Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The dazzling smile on Blaine's lips was brighter than the sun. He jumped up from kneeling and lifted Kurt off his feet with a hug, so deathly tight he could've possibly destroy Kurt's lungs. Tears stung Kurt's glasz eyes as he was twirled around in the air, smiling so wide his jaw started to hurt- but that didn't matter, because Blaine had proposed to him.
"I love you so much baby," Blaine vowed, as he put Kurt down on his feet and attacked his lips with his own. "No instrument of measurement can ever specify the amount of love I have for you." Blaine mumbled onto Kurt's lips, breathing every word into his mouth.
"Because it'll exceed everything?" Kurt laughed playfully. "I love you too."
Battling tongues, teeth grazing on lips, gasping for air- Kurt and Blaine kissed, as the candle lights dance in celebration.
"B-but, Blaine," Kurt said as he pulled his lips away. "Ohio doesn't allow gay marriages." Kurt pointed out, coming to a realization that a hopeless, homophobic town like this would never, ever allow two men to get married- let alone two teenage boys.
"I know that," Blaine said as he smiled shyly. "I'm not marrying for the shared bank accounts, or to have it prove of a piece of paper, Kurt. I'm marrying you because I love you, and I feel giddy and excited every time I see you. I'm marrying you because what I have for you, is eternal love. I want to marry you because you- are the love of my life. I want to marry your heart, Kurt. I don't need to sign a paper, or to go some place where marriage between two guys is condoned. I want to marry you- because I simply just love you. And I don't need acceptance, or witnesses to prove that we're married."
Kurt stifled out a sob, staring into those warm brown eyes as the candle light swayed in Blaine's tears. "I love you so much," Kurt cried out softly as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and allowed himself to fall into the embrace of his soon-to-be-husband.
"Here," Blaine said, as he slid his palm into his back pocket and fished out a bronze ring, with baby blue diamond trimmings on the sides. "Here, look," Blaine brought the beautiful ring towards Kurt's eyes, and on the underside of the ring, words were engraved- You are my sunshine.
The tears in Kurt's orbs only flowed down more violently at the sight of the wedding ring. "See, the bronze of the ring is to represent my eyes. The blue diamond linings on the side- they're to represent your beautiful, blue eyes. And for the words, it was the song I sang to you the other night, because when I sang it, every word felt true to me. You are my sunshine." Blaine explained.
"You are perfect," Kurt sobbed.
Blaine flashed another dashingly quirky smile before gently taking Kurt's right hand and slipping it onto his ring finger, the cold metal made Kurt shiver in his spot. Blaine's touch was gone, and Kurt took a few heart beats to examine the enticing, beautiful, blue diamond encrusted ring.
"Blaine, this is amazing."
"You're amazing." Blaine said, tilting his head and smiling that deathly adorable smile.
The night faded away as Kurt fell happily asleep on Blaine's chest on the couch at the front porch. His eyes fluttered open when the brutal rays of the sun nearly blinded him through his eyelids with it's glare. He stirred about the rock chest under his cheek, and smiled at the intoxicating smell of Blaine.
"Good morning, my beautiful fiancé," Blaine whispered as he planted a chaste kiss on the top of Kurt's forehead. "Mmm, good morning," Kurt mumbled as he nuzzled himself into Blaine's chest. "Was last night a dream? Because it felt too good to be real."
"It was real, baby." Blaine mumbled as he gently pulled Kurt up so that their faces were inches apart. "It was real. I proposed to you, you said yes." Kurt smiled, and their lips met in that familiar motion.
"Well, good morning," A deep, voice came from behind them. Kurt looked up to find his father, smiling down at him. "Good morning, dad." Kurt reciprocated the smile. "Yes, your dad knows," Blaine whispered softly so only Kurt could hear him.
"I'm gonna assume you said yes?" Burt smiled hopefully.
"He said yes."
Though Burt tried to keep his composure and the strict role of a father, Kurt noticed how his jaw was clenched, his fits were rounded in fist- Burt was restraining the urge to dance.
Kurt pried himself off Blaine and ran to his dad, assaulting him with a death hug. "Thank you, dad. Thank you for allowing this- I'm assuming you did."
"Of course I did, kiddo. Anything to make you happy." Burt told. "So, what's the plan here?" Burt asked as Kurt pulled away. "What's the plan? Is there going to be a wedding? Will it be big? Where will it be at?"
"Wait," Blaine said abruptly, silencing Burt. "I- urm- there's still one more thing we need to do."
"Oh?" Kurt frowned.
"Tell my parents."
Blaine took the wheel, while Burt sat patiently in the passenger seat drumming his fingers on his thighs to an unknown beat. Kurt sat in the back, looking out the window. A smile plastered on his beautiful face. Blaine couldn't help himself but to sneak a glance through the rear view mirror- feeling the butterflies in his stomach fly excitedly at the sight of a happy Kurt.
The gates swayed back as Blaine drove into his driveway, his nerves on hyper drive. If proposing to Kurt made his nervousness the size of Texas- telling his parents about it was the size of Russia.
"Jesus, if I knew we were meeting the queen I would've asked Kurt to pick out my clothes." Burt exclaimed as his eyes went wide in admiration staring at Blaine's house. Kurt glanced over and Blaine and smiled- a smile so genuinely happy it made Blaine's heart flutter.
They walked silently towards the house, every step Blaine took he hoped that the ground would swallow him up and drag him to the depths of Earth but nothing happened and he sighed as he inserted the key and turned the lock, before pushing the tall timber doors back.
"Dad?" Blaine called out into the house, silently praying nobody was home so that he'd at least have an afternoon to breathe, but all hopes was lost when a familiar voice bellowed in response. "Living room!" Mr Anderson hummed.
"Burt! How nice to see you again," Mr Anderson acknowledged as he took Burt's hand and shook it gently. "Nice to see you too, Kurt. Blaine- urm- he told me about your cancer. I'm very sorry."
For awhile, Kurt turned sombre again, but with a quick glance at Blaine's dashing smile, he forced his own lips to upturn and took Mr Anderson's hand too. "So, urm- what brings you here?" Blaine's father asked as he gestured for Burt and Kurt to sit at the couch opposite the one he was seated on.
"Is mum home?" Blaine asked nervously.
"She is. Do you want me to get here or?"
"Please," Blaine smiled.
Mr Anderson left the room, and Blaine allowed himself to breathe and gather his composure and his strength. Marrying Kurt is what he wants to do- if his parents didn't allow it he would go on with it anyway.
"Burt, very nice to see you again. Welcome to our home," Mrs Anderson said as she flashed her stunning smile that went so well with he flawless face. She walked over to Burt and kissed him on both his cheeks, and smiled politely down to Kurt, before taking a seat next to her husband.
"Well, what is it then?" Mr Anderson frowned curiously at his son.
Blaine cleared his throat, and felt a tidal wave of relief wash over him when Kurt squeezed his hand comfortingly. "I- urm- I have something to tell you." Mr and Mrs Anderson stared anxiously at their son.
"I- I asked Kurt to marry me, and he said yes."
There were words to describe the horror and anger plastered on Mrs Anderson's face- she resembled an active volcano on it's last few seconds before erupting deadly lava. Mr Anderson, however, wore a much calmer, more happily surprised mask. He licked his upper lips before sucking both of his lips into his mouth, simply staring at the two boys.
"What brought this on?" Mr Anderson asked, breaking the intense silence. Blaine was startled for a while, looking at his father who now wore an unreadable expression. "Besides the fact that I am utterly, and irrevocably in love with Kurt? It was actually something that you said to me, dad. An advise you gave me."
Mr Anderson smiled.
"And Burt, did you know about this?"
"Yeah he came to me yesterday all nervous askin' if he could have Kurt's hand in marriage. Told him yes." Burt shrugged.
"So you support it then?" Mr Anderson asked politely, in a tone not at all offensive that only sophisticated Mr Anderson could articulate.
"Yeah, I do." Burt said matter-of-factly.
"Is it even legal here, in Ohio?" Mr Anderson asked, now to his son.
"No, dad, it's not. But we don't need a piece of paper to prove our marriage. I just- we just want to get married, because we love each other."
"So it's not going to a real marriage then?"
"Of course it's real dad! Marriage is between two people who love each other, that's it-"
"Excuse me," Mrs Anderson got off the couch and stormed out the living room, her heels making echoes around the room. Blaine glanced at Kurt and smiled sadly, before standing up and chasing after his mother up the stairs. "Mum, wait." They both entered a bedroom on the second level and the door shut behind them.
"Burt, do you think you could give me a few minutes to talk privately with your son?"
Burt looked unsure. He glared at Richard, then glanced questioningly at Kurt. "It's okay, dad." Kurt said weakly. Burt nodded in response. "Sure, I guess I'll just- urm- wait outside."
"Oh there's no need. Kurt, would you follow me?" Mr Anderson stood and waited for Kurt by the door frame before walking into his office just down the hall, with Kurt at his footsteps.
"Mum, talk to me, please." Blaine begged, resting his back on the door as he watched his mother sob quietly on the bed.
"Why bother. You obviously don't care how I feel," Mrs Anderson said in between sobs.
"Right, because you care how I feel," Blaine retorted.
"Blaine, you do realize Kurt's a boy, right? He's a boy. You want to marry another boy. That's twisted, Blaine. That's not the son I raised, that's not the boy I gave birth to!"
"Mum, I'm still me! I've been gay since I was fourteen! That was when you weren't as busy with work as you are now! I haven't changed, at all! I'm still me- I've always been me!"
"Blaine, try to understand where I'm coming from and stop being so selfish. I am your mother. You are my only son. Do you think it's easy for me to accept that my only son is gay? I had your life mapped out for you- graduate, college, meet a nice girl, get married, have kids-"
"Then totally neglect my kid for his entire adolescence?"
"Blaine! Do you honestly think we neglect you? Do you know that I know every single one of your test scores since preschool? Do you know that I know when you quit the football team? I know every thing about your life, Blaine. You only think we neglect you because you don't see our faces everyday, but that's not true! We care, Blaine! We do, but we have to work to support you!"
"Well how was I suppose to know that then! You and dad fly in and out of town whenever you like and leave me a freaking note as if that makes it okay? Are you kidding me! Did you know I was outed in school? Did you know I was humiliated in front of everyone! Nobody was there for me, not you, not dad- only Kurt!"
Mrs Anderson dropped her face into her hands and whimpered quietly, her tears pooling in the centre of her palms. She trembled a little, her hair was in a mess, her make up was smeared all over her smooth complexion, her golden eyes stung with salty tears.
"It's obvious the problem here is a lack of communication," Mrs Anderson said.
"Yeah, and whose fault is that-"
"Everyone's! Yours, mine, your dad. Blaine you should've came to us and tell us you want us home more often, and tell us about your problems in school. You expect us to be here for you, but you don't open yourself up to us."
Blaine sighed. He walked towards the bed and flopped down next to his mother- seated on the edge of the mattress. "I didn't want to sound like a spoilt brat, mum. I know you and dad work really hard- and it's mostly for me."
"Honey, that wouldn't have made you a spoilt brat- oh sweetie," Mrs Anderson threw her arms around her son's neck and cried into his shoulder. Blaine had almost forgotten how it felt like to be hugged by his mother, and he couldn't stop himself from crying at how much he missed it- missed a mother's love.
They stayed there in each other's embrace, Mrs Anderson crying softly now. "I love you, mum," Blaine whispered. Mrs Anderson swallowed a lump in her throat, as though it was difficult to reciprocate what Blaine said, but she did.
"I love you more, honey."
Blaine's tears rolled down his cheeks at the words he hadn't heard in a long time- words he thought were gone from his mothers heart. Blaine tighten his hold on his mother and dug his face deep into her shoulder, savouring the brim filled love that was radiated.
"So, does this mean you accept me?"
"Blaine, I don't think I will ever be one hundred percent okay with your sexuality, ever. But, I know Kurt makes you happy- happiest that I've ever seen you, and I guess if he does...I can try to make peace with that."
"That's more than I expected. Thank you, mum," Blaine said as he tried to fight back his tears- crying seemed like a normality now. "And about marrying him?" Blaine asked nervously.
Mrs Anderson sighed and she looked down, examining her perfectly buffed French manicure. "Is this really what you want? Your dad did tell me about his cancer, Blaine. Are you sure you want to marry someone who isn't going to be around much long?"
"Yes, mum. I'm sure. I want to keep him close to me for as long as I can. I want him happy- and I think this makes him happy."
"What about you then?" Mrs Anderson asked, her golden eyes intimidatingly boring into Blaine's slightly darker shade orbs.
"If he's happy, I'm happy." Blaine said genuinely
"Well then, I guess you're getting married." Mrs Anderson smiled.
Kurt followed Blaine's father into the brown coated office. Everything was shiny, the books were dusty old and placed nicely onto shelves. The whole room reminded him of Dalton Academy.
"Have a seat, Kurt," Mr Anderson said politely, gesturing to the chair in front of a solid wood. Kurt walked nervously and planted himself on the hard wooden chair, across the desk on the opposite side Mr Anderson took his place in a huge, grand swirly chair that could've passed for a mini version of a throne.
"So why did you say yes to Blaine?" Mr Anderson asked politely, his fingers tapping on the wooden desk.
"I- urm- I love him, and he makes me happy."
"And marriage is naturally the next step then?"
Kurt swallow his ball of saliva. Though Mr Anderson was speaking in a calm, polite tone there was just something about the man that was super intimidating it made Kurt want to simply stare at the ground and talk.
"Mr Anderson, I know it's rash and hasty- that's what I thought when he got on his knee and proposed to me. But it felt- it felt right."
"Kurt I know you want this, because of your illness. But did you stop and consider how Blaine might be? Being married to someone who isn't going to live as long as he's going to will be hard for him. When he loses you, I have no doubt he'll be an emotional, depressed wreck."
He couldn't stop himself, but a tear fell from Kurt's eyes at the realization.
"I know he loves you- he loves you more than he has ever loved anyone. And I'm all for this, don't get me wrong. I know this is what he wants and I cannot stop him. I don't think I want to, anyway. But I want you to understand, and think about- the future. Blaine's future."
"That being said, Kurt, I do believe you and Blaine should get married- whether it's for real or not. I believe this is what you and Blaine need. An officiation for your love for each other. I'm in full support of this. And also, I want to thank you. Thank you for being there for my son and my wife and I wasn't. Thank you- for giving him happiness."
"Mr Anderson, Blaine was the one who entered my life when I thought all that was left was for me to wait for my time."
"I'm glad. I'm thrilled for this wedding, and we should rejoined your dad. You have no idea how thankful I am of your existence, Kurt. I'm really very sadden about the news of your cancer."
Kurt smiled sadly, wiping his tear away.
"Mr Anderson, if I may, I do have something to talk to you about."
Blaine descended the stairs back down to the living room, with his mother's hand in his. "Mr Hummel, apparently our sons are getting married," Mrs Anderson smiled to the man who was seated tediously on the big couch.
"Yeah, and you're okay with this then?"
Mrs Anderson glanced over and Blaine, a small smile forming on her usually pursed lips. "Yes, I am." Kurt and Mr Anderson came into the living room moments after, both of them donning a smile on their faces. Kurt took a seat next to Blaine and entwined his arm around the boy's.
"Kurt, thank you, thank you for coming into my son's life. You've truly been a beacon of happiness for him." Mrs Anderson said, her eyes looking into Kurt's- a genuine smile on her face Kurt never knew the woman was capable of.
"So, that being settled- we should really start planning for this wedding. How is it going to be like? Do you want to invite all your friends? Where do you want it held?" Mr Anderson asked.
"Kurt?" Blaine nudged encouraging, smiling at the boy he loved so dearly.
Although Kurt had to admit he had always dreamt of planning a big, elaborated wedding with a pond and swans hovering lazily on the surface, with big, bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling- he didn't feel that way now, because the elaboration and production of it all does not depict and portray the simple love he had for Blaine.
"I don't want it to be big, just a small, intimate gathering- with the people in this room. I just want to be standing opposite you and exchange vows- that's all that matters to me," Kurt said timidly, flashing a shy smile to his fiance.
"That sounds perfect."
"Okay then. Small wedding. We can do it here, in our backyard. It's big enough I think-"
"I'm sorry, Mrs Anderson, but I kind of have a place in mind."
It took Mrs Anderson a week to get the whole wedding put together, with help from her many many connections. Kurt had dropped out of school entirely because he was took weak to even leave his bed- and really he didn't feel like there was a point attending school to work towards something that's going to be irrelevant.
Blaine had a routine, a system now. He would go to school, then drive back to Kurt's house and spend the afternoon with him simply laying in bed and sneaking flirtatious glances with their hands entwined together- before going home and completing all his school work, and the next day he'd follow the school schedule.
"So, have you mailed out your college applications?" Kurt asked, on one afternoon they were wrapped in each other's embrace on his bed.
"Yes- Stamford and Yale," Blaine said nervously.
"What about Julliard?"
"Kurt- Julliard's a dream, this is reality, and the reality of it is I have to follow what my parents want, especially after all they've done for me. It's okay though, maybe I'll join the performing arts club in college. Win win."
"But Blaine...it's your life. I don't want you to live a life you don't want."
"Baby, a life without you is a life I don't want to live," Blaine said sadly. Kurt sighed softly and planted a chaste kiss on Blaine's lips. "I love you," Kurt whispered. "But I want you to do what you want in your life, Blaine."
"Kurt, it's not that simple- please can we just drop the matter?"
Kurt sighed again and dropped his face onto Blaine's chest, inhaling the sweet, intoxicating smell that he would never be sane with. "I'm sorry," Blaine breathed before kissing the top of Kurt's head.
The subject of Blaine's college was never brought up again- they always never brought up subjects of the future.
Blaine woke up from the sun rays streaming into his bed room and smiled.
Wedding day
He descended the stairs quickly, showered and dressed, and was about to leave the house when his father stopped him. "Where are you going?" He asked as he slid in front of the timber doors, block Blaine's exit. "To see Kurt! We're getting married later.." Blaine said confusingly.
"I know that, but in spirit of tradition- you're not allowed to see each other until you get married," Mr Anderson said teasingly, his smile annoying at sight. "Dad- that's ridiculous. I'm just gonna go see him for awhile-" Blaine tried to go past his father, but the man was too quick on his feet.
"Oh no, no you're not," He said as he side step to block Blaine's way again. "If you want to do this you're going to do it traditionally. Now you should get cleaned up and shave and whatever. Your mum called for a hair stylist and a make-up artist to be here in an hour. She's down there right now, with Kurt."
"A what-? I don't need all that!"
"Go, now." Mr Anderson ordered, glaring at his son in the most fatherly way possible. Blaine grumbled and stomped up the stairs. He fetched his phone from his pocket and clicked on the message tab.
Hey baby, I'll see you at the wedding. Hint; I'm the one in black looking at you like you're the most beautiful person in the world(which you are).
The reply was instant, and it made the smile on Blaine's lips grow wider.
Hi. Okay noted, and I'll be the one in white- with the tight white pants you love so much. See you baby.
Blaine smiled and put his phone down, before grabbing the necessities he needed and disappearing into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and furrowed his eyebrows- he needed to look his best, for the flawless boy he'll be marrying.
Kurt sat uncomfortably in his computer chair in his bedroom while the make-up crew went to work with his entire body. Blaine's mother had been adamant about hiring them for Kurt- the woman turned out be a god mother sent from the heavens then the Setan's mistress Kurt had initially thought she was.
"Hey kiddo, are you ready?" Burt bellowed from the top of the stairs as he descended down to Kurt's bedroom. Kurt was immediately taken aback by how dashing his father looked dapperly wrapped in a traditional black suit and a white shirt inside, with a black expensive tie around his neck.
"Dad, you look- fashionable for once." Kurt said in amazement. He was too used to seeing his dad dressed in lazy flannel shirts, raggy jeans and beat up baseball caps.
"Hey I can clean up good if I want to." Burt retorted.
"Kurt, I'm just- I'm really happy that you found happiness in your life. When your mum died, and when you found out about your cancer..somehow I thought you were too far gone in sadness that I'd never get to see you genuinely smile again. I'm eternally grateful for Blaine," Burt said.
"Your mother would have loved him."
Kurt felt a tear for in his eyes, but he quickly wiped it away before it flowed down his cheek because one of the make-up artist glared at him disapprovingly. "Dad, I love you." Kurt mouthed, and gestured for his father to come closer so he could wrap him into a dear hug. Burt reciprocated it and stifled a sob.
"Okay then. The wedding is in 2 hours," Burt informed before leaving Kurt with the crew of vanity experts. "So this boy you're marrying. On a scale of one to ten like how cute is he?" One of the make-up artist asked. Kurt smiled to himself in the mirror as the woman pulled and tugged on his hair to get it perfectly coiffed- though Kurt knew he could've done a better job.
"He's the cutest," Kurt blushed.
Once the make-up crew finished with their art work that is Kurt, he couldn't believe what an amazing job they did. He slipped into his all white designer clothing- jacket, tight pants and white linen shirt- that the Andersons had forced to buy it for him before ascending up the stairs to meet his father.
"Ah kid, you look amazing," Burt greeted once Kurt emerged out from his bedroom.
"You really do look amazing. I'm so glad my son is marrying you, Kurt. Took me awhile to realize it, but I'm glad," Mrs Anderson said as she threw her toned arms around Kurt's neck and pulled him into a hug.
"Okay, we have to get going. There is a car outside that will take us to the location," She smiled sweetly and led Kurt and Burt out the house and into the shiny white SUV. "Mrs Anderson, I cannot thank you enough for everything that you've done," Kurt said once they climbed into the car.
"Oh sweetie, it's really my pleasure. You've made my son so happy it's the last I can do." Mrs Anderson smiled.
The drive was quiet as Kurt tried to swallow his nerves- he felt so nervous to meet Blaine at the alter. Just the mere picture he painted, seeing the perfect boy standing there looking as breath taking in a tux made his insides flutter.
The car pulled into the car park- the car park where Blaine first pulled into on their first date.
They made their way on a wooden pathway Mrs Anderson had found- thank god because otherwise they'd have to cut through the forest like the first time Kurt came here. They emerged into the beautiful, secluded beach and walked slowly towards the big tent in the middle of the beach, when he pushed peek his head into the lace curtains, his eyes widen in admiration- exactly what he pictured. An intimate, small wedding.
The entire setting was stunning. A cream coloured canopy trailed down from the top of the tent and hid secretively behind a sequenced bridal bed. A few chairs were placed in front of the bridal bed, all positioned neatly- with a few people already seated.
"Oh no! Not yet!" Mrs Anderson cried as he pulled Kurt away. "You're not suppose to look at it yet!" Mrs Anderon screamed.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mrs Anderson but I couldn't help myself but oh my god it's amazing!" Kurt threw himself onto the woman and fought back the tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. "Thank you so much for this, Mrs Anderson. For everything. For accepting Blaine, for accepting me, for condoning this marriage- for everything. From the bottom of my heart, thank you." Kurt sobbed, losing the battle with his tears.
"Oh honey, of course. I was hesitant at first, but now I see how perfect you and my son are. I'm so happy you two are getting married. So happy for the both of you, and so happy I'm going to have you as my son-in-law. And I think you can call me mum from now on." Mrs Anderson reciprocated, her own tears stinging her eyes.
Kurt cried in happiness into the woman's shoulder, unable to comprehend or absorb the amount of love and happiness that were swirling in the pit of his stomach. The wedding hasn't even began and he was already weeping in tears.
"Alright, we can't have you looking like a mess. Come on," She took Kurt's hand and led him into a smaller tent just beside the bigger one and inside, the whole make-up crew was already waiting- table set and everything. They worked out Kurt's eyes again, fixing his hair and cheeks before allowing him to sit down and wait as patiently as he could.
It was awhile before Mrs Anderson came and smiled at him. "It's time."
With a sharp intake of breath, Kurt stood and walked out of the tent.
Blaine stood nervously on the platform, towering over the handful of people sitting as they watched him. Rachel Berry sat in the second row with her boyfriend Finn Hudson- him wearing a rather confused look. A pregnant Quinn Fabray sat on other side of the second row with Puck on her side. Both of them smiling widely at Blaine. An a boy with a brown afro sat quietly alone in the third row at the corner- his face gave away that he didn't really know why he was here.
The piano came to live, producing a soft melody of the music You Are My Sunshine, and the lace curtains were drawn- standing in the middle, his left arm firmly entwined his Burt's- the angel Kurt with his hair perfectly styled as usual, smiled at him with his blue eyes dazzlingly captivating with the love and desire for Blaine. His tight fitted white tux wrapped perfect around his whole frame, making Blaine's insides come to live.
Blaine felt a small tear roll down his cheeks as he gazed at the love of his life, walking towards him to vow his love.
Kurt walked steadily as best as he could, but Blaine could tell the boy was nervous and he was tripping on his feet every now and then- but Kurt had never looked this beautiful Blaine was in complete and utter awe.
Blaine walked down the step of the platform and smiled at Burt, before lifting up his hand and offering it to Kurt. The boy kissed his father's cheek, his blue orbs wet with tears and took Blaine's hand willingly- the contact sending shivers around Blaine's entire body.
He led Kurt up the platform and they stood opposite each other. "You look beautiful," Blaine whispered. Kurt blushed his adorable, familiar blush and smiled. Blaine's father ascended up the platform and stood in between them- Blaine silently thank that his father had gone to get himself ordained on the internet. How convenient the world is now.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to join this man, and this man, in holy matrimony.." Mr Anderson started. "Being the father of one of the grooms, I have witnessed the love and happiness these two have for each other. What these two share, the love that they share, is nothing but pure and genuine." Mr Anderson smiled. "Now, for the exchange of vows. Kurt, if you might start off," Mr Anderson glance down at Kurt and smiled encouragingly.
Kurt took a sharp intake of breath, and gazed deep into the eyes of the person he loved more than anything in the world.
"Blaine, when we first bumped into each other, you made me fall- hard on the ground. My immediate thought was 'oh stupid jock' but then when I looked at you. When I looked into your kind, warm hazel brown eyes..I blushed so hard. Then we got to know each other, and I thought 'okay not a stupid jock'. You are the only person I let in, the only person I allowed myself to open up to- am I'm glad I did. When you kissed me, how you stayed despite my cancer, I realized that you did make me fall, Blaine. You made me fall hard- for you. I vow to love you, until my heart stops beating."
Kurt's tears flowed violently down his cheek but his eyes never left the greet with Blaine.
"And Blaine, if you may," Mr Anderson nudged.
"My beautiful Kurt, you mean the world to me. Your eyes captivated me the second I looked into them. I remember not being able to concentrate in calculus class after we bumped into each other because all that was in my mind, was you. I took the seat next to you in chemistry class because I wanted to be near you- which now makes me sound like a stalker. The time when you were absent from school, it wasn't miss Pillsbury who gave me your address. I paid JBI to ask him to find it out for me. I didn't come to your house to give you homework, Kurt. I came to see you, because even then- even when we barely knew each other, I knew that there was something special about you. I knew that I wanted to be with you. You were there for me when my world came crashing down, you held me close to you, and here as I stand before you- with nothing left to bear but my love for you, I vow to be there for you, to hold your hand, to kiss you when you feel scared, to love you- even after your heart stops beating."
The entire audience were weeping in tears- mostly the girls- with the exception of Puck.
"May we have the rings, now please," Burt walked up the platform and handed them both the rings Mrs Anderson had customized for them- both engraved with wordings they wanted to exchange to each other.
"Kurt, repeat after me,"
Kurt recited the words Mr Anderson said, repeating each word meticulously, and genuinely.
"I, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, take thee Blaine Devon Anderson to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us depart," Kurt repeated. He slipped the simply silver ring onto Blaine's finger and brushed the boy's fingers with his thumb, smiling into his eyes.
"Blaine, repeat after me,"
"I, Blaine Devon Anderson, take thee Kurt Elizabeth Hummel to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, for fairer or fouler, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till- till death us depart," Blaine repeated. He took Kurt's long ring finger and slipped the silver mental onto it.
"And now, by the powers vested in me, I pronounce you man, and man." Mr Anderson smiled. "You make kiss your groom."
Blaine wasted no second. He tugged Kurt towards him until their chest were flushed against each other. Kurt rested his hands on Blaine's chest and kissed him on his lips, chaste but with passion- the first time they ever kissed.
"Hi, I'm Blaine Anderson- your husband," Blaine whispered. Though the small audience applauded and cheered in happiness and joy, none of that mattered, because just like the first time their lips ever met- everyone disappeared until it was just the two of them, in each other's embrace- how it's always like.
"I love you," Kurt whispered.
"I love you more, baby."
Omg, they're going to have so little time....(sob) This was beautiful but so bittersweet.... Why is Puck there, he's been so hateful to Blaine and Kurt.
Don't worry I'll explain why puck is there in the next chapter! Thank you for reading and rating!!
That was beautiful. I might have cried. Loved. It.