Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 30

K - Words: 6,042 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
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Author's Notes: Hey there guys! It's late on a Sunday night and I have school tomorrow but I want to submit an update before I start a long, tedious week of school. This one is a slightly long chapter, but I had fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it too!- again, apologize for grammatical or spelling errors.



His long lashes flutter in response, his head spun and throbbed like it was going to burst out of his skull- but the mere sound of Blaine's voice was enough drive for Kurt to power through his pain to open his eyes, and greet the boy.

"Kurt? Baby are you okay?" Blaine asked, stroking Kurt's cheek with his thumb.

He stared at Kurt in worry, his eyes dazzling and bright in the dim lighting of the room. Kurt scanned the people standing around his bed- Burt stood next to the woman Carole, they both wore the same expression Blaine was wearing. Seated on the edge of the bed, doctor Sanders was pressing on Kurt's wrist.

"He's fine. He fainted from over exhaustion." the man told.

A wave of relief seemed to wash over the faces of the people standing around him. Blaine's shoulders slumped and he smiled at Kurt softly, the corners of his perfect lips rising less higher than they usually do. 

"Well thank god. I almost had a heart attack walking in to find him sprawled on the ground like that." Blaine said. "So does this mean he needs to be in bed rest?" 

"Yes. It's best he just stays in bed and rest."

"Thank you, doctor. We appreciate you coming here so late." Burt thanked as he walked doctor Sanders up and out of the basement bedroom. Carole planted herself on the edge of Kurt's mattress and she smile kindly at Kurt.

"I'm glad you're okay sweetie," her motherly tone soothed Kurt's mind. "Is there anything I can maybe get for you? Soup, tea- maybe I can fix you a meal?" She asked.

"No, it's okay. Thank you though," Kurt replied.

She nodded before standing up and leaving the bedroom as well. "Are you sure you're okay, Kurt? You should have told me you were tired I could've taken you home earlier." Blaine pouted angrily. "I didn't want to cut out wedding short- I wanted to spend all night dancing you with by the beach." Kurt shrugged.

Blaine sighed heavily and slowly climbed on the mattress, draping an arm over Kurt's chest- giving Kurt a sense of security he always felt around Blaine. "I know, baby, but your health is important to me. I thought- when I saw you on the ground like that, Kurt. I thought-"

"I know," Kurt interrupted, kissing the boy chaste on his perfectly shaped lips. "I'm sorry."

Blaine tightened his hold and nuzzled his lips into the crook of Kurt's neck, kissing him gently on his bare flesh. "Go to sleep baby. It's late, and like the doctor said, you need to rest and stay in bed."

"Mm I can think of a number of other things to do while still staying in bed," Kurt's hand travelled down to grasp lightly on Blaine's crotch, the boy breathed in sharply at the sudden attack on his cock. "No, not tonight baby. Please, sleep." he said, kissing Kurt on his cheek this time.

"It's our wedding night. We should be fucking like champions," Kurt smiled.

Blaine laughed and attacked Kurt's face with tiny butterfly kisses, the boy blushing at every affection of love. "You don't know how much I want to, but you need to sleep, okay?" Kurt sighed and dropped his head onto Blaine's chest, stirring around for a bit before comfortably laying there.

"Does this mean our honeymoon is cancelled?" Kurt asked sleepily.

"I don't know, baby. How about we ask the doctor tomorrow if he thinks you're fit enough to travel?"

"Okay," Kurt sighed, "Blaine?"

"Yes baby?"

"I'm sorry if I scared you tonight."."I know. It's okay. I'm glad you're okay," Blaine nuzzled his lips into the brown locks of his husband, inhaling the sweet natural scent of Kurt's hair. "Shh, sleep now sunshine. I'll see you in the morning." Blaine whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy's frame.



"I love you, and tonight was probably the best night of my life," Kurt breathed, before his eyes shut completely and he began snoring quietly onto Blaine's chest. "It was mine too, baby. I love you," Blaine whispered, before dozing off into slumber himself.


Sunlight streamed in from the small port hole windows, igniting the room. Kurt woke up to an emtpy bed, no warmth of body around him. He sat up and heard the distinctive sound of a shower running, and smiled when he heard that Blaine was humming, the sound echoing from the bathroom.

"Good morning," Kurt hummed as he joined his husband into the shower.

The boy's smile made his heart swoon, eyes lightning up with admiration as water trickled down his flawless body. "Good morning, beautiful," Blaine said as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him in for a sweet, chaste kiss.

"How are you feeling?" Blaine asked as their lips parted.

"Hm.. better." Kurt responded.

"I have to go home to pick up a few things. Come with me? Then we can go see your doctor to ask him whether he thinks you're fit enough for a fuck filled honeymoon," Blaine said.

Kurt blushed, the warm water providing him with a semblance of freshness he needed from the weakness he was feeling. "Okay, but we don't need a honeymoon to fuck." He turned around and pressed his ass onto Blaine's morning erection, the boy whimpering at the sudden contact with Kurt's entrance.

"Mmm but I don't know if don't know if you're strong enough to have me pound in you so hard youreyes will roll back into your skull."

"Someone is a little confident," Kurt teased, "Why don't you try me, baby." Kurt pressed his ass harder onto the boy's erection, almost penetrating his first ring muscle. The water had drenched him now, soaking his hair and his body in warmth.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Blaine whispered seductively into Kurt's ear, before pushing the boy hard against the tiled walls- the cold pinching Kurt's skin a little, but the whole scene making his entrance yearning to be filled.

Kurt breathed sharply when he felt Blaine's hands grasping on both his ass cheeks, spreading them  to expose his entrance wider- and a cry of pleasure left his month when Blaine's moist tongue suddenly penetrated through his ring muscle.

"Fuck, Blaine-" Kurt moaned.

The boy's tongue swirled into his entrance, bypassing all his tight ring muscles. Blaine pulled it out abruptly and began licking on the hole with the tip of his tongue- the sensation almost throwing Kurt off the edge.

"Mm yeah," Kurt breathed, scratching his nails into the hard tiles. 

"You like that, sexy?" Blaine mumbled.

"Mmm yeah baby- more please."

Blaine's tongued tickled his entrance- teasing Kurt every time Blaine pushed his tongue in, but pulled out just as quickly. With one last lustful lick, Blaine stood up and trailed kisses along the back of Kurt's neck, breathing onto the pale flesh.

"Fuck me, Blaine. Fuck me good please," Kurt begged.

"Anything you want baby," he sucked on the flesh on Kurt's neck before pushing his entire length deep into Kurt's entrance, in search of that perfect spot. Kurt screamed lowly, digging his nails into Blaine's thigh muscles. 

"Fuck you Blaine- fuck me hard."

Following the request, Blaine pulled himself out of Kurt, only to pound harder and deeper into his ass hole. "Fuck yeah," Kurt screamed out in pleasure. His breathing escalated, drops of water trickling down his toned back as the shower rained on them.

"This good for you, honey?" Blaine teased, his fingers pinching the boy's hard nipples.

"Yes, yes- oh god yes," Kurt moaned again. 

The obscenities Kurt was whimpering in pleasure was Blaine's drive to pound into the boy harder. Every moan, every groan, every cry of complete lust made him want to blow his load into the tight hole.

"I'm so close baby," Blaine whispered as he kept the rhythm of pounding into Kurt stable.

"Mm come in me baby," Kurt encouraged. He arched his back and began moving backwards, his ass cheeks slapping onto Blaine's flesh. "Yeah- oh fuck yeah Kurt," Blaine groaned, and with one last penetration, he erupted- all the heat and blood rushing down to his groin and he crumbled and succumbed into his orgasm.

"Fuck!" Blaine screamed.

He swallowed chunks of oxygen, trying to gather his wits as the water poured down over his hair. "God Kurt that was amazing," Blaine breathed.

"It always is," Kurt chimed happily. He turned around and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck before kissing the boy deeply, his tongue swirling inside Blaine's mouth. "You're a sex god to me," Kurt mouthed.

Blaine chuckled and took a handful of Kurt's ass in his palms, the boy whimpering at his grasp. "If I'm a sex god, what are you?"

"Me? I'm your sunshine," Kurt smiled widely at Blaine, water trailing down the sides of his face, his lashes soaked and his eyes a captivating blue.

"That's true," Blaine smiled, biting on Kurt's lower lip and kissing him wildly.


Kurt slumped into the corner of the passenger seat, shivering as the cold wind from the AC pierced onto his porcelain skin. Blaine had his eyes fixated on the road, humming to a Katy Perry number playing on the radio.

"You okay?" Blaine asked, gazing worryingly at Kurt.

"I'm fine, just cold. Can you turn it off?"

"Sure," he replied, before fumbling with the AC button on the dashboard. 

They pulled into the palace's driveway and Blaine immediately got out of the car after turning the ignition off, walking briskly to the other side of the car to pull Kurt's door open for him. They walked hand in hand through the tall timber front doors and was greeted by a smiling Mr Anderson.

"Hello you two, Kurt how are you feeling? I heard about what happened last night." the man asked.

"I'm feeling better. Was just tired."

"Oh, okay. Well you should rest, Kurt. What brings you two here?"

"Just wanted to pick up a few things. Clothes, toiletires- all that." Blaine told.

"Oh, so Burt said yes?"

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, his blue eyes flashing from his husband, to Mr Anderson curiously.

"Well, last night when you were asleep, I kinda asked Burt if maybe I could move in, and he's on board. I was waiting for the right time to ask you-"

"Oh my god of course!" Kurt threw his arms around his husband, smiling widely in pure joy.

"Figured it was a good idea. I want to stay with you, but at the same time I don't want to take you away from your dad."

"That's the most brilliant idea ever!" Kurt bellowed. Mr Anderson was grinning in admiration- too in awe to see his sons in happiness.

"But wouldn't I be taking space in your bedroom?"

"Who cares. Anything for my husband Blaine!"

Kurt began coughing searingly, his throat hoarse from shouting. "Blaine why don't you go pack everything you need. Kurt, come with me to the kitchen I'll fix you some tea." Mr Anderson suggested. "Okay," Blaine gave a light squeezed on Kurt's palms before ascending up the stairs to his bedroom.

He threw a pile of clothes into a duffel bag, a bunch of toiletries consisting of toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo. Though he was moving in with his husband, the contents in his overnight bag sure resembled what he would pack for a weekend spa getaway.

"Kurt?" Blaine called out once he was on ground floor.

"I think he's in the piano room," Mr Anderson informed from the living room, his leg swung over the other and he had today's paper in his hands.

Blaine snaked through the corridors, looking into every room for Kurt. He finally arrived to the familiar brown framed door, with a glass panel in the middle section. He turned the knob to find Kurt standing beside the grand piano in the centre of the room.

"Hey," Blaine hummed.

"Hi," Kurt responded, not even remotely startled.

"What are you doing in here?" Blaine asked as he walked towards Kurt.

"Nothing. Just remembering the first time you brought me in here, and you sang for me. It feels like ages ago," Kurt responded.

"Yeah, well it's not really a good memory," Blaine snaked his arms around Kurt's slender waist and kissed the boy chaste on his cheek.

"It was for me. Well, the first part anyway. The song, and the sex." Kurt smiled shyly. "Will you play for me?" Kurt asked, putting on a puppy eyed teenage boy look that made Blaine's knees weak.

"Sure, baby. What do you want to hear?"

"Anything. Play for me the song in your head, right now."

Blaine grasp on the back of Kurt's thigh and lifted him up abruptly, placing his butt on the top of the piano's lid. "Okay," he whispered, before pressing his lips onto the boy with wild passion and parting away seconds after. He took a seat on the bench and allowed his fingers to trance the ivory keys for awhile.

"Feels like forever since I last touched these. The only form of art I've been playing with, is you," Blaine said cheekily, which made Kurt's cheeks burn crimson. The boy began pressing lightly on a few keys, producing melody so sweet and gentle a river slowly streamed inside of Kurt's system.

Before you met me, I was alright

But things were kind of heavy, you brought me to life

Now every February, you'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Blaine began singing, his lips parted and a gentle hum came in and took away the silence of the room. His eyes closed in passion, those long lashes pointing down like streams of waterfalls- his fingers jumping from ivory to ivory with such precision.

Let's go all the way tonight,

No regrets, just love

We can dance, until we die

You and I, we'll be young forever

Blaine's rendition was softer, slower- more genuine than Katy Perry's original version. Like he was professing every word to Kurt rather than just singing it. It made Kurt's heart tighten at how heavy and profound his love was for Blaine.

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep, lets runaway and don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

My heart stops, when you look at me

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real, so take a chance and don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

A tear streamed down Kurt's cheek as he watched his husband play so professionally on the keys, his fingers not missing one key or fumbling with any note. His voice was stunning, so gentle and flawless it soothed inside Kurt's soul- it might even give Rachel Berry a run for her vocal chords.



I'ma get your heart racing, in my skin tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me, in my skin tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

Oh, tonight



He flashed his eyelids open to bore those warm brown eyes into Kurt, a donning look of admiration swirling in his optics. "That was perfection," Kurt told as he jumped from the top of the piano and took a seat next to Blaine on the bench.

"I married a superstar," Kurt cooed.

"Ha Ha," Blaine fabricated before draping an arm over Kurt's shoulder and pulling their sides closer. 

"I mean it, Blaine. You're so talented I wish you would maybe at least try to talk to your parents into letting you apply to Julliard," Kurt said.

"Kurt, not this subject again. I told you, I'm fine going to Yale or Stamford. They both have musical programmes I can't take part in. It's win, win. Really," Blaine assured.

Kurt sighed heavily and nuzzled the top of his head into the crook of Blaine's neck, the boy pressing his lips into the brown locks of Kurt's hair. "Were you singing that song because it was on the radio earlier?"

"Partly," Blaine shrugged.

"What's the other part?"

"The other part is- you are my teenage dream." Blaine smiled.


The waiting room of the hospital was unlike the emergency room- difference is there were no people bleeding profusely, or babies crying with sticks through their arms. There was no sense of urgency, only patience surrounded the room, which felt like such a different dynamic for Blaine.

"I'm glad I'm walking in here, not wheeled in on a wheelchair or a gurney."

Blaine chuckled, his hand tightly clasp with Kurt's as they walked towards the front desk. "Yeah, I'm glad too." Blaine told. The woman seated opposite the counter had her hair up in a bun, her glasses were smudge with finger prints and the frame as thick as poles. She glance at the two boys, to their holding hands and pursed her lips.

"Can I help you two?" she asked, tapping a pen on the clipboard on her desk.

"Yes, I was wondering if we could see doctor Sanders."

"Is this regarding AIDS?" the woman asked lazily.

"Excuse me?" Blaine retorted, giving every indication that he was offended, but the woman did not flinch. She still sat there, glaring at the two boys.

"Is this about AIDS." she repeated, again with the most aggravating lazy tone that made Blaine's knuckles flinch. "Why would it be about AIDS?" Blaine asked, trying to keep his composure but his brows furrowed in infuriation.

The woman simply shrugged and began typing on her computer. "Calm down," Kurt comforted, his hand stroking up and down Blaine's arm. The woman picked up a phone and dialled a quick number. She did not meet Blaine's eyes any more, but kept her gaze to nowhere in particular.

"Mary? Yes I have these two- urm- boys who would like to meet doctor Sanders. Is he free right now?" she asked into the speaker, emphasizing the word boys as if Kurt and Blaine's appearance fooled her.

"Right, thanks," she replied before slamming the phone back down to it's place. "Doctor Sanders is on the second storey. He's busy right now but you can go up there and wait in the lobby." she replied lazily.

"I give you an A for your service, thank you," Blaine said sarcastically and tugged Kurt along with him to the elevator. "Rude a little fucker isn't she," Blaine said hoarsely, his brows still furrowed in anger.

"I know. Relax, okay? That's just people being people," Kurt soothed. Blaine's brows were still down turned, his eyes burning with hatred as he glanced back at the woman behind the desk. "Hey, don't think about it, okay?" Kurt distracted, kissing Blaine lightly on his cheek.

The elevator brought them up to the second floor, with a ding the metal doors slid to the side to reveal a waiting room packed with worried faces. A woman curled up in a corner and was sobbing quietly, a man sat on one the of blue chairs with his elbows digging deep into his thighs- his eyes wander into thoughts.

"Hi, we're here to see doctor Sanders." Blaine said to the woman, who he presumed was Mary.

"Doctor Sanders is attending to a patient right now. Why don't you take a seat and I'll let you know when he's not busy," she said politely. 

Blaine nodded in response and took a seat on one of the blue chairs with Kurt. He sighed heavily and put an arm around Kurt to rest nicely on his upper arm. "You want anything?" Blaine asked as he rested his head on Kurt's shoulder.

"Nope, I'm fine." the boy replied. "How long do you think we have to wait? I want to be home and get naked with you," Kurt whispered.

"Well we're in a place surrounded with private rooms and bed," Blaine suggested, flashing Kurt a seductive gaze. 

"Sounds tempting, but I think I rather be naked in our bedroom," Kurt smiled.

"Our bedroom," Blaine hummed.

The wait was long, but Kurt and Blaine were comfortable in their embrace. Every now and then a man in a white doctor's jacket would come out of the double swinging doors, but to their disappointment it always wasn't doctor Sanders.

"Oh my god how long has it been?" Kurt asked, sighing heavily from his wearisome.

"I don't know, three hours maybe? I'm tired, and hungry, and horny." Blaine said.

"Wait, is that- isn't that my dad's girlfriend?" Kurt pointed to the familiar woman who was wearing blue scrubs, a clipboard in hand and she was walking in a hurry. "Carole?" Kurt called out as he stood up to approach the woman. Carole's eyes flickered in startle, but she smiled happily to Kurt.

"Kurt, hi! What are you doing here?" she frowned.

"I'm here, with Blaine. We were hoping to see doctor Sanders. You work here?" Kurt asked, eyeing the woman's apparels.

"Yes, I do. On weekdays I work at your school in the mornings, and I take the night shift here. Weekends I work here all day." Carole informed.

"Wow, that has to be tiring."

"It is, but the bills don't pay themselves," she shrugged. "Is your dad here with you?"

"Oh, no. He's at work. Listen, I didn't get a chance to tell you how happy I am that my dad's finally dating. Thank you. Sometimes I feel like he's trapped in that house because of me."

"No, Kurt. Every time we go out he's always itching to get home to you. Says how he feels guilty leaving you alone at home. I admire how much he loves you. I'm also glad you're okay with him dating. Finn didn't really take it very well." Carole told.

"Finn?" Kurt asked, tilting his head at how familiar that name sounded.

"Yeah, Finn. My son. He goes to your school. Maybe you know him?"

"Finn, as in Finn Hudson? Rachel Berry's boyfriend?" Kurt exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's him. Are you friends with him?"

"Oh no, but I am close friends with his girlfriend. Give him time, Carole, I'm sure he'll come around." Kurt reassured. The woman simply shrugged, the corners of her lips upturned.

"So, urm I hate to do this- but do you think you can use your magic key pass to get us into that room so we can find doctor Sanders? We've been waiting for like hours I actually think I might die right now from waiting."

"Well your dad would have my head if I let that happen, right? Come with me," she laughed and gestured for the two boys to follow her. They walked into the swinging doors closely behind nurse Carole and took different turns around the corridors until finally they halted in front of an office room. 

Carole knocked on the door for a while before turning the knob and entering the room. "Doctor Sanders? Kurt and Blaine is here and they were hoping to see you," she said into the room. The muffled response came before Carole smiled at the both of them and gestured them into the room, before shutting the door close and leaving.

"Kurt, how are you today? If I remember correctly I did tell you to stay in bed and rest," the doctor glared at him authoritatively.

"I know, I'm sorry I'll rest later, but we're here to get your opinion on something," Kurt said. The man pointed to the two chairs on the opposite side from where he was seated, and Kurt and Blaine filled the empty seats.

"Go ahead," the man said.

"We wanted to know if you think it's a good idea for Kurt to travel on a plane for- I don't know seven hours?" Blaine said.

"Travel? Urm, I'm sorry but I strongly object to that. Especially in the condition that he is."

"But what do you mean? I'm going to die anyway," Kurt retorted irritably, taking both of the two men by surprise.

"Kurt.." Blaine said, covering the boy's hand with his own. 

"No, Blaine. It's true. I'm going to die soon anyway, how does taking a trip affect anything?"

"It'll affect it because any form of over exhaustion can trigger or even speed up your time, Kurt. If you rest well enough, you have a better chance at living maybe a little longer." doctor Sanders informed.

"But I fainted yesterday from over exhaustion and I'm fine," Kurt said.

"I know, and you're lucky, Kurt. Please, do as I ask. Rest, do not do anything that'll make you feel tired."

"Kurt, the doctor's right. I rather have a longer time with you and do tedious things in this town than take you somewhere only to shorten your life span." Blaine said, stroking his thumb on the flesh of Kurt's knuckles.

Kurt sighed heavily and smiled at his husband. "So all I can do is rest, then?" Kurt asked.

"Yes, Kurt. Do very moderate things, and if you ever feel tired you need to lay down. It's for your own good," the doctor said. "Will that be all? Because I really have a surgery to perform."

"Is there really nothing you can do to take away my cancer?" Kurt asked abruptly, tears stinging in his eyes, his voice cracked at every word. 

"Kurt.." Blaine said, squeezing the boy's hand in comfort.

"I just want to hear it from you. I've heard it from everyone else telling me how it's terminal, and nobody can do anything about it. I just need to hear it- from you." Kurt said.

Doctor Sanders sighed heavily and shifted in his seat, his elbows placed neatly on the top of the desk. "I'm sorry, Kurt. But there really isn't anything we can do. You know how you don't respond to any form of treatment. If there was anything in my power that I can do to keep you alive or even lengthen your life span, Kurt, I would do it- but there really isn't anything left to do."

Kurt stifled a sob and wiped away his tears, the warmth wrapped around his hand felt comforting. "Thank you, doctor." he mumbled incoherently between sobs.

"I'm terrbily sorry, but I really do have to run."

"Yes, I'm sorry. Go, go save a life." Kurt said.

The doctor smiled at him sadly, before standing up and leaving Kurt and Blaine in his office. "Come on, lets go home," Blaine said, brushing his thumb across Kurt's soft, red cheeks. The boy nodded and stood up, holding on to Blaine's arm for support as they walked to the elevator and down to the ground floor, the woman in spectacles glared at them when they left.


"Are you cold?" Blaine asked, his fingers lingering over the AC button.

"No," Kurt mumbled. He was leaning to the car door, his arms crossed over each other. It was 6 o'clock, and after the affirmation from the doctor, all of Kurt's spirits was dejected- and he hated it because he didn't like being moody around Blaine.

"Where are we going? Didn't we miss the turn?" Kurt asked.

"I know, but I'm not taking you home."

"Blaine, I really just want to be home. Please." Kurt begged.

"Kurt, I don't like seeing you sad, and I want to make you happy. So shut up, and just go with it."

Kurt sighed, and slumped back into the seat- not even bothering to put up a fight. He allowed the soft melody of a Jason Mraz number to soothe his ears and the AC piercing his skin. The car made a turn into a car park, and bright flashing red and yellow lights blinded him, and screams and laughter filled his ears.


"Yes, as cliché as it is, I'm taking you to an amusement park."

The happiness in Kurt's eyes ignited as he stared at the wild rides and bright lights through the window. He had never been to a place like this, and the thought of riding roller coasters and ferris wheels made his heart turn in excitement.

"What are we waiting for let's go!" Kurt bellowed.

"Wait, but you have to promise me something," Blaine said, tugging gently on Kurt's forearm.

Kurt titled his head, in an inhumanly adorable way. "Yes, baby?"

"You have to promise me that if you feel even remotely tired, you have to tell me. Okay? When I heard what the doctor said about how if you rest enough, you get to live a little longer, I always leapt in happiness. Please, Kurt. Tell me when you're tired, okay?" Blaine said.

Kurt leaned in and pressed his smiling lips chaste onto Blaine's. "Okay."

They emerged out of the vehicle together, and Kurt immediately laced his fingers with Blaine. He couldn't wipe away the smile that was now plastered across his face. Every molecule in his body was vibrating rapidly with excitement- he was practically jumping on his toes like a little kid.

Blaine slid to the ticket counter and exchanged a few dollars for two wrislets that were their ticket of admission. He slit the band around Kurt's wrist, and brought Kurt's hand up to his lips, kissing the centre of Kurt's wrist lightly- the soft lips tickling on Kurt's pale skin.

"Are you excited?" Blaine asked, gazing at his husband in admiration.

"Hell yes! Let's go!" Kurt tugged on Blaine's hand and led him past the gates, where a young woman checked their wrist for confirmation before allowing them into the theme park. "Oh my god we have to ride that! And that! And that!" Kurt screamed, pointing at every single wild ride that came into his sight.

"Easy there, boy. How about we get something to eat first?" Blaine suggested.

"What? So we blow chunks after that roller coaster ride. No way. Come on," Kurt tugged Blaine forearm, and the boy following willingly- a smile forming on his lips at the excitement Kurt was radiating.

They stood in the line for the roller coaster ride that was appropriately name- The Last Ride Of Your Life- with decorations of blood spots painted onto the white words.

"When did telling people to board on something that will kill them become an attraction?" Kurt said.

"I guess people like the thrill?" Blaine responded.

Finally they made it to the front of the line, and by that time Kurt had gone completely quite. His face paler than usual and he seemed to be gulping a lot more than usual. "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

"No, not scared. Just- about to throw up."

Blaine laughed and pulled Kurt into his arms, kissing the boy lightly on his lips that apparently earned a few glares from kids behind them. "Come on, don't be scared. You're the one who was so eager like twenty minutes ago." 

"I know, but oh god- just look at how high that thing goes." Kurt said, pointing to the roller coaster car as it ascends up the rails, only to plunge hard back down and make a circular motion in which the passengers were upside down. The trail seemed like it went on and on to Kurt and his insides tightened at the sight.

"Breathe," Blaine ordered, kissing him on his cheek.

"Next ten," the boy guarding the control box called out. 

"Ready, baby?" Blaine teased, and led the way up the platform where the coaster car awaited them. Kurt took small tiny steps, dreading every second. He felt excited before, now it actually felt real, and it was scary.

Blaine stood at the very front of the small metal car, smiling widely at his husband. His biceps clearly visible through his tight white t shirt that Kurt found so aggravatingly sexy everytime he wore it. 

"After you," Blaine gestured with his hand, smiling.

Kurt did his best to keep his stubborn attitude intact and rolled his eyes, in which Blaine laughed in response. They took their seats and the metal seat belts were pulled down, keeping them locked in their seats. 

"Okay Blaine this isn't funny I'm going out of my mind here," Kurt said, his fingers tightening his grip on the metal bars locked tightly over his shoulders.

Everyone in the back rows were screaming and cheering for the man to push the blinking green button. Kurt closed his eyes tightly, and he intended to keep them that way. "Hey come on it doesn't count if you close your eyes. Everyone, cheer with me! Kurt! Kurt Kurt!" Blaine shouted, and everyone followed suit.

Soon everyone in the same roller coaster car was chanting his name, and Kurt couldn't help but to smile. He open his eyes to look forward, swallowing his nerves and praying the ride wasn't as long as the track looked.

The buzzer went off and the car jerked forward, ascending up a trail which made their only view the clear sight of a dark night sky. Once they were high up at the peak, the car tilted forward and Kurt had a perfect clear view of almost the entire of Lima, Ohio- he didn't even have a second to take in the sight because soon, the car plunged downwards so fast all the knowledge Kurt had of basic speech, went out the window.

"Ah!" Blaine screamed loudly, along with everyone else on the car. Kurt kept his eyes closed, but he could feel the motion. The car was shaking as if it might fall apart, but it kept moving forward at ultra speed. The track went up, only to plunge downwards again. It turned on it's side and gravity started to pull on Kurt's left side, his right side up pointing to the sky. The car descended again, and before Kurt was even ready, it made a 360 loop that made Kurt feel his stomach in his throat.

The second time it made a loop, Kurt swore he could feel his breakfast rising up, but he swallowed it. Blaine was laughing and screaming at the same time. He would try to pry Kurt's hand away from the metal safeguarding his shoulders, but Kurt slapped his hand away and gripped tighter onto the metal. Another loop came, and this time Kurt opened his eyes to find his head suspended up in the air- looking up to his brows he saw tiny people like ants, and the ground where the sky should have been, before the car plunged downwards again.

Finally, the car came to a flat trail and it's acceleration slowed. Kurt glanced over at Blaine, whose hair was pushed back from the wind, his gel totally ruined, his dark curls now breaking free. His eyes were smiling, like his lips and his cheeks were flushed.

"That was awesome!" Blaine yelled.

"I swear I think I saw my life flash through my eyes," Kurt said, finally catching his breath when the car halted in his spot and the metal bars rose from his shoulders.

"We're doing this again later," Blaine told.

"Hell yeah. Come on let's go try everything!"

"Oh, so after a roller coaster ride you're up for anything?" Blaine smiled cheekily.

"Yes, so take advantage of my fearless alter ego before it runs away!"

They rode everything from a Spin Out ride where they stood there tied to the sides by a couple of harnesses and the machine started spinning in such speed Kurt screamed loudly, his brain felt like it was going to fall out of his ears. They rode the Bumper Car, in which Blaine spent the entire time chasing after Kurt's car to push him against the wall so hard Kurt wasted no time to retaliate.

"Why are you running, boy!" Kurt screamed when they were in the bumper ring.

Blaine tried to win Kurt a teddy bear by throwing a few balls into a few small cans, but he failed miserably. Kurt took his turn and to Blaine's surprise, Kurt didn't miss one. Every ball went neatly into each can that he aimed for.

"And you used to be the jock," Kurt said as he stuck his tongue out to Blaine, when the man awarded him a white teddy bear with creepy, beady looking eyes. They jumped onto a train that was again, like the coaster, appropriately named Train Of Death where the small vehicle that held 6 people brought them into a mini artificial jungle where skeletons and zombie brides jumped out to scare the life out of them- which Kurt's face spent buried into Blaine's shoulder the entire time.

"That was perfect," Kurt said as he leaned into Blaine's arms in the ferris wheel seat. The machine turned around and around in a slow pace, which was comforting for them given the wild, crazy rides they had partaken in just moments ago.

"I'm glad you thought so, I always want to see you smile," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's temple chastely.

"Now I don't even need that fuck filled honeymoon. This was better."

The ferries wheel halted where people on the ground level slowly started to get off the seats and leave, but Kurt and Blaine were suspended at the very peak, where they were closest to the stars, and the stretch of Lima houses were clearly in the sight.

"Are you tired?" Blaine asked, wrapping his arms tighter around the boy to give him warmth.

"No, not really. I'm just- I'm happy. This was exactly what I needed after the trip to the doctor," Kurt sighed.

"Hey, lets just embrace every second we have with each other now, okay? Where do you want to go tomorrow? Paris? Rome? Italy?"

"Paris sounds perfect," Kurt laughed.

"I love you," Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's earlobes lightly.

"I love you too, more than words can ever express." Kurt said, closing his eyes and smiling at the small trail of kisses invading his ears from the person he loved more than anything in the world- his husband, Blaine.


End Notes: So what did you guys think? There's gonna to be a few more chapters, maybe one more or two more before the epilogue. Stay tuned to see what happens! Please leave reviews.


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