this school. Henceforth, I am calling to inform you that you have graciously been accepted to the Julliard School Of Performing Arts, should you choose to accept it- of course."

Blaine was speechless. His hand was weak in the clasp with his husband, and Kurt frowned at him in wonder. He stared blankly at his spaghetti and he couldn't form any coherent words even if he wanted to.

"Mr Anderson?"

"I- wow- but c-can I ask..what video are you referring to?"

"Oh, the video of you performing teenage dream on the piano, of course."

"But I didn't-" Blaine glanced over and Kurt, and he knew.

"So, Mr Anderson, will you accept?" the woman asked.

"Could you maybe give me a day? Or maybe a few hours?- to decide?"

"Of course.You may call me at this number-" Blaine wrote down the number on a napkin, his fingers shaking.

"Okay, I got it. Thank you."

"Oh, and Mr Anderson, I really do hope you would accept our offer. You truly have a talent, Mr Anderson, and the song you sang, I could tell it was meant for that boy in the video with you."

Blushing, the line went dead and it took Blaine a few seconds to process everything. He almost wanted to punch his stomach to make sure it was real, that what he had heard was real.

"Who was it?" Kurt asked casually, stuffing his mouth with lettuce.

"You sneaky little minx." Blaine said.

"What do you mean?" the boy asked, clearly bewildered.

"What are you talking about, Blaine?" Mrs Anderson asked. Apparently Blaine's parents both had their eyes fixated at Kurt and Blaine. "You submitted my application form to Julliard, didn't you?" A smiled pulled across Blaine's cheeks, though he wasn't really sure whether he was mad at Kurt, or if he wanted to kiss the boy so hard his lips would tear.

Kurt blushed. "What did they say?"

"I-I got accepted-"

"Oh my god, Blaine! I knew it, I knew it baby! I knew it!" Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's neck and nuzzled his face into Blaine's shoulder.

"Kurt, you know I can't go." Blaine whispered.

"Don't be so sure."

Kurt pulled away, and smiled encouragingly at Blaine. He turned around and faced Mr Anderson straight in his eyes. "Mr Anderson, our plan worked perfectly." The man smiled at Kurt, and a jaw hanging Blaine stared at them in confusion.

"See, Blaine," Mr Anderson started. "Kurt told me about your dream to go to Julliard, and I was offended when he told me you think we wouldn't even consider it. Haven't I proved that I'm all for your decisions as long as they're reasonable? So we worked out a plan, Kurt proposed it."

"B-but dad..what about Stamford, and Yale-"

"Blaine, those schools are great," Mrs Anderson said. "But if it's not your dream, we can't force it on you. If you want to go to Julliard, we're all for it."

A tear formed in Blaine's eyes as he watched his parents in awe.

"But how did you get that video?"

"I had a video camera placed in there, it was up to Kurt to get you to sing something. He did, and like we expected, Julliard accepted you."

"S-so this means I can go? I can attend Julliard?"

"Yes," Mr and Mrs Anderson hummed in unison.

Blaine was speechless. He couldn't believe what he heard, both the words from his parents, the plan Kurt had meticulously orchestrated, his acceptance from Julliard- it was all too much and his tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"Awe, baby. I'm so happy for you." Kurt hugged Blaine around his chest and kissed him lightly on his cheek.

"I can't believe you did this for me..Kurt."

"I would do anything for you. You know that."

"We'll leave you two then. Blaine, call them up and let them know you're going to attend Julliard." Mr Anderson smiled. Blaine leapted out of his chair and threw his arms around his father, hugging him tightly, thanking him with every breath he exhaled. He did the same gesture for his mother- it took them awhile, but Mr and Mrs Anderson had officially gave Blaine a full circle of happiness.


"I still can't believe that happened," Blaine said as he took the wheel with Kurt lying weakly in the passenger seat. "You're amazing, you kow that?"

"I have my moments," Kurt coughed.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked, looking over at his husband who has curled at the corner of the seat, his knees wrapped tightly with his arms.

"Yeah, I just- don't worry about it. So thrilled you're going to be attending Julliard."

"It's always been my dream, and I have you to thank."

Kurt smiled tiredly, his eyelids kept falling hiding his blue optics behind his flesh. Blaine still found the events that transpired today surreal. Julliard- a school he had almost found to be so far from reach, so impossible to even consider. His smile was growing weary, but he could not wipe it off even if he wanted to.

They pulled into the driveway of The Hummels moments later. Blaine pulled the passenger seat door open and helped his weak husband out of the vehicle. The boy grasp tightly on his arm as they walked up the front porch, but Kurt pulled him towards the couch placed there instead.

"It's cold out here," Blaine said as Kurt slithered into his arms and laid his head on Blaine's chest. His hair still smelled rousing, his skin still very warm and soft. "It's okay, I'm warm enough for you." Kurt joked.

"So proud of you," Kurt yawned.

Blaine chucked shyly as he planted a chaste kiss on the top of Kurt's head. "Thank you baby," Blaine said. He cleared his throat because he had wanted to ask Kurt about something. "You looked a little sad earlier in the auditorium. Was everything okay?"

The boy tensed in Blaine's arms, and he could feel a warm tear stream down his cheek and drenched a small part of Blaine's shirt. "Hey, what's wrong?" Blaine asked, pulling Kurt up gently so his face was in sight. 

He was sobbing quietly, his lashes wet with little drops of tears, his perfectly shaped lips quivering- the sight made Blaine's heart tighten. "Baby, what's wrong?" Blaine asked again, cupping Kurt's cheek with his thumb.

"I just..I came to a realization, that's all," the boy stifled.

"What realization? Kurt, please don't cry.." Blaine comforted, stroking Kurt's jaw with his fingers.

The boy sobbed, staring down at his thighs. It seemed like a long moment passed before Kurt finally spoke in a hoarse, sad tone. "I realized..that I'll never sit in the crowd and watch proudly as you accept another achievement."


"It's true. I don't want to put a downer on us because I want you to remember me..happy..but I just keep realizing new things every day."

"I know, Kurt.." Blaine whispered sadly. He shifted on the couch and pulled the boy into his arms, comforting him as Kurt whimpered softly into his shoulder. "You're allowed to cry once in awhile, Kurt. It makes you human- because god knows everyone thinks you look like a beautiful creature that came from the heavens."

The boy let out a small, muffled laugh and by the sound, Blaine knew his frown had turned into a smile. It was always rewarding for Blaine whenever he made Kurt smile.

"To me, of course I want you to be physically there..watching. But I know you'll always be there if I achieve something, through this.." Blaine said, twirling his ring finger at Kurt to emphasize the ring.

"...and this." Blaine pointed to the yellow brooch of the sun pinned neatly on the collar of his shirt.

Kurt blushed and kissed Blaine's cheek shakily.

"Besides, marrying you was my biggest accomplishment ever- nothing will ever top that. And not only were you there for it, you were part of it." Blaine smiled.

"I love you- so much, and I'm so proud of you. For graduating as top five. For getting accepted to Julliard...and for all the many things you're going to achieve in your life." Kurt uttered.


End Notes: I know this chapter is a little short, but I had only wanted to address this few parts. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Reviews, please!! Next update will come school I hope! If not, blame it on school. REVIEWS, OKAY?


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Great chapter. Poor Kurt but good job Blaine. How many chapters left? Don't tell me! No do. Keep writing :(

Thank you. Ah just stay tuned, okay? But not many left(;