Remember Me
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Remember Me: Chapter 25

K - Words: 3,525 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,080 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Enjoy this chapter, guys! Sorry it took awhile for an update. I hope the next update comes out soon.WARNING; EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT.


As Christmas went, the taste of a new year started to set in. 

The snow had almost receded, but the cold still remained. Kurt shivered as he sat on his front porch, on the couch he had placed out here a few months ago. A blanket as his only source of warmth, he sat there simply gazing out around his neighbourhood. The woman across the street wore an unpleasant frown on her face as she shoved snow out of her driveway, the man next door pulled his coat tighter as he walked out of his house and down the driveway- somehow, watching these people go about normal, tedious activities made Kurt wish he didn't have cancer. He never knew how much he yearned to live normally, until he met Blaine.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he watched a young couple walk down the side walk, arms entwined with each other, and they seemed to be giggling about something. How Kurt wish he could give that to Blaine- a normal, teenage relationship.

A relationship where neither had to fear of death being what separates them.

The black shiny SUV Kurt knew so well pulled up in his driveway, and Blaine emerged out of the vehicle. His face immediately brighten at the sight of Kurt, pulling that quirky smile he wore so well. "Hey baby," Blaine yelled as he walked up to the front porch, trying his best not to slip on the few steps he had to climb. "It's freezing out here. Why didn't you just wait inside?"

"It is freezing," Kurt agreed. "So climb in here so I can steal your warmth already." Blaine laughed as he squeezed himself next to Kurt, leaving no amount of space between them. He snaked an arm around Kurt's waist under the blanket and pulled him tighter into his chest. "I've missed you. Sorry I've been away. In an attempt to make up for all the crappy years of parenting, my dad brought my mum and I to this ski resort in Colorado."

"How was it?" Kurt asked as he leaned in closer to Blaine. "It was dreadful. My mum refused to leave the room because it was too cold for her, and she basically ignored me the entire trip. My dad spend more time down in the snow than actually skiing, but I'm glad they made time for me. That's what I asked for after all," Blaine smiled.

"That sounds so eventful compared to what I've been doing. My dad didn't allow me to leave the house because he said I was still too weak. I was locked in that house watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond. I'm glad you got to spend time with your parents."

"I've missed you," Blaine trailed tiny kisses along the back of Kurt's neck. It tickled, but Kurt wouldn't trade anything for it to stop. "I know Christmas was like a week ago, but I got you something." Digging into his jacket, Kurt pulled out an envelope that held the Christmas gift he got for Blaine.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Kurt. You surviving that coma was my gift, your existence itself- is my gift."

Kurt blushed, a shy smile forming on his lips. "I got you something anyway, here," Blaine took the envelope from Kurt. He flipped it a couple of times, analysing the simple white envelope. His grin was wide, his eyes wild with excitement, like a toddler on Christmas morning. Slowly, he tore the sealed envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. Blaine frowned for awhile as he read through the content, then his eyes stung with tears. "Y-you got me a star?"

"I did," Kurt said shyly. "I wanted to name it after you, initially. But I didn't. Instead, I named it after me." A look of awe was plastered on Blaine's face. He simply gaped at Kurt in admiration. "I named it after me, because when the inevitable happens- when I'm gone- I want you to be able to look up, and know that I'll always still be with you." A tear trickled down Blaine's cheek as he gazed at the love of his life.

"Kurt, this- this is amazing. I love you so much," Blaine leaned forward and pressed his lips onto Kurt's, devouring his soul, taking his breath away, giving him the warmth he wanted. "I don't need a star to know you'll always be with me though. You're always going to be alive, in my heart, Kurt." Blaine took Kurt's palm and rested it against his chest, where his heart was beating, where his source of life laid. 

"You'll always remember me, right?"

"Kurt, you will forever and always be the only boy that I will ever truly love." Blaine choked as he tried to restrain the tears from falling again. He pulled Kurt into his arms and inhaled the boy's scent, hoping and praying that Kurt won't be gone any time soon.

"So, it's New Year's Eve tomorrow. What was your highlight of 2012?" Kurt asked, changing the morose subject.

"I think you already know that answer," Kurt spun around and bore his eyes into Blaine's. "Meeting you, duh."

2013 settled in and Kurt had never felt so blessed- blessed with utter bliss. Blaine and Kurt had spent the last day of 2012 snuggled up in front of the TV at The Hummels watching the Time Square Ball Drop in New York City, while Burt had gone on a mysterious date. It was truly one of the most memorable nights for Kurt. When the clock striked 12, Blaine had pulled Kurt off the couch and kissed him senseless, his eyes gazing into Kurt's soul once they pulled away.

For once in his life, Kurt felt loved- he felt desired by someone he was equally crazy about.

Sitting on the front porch, he waited for the SUV to arrive. Winter break has ended and Kurt was less than pleased to be going back to school. Blaine had told him most of the school knows what happened to him, and he has no shred of doubt in his mind that everyone would be staring at him once he entered the double doors of McKinley.

The sound of a honk snapped him out of his thoughts as Blaine pulled up in front of the driveway. Through the glass window, he grinned at the sight of Blaine's quirky smile. "Hey baby. Are you excited for your first day back?" Blaine smirked once Kurt entered the car. "Don't remind me. I swear if one person comes up to me and says 'oh I'm glad you're alive', I'll probably throw a fit." Kurt groaned. "Well, I'm glad you're alive."

"You're an exception," Kurt smiled.

Pulling in to McKinley, Kurt tried to keep his head as low as possible. He really didn't want any attention. All the glares he usually got before his coma was already too much. "You get any lower people might actually think you're giving me head." Blaine said playfully.

"I'm nervous, okay. I don't like attention."

"It's okay, baby. You can always hide behind me."

"Oh right. Behind a hobbit."

Blaine made a fake offended expression at Kurt, his eyes filled with joy. "Someone's sassy today." Turning off the ignition, Blaine sighed as he laced his fingers with Kurt's. "It'll be alright, baby. Just keep talking to me if you're nervous, okay?" Kurt nodded as Blaine kissed the tips of his fingers lightly. "Come on."

As he pushed the door into the school, everyone didn't really seem to notice him until he began walking down the hallway. Every pair of eyes shot up and looked at him. Everyone he walked by flashed a sympathetic smile at him, but as much as Kurt appreciated the gesture, he hated the attention.

"KURT!" A female voice shrilled from the end of the hallway. Kurt looked up and found a young, brunette girl bounding towards him. She basically threw herself onto Kurt, knocking him back a few steps in each Blaine had to place a hand on his back to stop him from falling.

"KURT! Oh my god I'm so glad- I'm so happy you're awake. I'm so glad you woke up from that coma. You don't know how much I've missed you, Kurt! Literature class is simply not the same without you!" Rachel cried, her tears staining Kurt's grey vest.

"Thank you, Rachel." Kurt said timidly, a little stunned by the reaction he was not even remotely expecting. Rachel pulled away and wiped her tears from lashes, her smile still intact. "I did a little research on people who go into comatose states, and there was a lot of articles that wrote people usually wake up like 2-3 months after, some don't even wake up. But I remained optimistic, and I'm so glad you're awake, Kurt!" Rachel hugged him again, gently this time. "I'll see you in literature class, okay? Ah I've missed saying that. Bye, Blaine," Rachel smiled sweetly at the other boy before taking off into the other direction.

"Well- that was...overwhelming." Kurt said. "I told you everything' will be fine!" Blaine shouted excitedly. "Yes, Blaine. Thank you," Kurt didn't know what possessed him, maybe the joy he felt when someone else showed him that he was worthy and cared for, other than Blaine, but he cupped Blaine's chin and kissed him- right in the middle of the busy hallway.

"Wow," Blaine breathed out once Kurt pulled away. "Do you want to come over after school?" Kurt's eyes were burning with passion, fire blazing in his pupils. Blaine knew the actual meaning behind his proposal. A shiver ran down his spine and a strange arousing sensation overcame his crotch area. "Y-yes." 

"Good, see you later," Kurt leaned in for Blaine lips, but then changed his direction and went to his earlobe instead. "Can't wait, baby," Kurt whispered seductively before walking away to class. Blaine watched as the love of his life waltz forward, admiring the wrinkle in his pants at the bottom of his butt as his hips swayed from left to right. 

God you don't know how much I love you, Kurt. Blaine thought to himself.

Blaine kept looking at the wall clock the entire time in school. His crotch was itching at the very thought of being with Kurt alone- in a house. He couldn't wipe away the huge grin plastered on his face. A few students would frown when they turned to look at him in class. When he was walking down the hallway in between weight lifting class and English class, coach Sylvester had a few unkind words when she noticed his smile.

"Your optimism and exuberance irk me," She screamed at Blaine before grabbing his textbook and thrusting it into the air as she walked away. Blaine was pretty sure that was a lawsuit, but he was too excited for school to end to actually care.

The dismissal bell rang and Blaine jumped out of his seat immediately. Dashing out of the classroom, he raced down the hallway all the way to the exit doors. From a distance, he could vividly make out the picture a beautiful boy sitting on the bench, cross-legged, his dazzling blue eyes sparkle with life and warmth, his lips swollen red- his smile was captivating as Blaine halted in front of Kurt. "Hi," The boy hummed, the dimples in his cheeks made Blaine's knees threaten to buckle.

"Hey," He panted, trying to catch his breath. "Why were you running?" Kurt chuckled. "Because I'm excited- excited to see you." Kurt gazed at Blaine, his smile still beautifully set on his lips. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, before leaning in, placing both his hands on Blaine's shoulders as he breathed into his earlobes, the warmth making the hairs on his arms stand. "Trust me baby, you're going to be seeing a lot more of me later." He clasp Blaine's hand into his and led him outside to the car. 

"To your place?" Blaine smiled asking as he buckled himself into the driver's seat.

"To my place," Kurt smirked.

The drive was quiet but so full of sexual tension a butter knife could've cut through it. As Blaine pulled into The Hummels, he felt his insides twirl at how nervous and excited he was. "Come on," Kurt instructed as he got out of the car. Blaine followed him into the house as he scanned the driveway, making sure Burt's truck wasn't there- it wasn't.

"Your dad's not home?" Kurt spun around and simply smiled at Blaine before turning back around and walking into the kitchen. Blaine felt his cheeks blush- of course he's not, stupid. Blaine thought to himself. "Do you want a drink?" Kurt bellowed from the kitchen, and then Blaine realize he couldn't wait any more. He needed Kurt.

He pushed the swinging door into the kitchen and spun Kurt around by his waist, keeping his hands there grasping on the boy's slender hips, he brought his face so close to Kurt when he exhaled, Kurt could feel the warmth on his lips. "I want you- so bad," Blaine breathed out, before leaning in and taking Kurt in a deep, passionate kiss.

Kurt kissed back, exploring his tongue into Blaine's mouth, tracing it on Blaine's lower lip. Teeth clattering, Blaine tighten his hold on Kurt pulling him closer. His hand dropped to the curve of Kurt's ass. Kurt let out a moan of ecstasy as Blaine tighten his clasp of his butt cheek, wanting so bad to feel Blaine's skin. 

Kurt gripped on the hem of Blaine's shirt and pulled it over his head, exposing the toned abdominal muscles. He traced his fingers along the pecs, smiling against Blaine's lips. "You're so- so sexy," Kurt mumbled, his lips still on Blaine's.

Blaine smiled in response, not wanting to utter a single word. He wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt, lifting the boy off the ground an inch. "Take me downstairs- now," Kurt breathed out pulling his lips away for a fraction of a second before devouring Blaine's lips again. Blaine pulled Kurt's legs and wrapped it around his waist. He held Kurt tight and walked over to Kurt's bedroom door and shakily descended the stairs. Kurt was light as a feather, and Blaine was strong but going down the stairs was a challenge because he couldn't see, but eventually he made it down.

He brought Kurt over to bed and gently laid him down, before climbing on top of him. Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's back, feeling his shoulder blades, his spine, the warm flesh. His hand slowly descended to Blaine's jeans and Kurt wasted no time. He hooked two of his fingers on the fabric and tugged it down along with Blaine's boxer briefs, revealing his perfectly curved and round ass. 

"Mmm," Kurt hummed as he slid one of his palms over the shape. Blaine began to unbutton Kurt's vest and slowly peeling it off him. "I wish you wouldn't wear so many layers. Makes it harder for me to get you naked," Blaine teased. He continued to the next layer, unbuttoning the red shirt Kurt had on from the top button all the way to the last, smiling as ran his hand over his stomach, over his chest, feeling his collarbones. He threw Kurt's clothes to the ground and met his lips again.

Kurt fumbled with the button on Blaine's jeans. He almost wanted to jump up dancing when ge got it off. Blaine wiggled as Kurt pulled his jeans down, finally releasing his erection from the isolation and tightness of the denim. "God, Kurt," Blaine moaned when Kurt's hand came in contact with his penis.

"Yours. Off. Now." Blaine ordered. Kurt smiled and got off the bed, struggling to get his skinny jeans off. "As much as I love how tight your pants are- always- it's really very unhealthy for you to wear anything that incredibly tight." Kurt glared at Blaine, before continuing to tug the jeans off his legs. He bent over, his naked butt fully exposed to Blaine. "Wow," Blaine said, a cheeky smile plastered beautifully on his lips.

Once the jeans were off, he climbed back into bed and Blaine quickly got on top of him, hovering over his naked body. "You're so beautiful," Blaine whispered as he stroke Kurt's cheek with his thumb. His eyes burned with admiration and love. Kurt could gaze into those sparkling golden eyes forever. He leaned down and covered Kurt's lips with his. Their tongues fought in a rages battle, both battling like swords. Blaine's lips were like drugs to Kurt, he needed them. He always yearned for them. He could never get enough of them.

Kurt drew circles on Blaine's sides, tickling his smooth skin. Trailing the outline of Blaine's triceps on his arm, Blaine let out a pleasured groan. His erection grew harder at every touch all he wanted right now was to be inside of Kurt. "I want you so much baby," Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear, his tongue licking the lobes. Kurt spread his thighs, giving full access to his entrance. 

Smiling, Blaine slid off Kurt so he was laying next to the boy, his face still hovering over Kurt's. He took his fingers and was about to suck on them when Kurt grabbed hold of his wrist and directed his fingers to the lips. He kissed the tips first, before devouring the fingers into his mouth, sucking on them until they were wet with his saliva. "Oh god Kurt- you're so hot," Blaine moaned. 

With one last suck, Kurt pulled Blaine's finger out of his mouth, wet and drippy. Blaine pressed his lips onto the boy's, before bringing his wet fingers over to Kurt's entrance and circulating around the first ring muscle. Kurt moaned into Blaine's mouth, his body shivering at the feel. Slowly, Blaine pushed a finger into Kurt's entrance. Hie erection grew harder when Kurt let out a loud, pleasured scream when the finger entered him. He panted and moaned as Blaine snaked inside him, thrusting his finger deeper and deeper, stretching him out.

"Blaine- oh god Blaine please," Kurt pled out of pleasure. Blaine loved watching Kurt look so aroused. It was beautiful, to him. "Blaine- please," This time, he knew what Kurt was begging for. "I got you, baby." Blaine leaned down and took Kurt in a deep kiss, a source of distraction when he pushed a second finger into the boy. Kurt moaned loudly, tightening his grip on Blaine's arm, digging his nails deep into the flesh. He thrust his finger in and out of the boy, with every penetration Kurt's cries of pleasure got louder. "That feels so- so good," Kurt moaned in a whisper. His eyes were lit with passion as his body rocked into an up/down motion with every thrust.

"Blaine, I want you- please," Kurt begged. The desperation in Kurt's voice sent a twitch to Blaine's erection. He had never desired anyone this much before. "I got you, baby. You're so hot like this," Pulling out his fingers, he shifted himself in front of Kurt's entrance. The boy had his legs parted, so Blaine moved forward and brought his erection to meet Kurt's entrance. At the very contact, his erection grew harder. "God Kurt you're so hot," 

"I love you," Blaine whispered as he hovered on top or Kurt. 

"I love you too," Kurt moaned out. He was in the state of complete arousal, Blaine could tell. Gently, Blaine pushed his erection through Kurt's entrance, pushing through the ring muscle. The boy let out a pleasured shrill at the sudden fullness he felt in the pit of his stomach. Blaine thrust his hips forward, deepening his erection into Kurt. "Oh god, Blaine!" Kurt screamed. When Blaine pulled out, an unfamiliar burning sensation settled in at Kurt's entrance, but that was soon resolved when Blaine thrust inside again.

The motion repeated over again, Blaine pounding hard into Kurt, pulling back, only to thrust deeper again- each time hitting a spot that would sent both boys over the edge. The only sound that filled the room was of Blaine groaning at the tightness of his boyfriend, and Kurt moaning and screaming in complete and utter ecstacy. 

"Blaine, I-I'm going to.."

"Me too, baby-" Blaine moaned, the sound did things to Kurt he couldn't even begin to describe. Blaine wrapped his fingers around Kurt's erection, and started pumping it. "Blaine- I can't, I'm going to.." Kurt's breathing became heavy as the sensation of having Blaine inside of him, and stroking his erection became too much for him to handle. "Come for me, baby," Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear, and that was it. That triggered him. Kurt crumbled underneath Blaine's sending, shooting out white substances on Blaine's chest. He screamed as his orgasm took over his entire body, burning his muscles.

"God you're so hot, baby," 

With one final thrust, Blaine released himself inside of Kurt, screaming and moaning as the sensation took over. He dropped onto the boy, their chest flushed together as they panted and gasp for air. Blaine shut his eyelids as he allowed himself to savour the embrace he was in with the love of his life, inhaling the musky scent of sweat on Kurt. 

"How is it that you still smell so good after sex?"

"One of my many talents, I guess," Kurt gloated, before letting out a small laugh.

"I love your laugh. I love you." Blaine hummed, before closing his eyes and allowing himself to fall into slumber, in the comfort of his boyfriend.


End Notes: Thank you for reading this chapter! Please leave reviews! The next one will come soon, I hope. ENJOY!!


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Loved it. I'm happy Kurt is better and klaine is together. Klaine kisses to you.

Thank you, and thank you for reading(:

This is absolutely amazing. Keep writing! ^^