Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
"B-Blaine, where- what happened?"
"Kurt! Kurt oh my god Kurt you're awake, you're alive! Baby you're awake," Tears started streaming down his face. Heavy, violent flow of tears. "I need to go get your father. Stay with me, okay Kurt? Do not close your eyes." Kissing the tips of Kurt's fingers, Blaine dashed out of the ward and ran down the corridor.
"Burt! Burt!" Mr Hummel jumped in startle at the mention of his name, turned around to find Blaine barrelling towards him, Mr Anderson's reaction was similar. "Kurt. He- he's awake. He's awake, Mr Hummel." Blaine panted. He couldn't even believe the words that came out of his mouth. It seemed surreal to say it. There was a sudden light and warmth in the eyes of Kurt's father, like hope was restored. "Get the doctor," Mr Hummel said to Blaine before charging towards the ward, Mr Anderson behind him.
The room was a blur to Kurt. His head spun like he was on a merry go round on ultra speed, his eyes felt like they've been staring at a spotlight for an hour, his body like a chain bounded to ten bowling balls- all he yearned for was to be holding Blaine's hand, the reassuring grasp of the boy that he loved.
"Kurt? Kurt, it's me. Are you okay?" Burt said as he burst into the ward and sprinted towards the bed. "Dad? Dad what happened? Wh-where am I? Who is this?" Kurt mumbled incoherently, his eyes setting on the man standing behind Burt. "This is Mr Anderson, Blaine's father. That's not important right now. Are you okay? The doctor will be here in awhile."
As if rehearsed, Blaine waltzed into the room with doctor Sanders on his footsteps the second Burt finished his sentence. Doctor Sanders walked hastily towards Kurt, a clipboard in hand and a stethoscope snaked around his neck. "Mr Hummel, my name is doctor Sanders." The doctor introduced himself to Kurt.
"Do you know what the date is?"
"Of course he doesn't he has been unconscious for two weeks!" Blaine yelled.
"It's best not to startle him, son. I think it'd be best if everyone just waited outside. Burt, I need you to stay here." Doctor Sanders said to the group. "I'm not leaving him," Blaine snapped, as he made to stand next to Kurt's bed side. "Blaine, the doctor's right. We'll come back in later, okay?" Mr Anderson said calmly to his son. "They just need to ensure that he's alright. It's okay, Blaine. I'll let you be with him the second he gives me the okay." Burt reassured.
"It's okay, Blaine. Wait outside, don't leave okay?" The voice he missed so much said weakly.
"I'm not leaving, I'll be right outside." With one last glance, Blaine left the room with his father and sat outside impatiently.
"Do you know your full name?" Doctor Sanders asked.
"Kurt. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel."
"That's right. Do you how old you are?"
"Good, good. Now, do you know who this man is?"
"Yes, he's my father. Burt Hummel." Kurt said lazily. All he wanted was to get this over and done with. He found himself wanting Blaine's touch, the strong grasp of the boy's hand, the warmth he felt when Blaine held him close to his chest- the soft gentle feel of Blaine's lips.
"You've been in a coma for 2 weeks, Kurt. We need to take you to a CT scan to ensure that the bleeding in your brain has receded, but other than that you seem to be responding just fine. There will be more questions after that, to see if you have any memory loss-"
"I don't think so. I think I remember everything." Kurt interrupted.
"Do you remember how you ended up in the hospital?"
"The last thing I remember is that I was in the bathroom taking a shower for school, and then everything just blank."
"Well, that's good then. Your last memory was the one moments before you went into a comatose state. I highly doubt you've suffered any memory loss, but just to make sure, we still need to ask you some more questions after the CT scan. In the morning, we'll need to assess your physical movements, if you pass that, you can more or less go home."
"Thank you, doctor." Burt said once the last word rolled out of the doctor's tongue. "A nurse will be here in a few minutes to take you to the CT scanner room. You're a very lucky young man, Kurt- awake in the first few minutes of Christmas." He smiled once last time, before leaving the room.
"It's Christmas?" Kurt asked as the sound of the door shutting echoed the room. "It is. Your favourite holiday. Now it's mine too." Burt said as a tear trickled down his cheek. "I was s-so scared that you might never wake up again. I thought you were gone forever- before I was even ready to let you go, Kurt."
"I'm not. I'm still right here, dad. Breathing, alive. I'm still here." Kurt choked, his voice rough. "I should go get Blaine. He's been here everyday. A Christmas miracle this is, truly." He leaned in and pecked his son of the forehead, before leaving the room. Blaine came in seconds after, his face plastered with relief at the sight of Kurt, smiling at him. His hazel brown eyes met with Kurt's deep blues.
"Kurt- I'm so relieved you're awake. You don't know how much I've missed you." Blaine walked briskly towards the bed, and planted his butt on the plastic chair. "When the doctors told us that there was a chance you'd never wake up again, I just- I was scared out of my life. I thought I'd never be able to see your dazzling smile again. I thought I'd never be able to- to kiss you ever again." His tears threaten to stream again, but he fought it back. "I sat here everyday, hoping and praying you'd come back to us- to me. I'm just- I'm so happy you did because I've missed you- like crazy."
"Merry Christmas." Kurt said, flashing his beautiful smile. "This is by far, the best present I've ever gotten," Blaine responded, smiling back at Kurt. "I know that this doesn't change anything. I mean, we weren't together before this, but I just-"
"Will you do something for me?" Kurt asked, cutting Blaine mid-sentence.
"Will you kiss me, so I know I'm actually awake and alive?"
With no hesitation, Blaine leaned forward, his face inches from Kurt. Breathing in his scent, Kurt felt intoxicated. He could never get over Blaine's natural smell. "I love you, Kurt," Blaine whispered. Hot breath brushed Kurt's upper lip, the scent sending him over the edge. With one last exchange of smiles, Blaine filled the space between them. Enveloping Kurt into a kiss, so passionate, so tender, so missed.
"I've missed your lips- so much," Kurt breathed once Blaine pulled away. "This does change things, Blaine. Because I realized that I can't live without you. When I was in that state- a coma apparently- I kept seeing flashes of the people I love. I saw my dad, my late mother- but the one that kept on flashing was you. Your face, your eyes. And the first thing I saw when I woke up, was you. That made me realize that I need to be with you. But that makes me selfish and-"
"Kurt, enough. Please. We've been down this road multiple times. I want to be with you, and you want to be with me too. I don't want to think about anything else. I just- I just want to be with you. Okay?"
There was a sparkle in Kurt's eyes, the corners of his lips lifted and formed that dazzling smile Blaine loved so much. "Okay." With that, Blaine leaned forward again to meet Kurt's lips, kissing the boy, taking his breath away like he always did. "So you two are not cousins then?" A female voice came from behind them. Blaine pulled his lips away unwillingly and glared at the nurse who interrupted their kiss. "What?" Kurt asked. "Tell you later," Blaine said, before pressing his lips onto Kurt's again.
The snow showered Lima, covering every surface with white. Kurt opened his eyes, and greeted Christmas, smiling as he watched the snow falling gradually from the sky. Glancing around the ward, he tilted his head in admiration as he gazed at his father, arms crossed and asleep on the chair, the faint sound of snoring escaping his throat. Stretching his neck further, a toothy grin formed at the sight of Blaine, the love of his life, sprawled on the ground, lips slightly parted, eyes closed, both hands resting at the back of his head.
Everything felt like it fit into place. Everything felt perfect for Kurt.
Burt stirred in the plastic chair for a couple of seconds, before opening his eyes and sighing. "Hey kiddo," he said at the sight of Kurt. It still felt surreal to Burt that his son was awake. The past 2 weeks without Kurt was the most darkest period of his life since the death of his wife. Now that Kurt's out of the coma, he felt thankful- thankful that Kurt was still alive.
"Hey dad. It's officially Christmas. Look," Kurt said as he pointed out the window at the falling snow. "This is the best Christmas ever," Burt sighed again. "I agree." Kurt nodded. "Well, listen. I talked to the doctor and he said that your physical assessment will be at 10, so hopefully if you pass, you'll be able to go home in the afternoon, and be able to spend Christmas at home."
"Really? Oh thank god, because this hospital gown is not what I want to be wearing on the first day of Christmas."
Burt laughed, glad that his son was back.
"I'm going to get some coffee. I'd get you one, but I doubt the nurses would allow it." Burt smirked. "So you're just going to taunt me with coffee then? That's rude, dad." Burt laughed before exiting the ward, shutting the door behind him. The noise jolted Blaine up to wake. He sat up on the ground, rubbing his eyes, scratching his unruly dark curls, a frown on his face and his lips pouted- like an angry child.
"That is by far the cutest you've ever looked."
Blaine was startled, he looked up and smiled his quirky smile before getting up and sitting on the foot of the bed. "Good morning, beautiful."
"Why didn't you go home? Must've been uncomfortable to be sleeping on the cold, hard ground."
"And miss seeing your face on Christmas morning? No way."
Kurt smiled, and ran his through his hand, but stopped when he felt a small bald patch on the back of his head. "What the- what's this?" He pressed his fingers into the bald spot and groaned a little at the pain. "That's probably from where they had to surgically cut you."
"And they had to shave a bald spot on my head? Oh my god this is disaster."
"Kurt- relax. Come on, let me take a look at it."
Blaine got up and moved to sit right next to Kurt on the bed. There was a small line that ran from the top of his head, to the middle part at the back of his head. "It's barely noticeable, Kurt. You look fine."
"No I don't. Oh god I look like Frankenstein now," he dropped his head into his palms and sighed. "Stop it- hey, c'mon," Blaine pushed Kurt's hands away so he got a clear look at his face. "You're still the most beautiful person in this entire world. You can have 50 scars, a broken nose and a busted lip- you'd still be perfect to me."
Kurt's cheeks grew crimson, and he gave a shy smile. "God how much I've missed your smile." Blaine pulled him into his arms and rested his lips into Kurt's brown frizzy brown hair. The thrill Kurt got from the feeling of having Blaine hold him- he felt secure, safe. He loved the way Blaine made him feel, loved the way Blaine's warmth always comforted him, always made him feel at ease.
"I have to go soon. Need to get home. You don't mind, do you? I'll call you later?" Blaine mumbled into Kurt's hair. "Okay. I might be able to go home in the afternoon."
"Really? That's great! I'll try to get back here if I can."
"It's okay, Blaine. It's Christmas. Go be with parents. I'm sure they'd want that."
"Yeah, I guess. I'd much rather stay here with you though."
"Speaking of your parents, when did you come out to them? How did they react?" Kurt asked, as he remembered the man that stood behind his father last night. "Well, it was actually that night before you- you fell into a coma..-"
Blaine went on to tell Kurt everything, from when he told his parents, how his mother reacted, the conversation he overhead in the kitchen, him standing up to his mother, the story about Jacob Banner, his father's acceptance, the bit about him wanting to meet Kurt- everything. Kurt's face went from sympathy, to perky, to furious and finished off smiling when Blaine told him about his father's number one parenting rule about 'unconditional love'.
"I'm glad your father accepts you! I'm sorry about your mum. Maybe she'll come around someday. Time, Blaine. Things like these, they need time."
"Yeah, maybe. I'm just glad one of my parents accepts me at least," He glanced at his wrist watch and sighed, "I really have to go. I'll call you later, okay? And tell me whether you pass the physical assessment- so we can get physical," He smiled a cheeky smile at Kurt, leaned down and kissed him chaste on his lips before getting off the bed and attempted to straighten out his clothes.
"I'm sorry I haven't gotten you anything for Christmas- you know- with being in a coma and all," Kurt laughed. Blaine leaned down again, one of his arms stretched across the bed, the other resting beside Kurt's shoulder. "You did get me something- your existence."
Blushing, Kurt dug his fingers into Blaine's dark curls and pulled him in for another kiss, savouring every second of having those lips on his. Kurt gasped for air when they pulled away, drawing in deep, heavy breaths. "Goodbye, beautiful." Blaine said as he made to exit the the ward, he turned around to capture one last image of Kurt, fearing it might be the last time he'd ever see the love of his life, before leaving.
So I passed the physical assessment and my brain is normal again. I CAN GO HOME!!
That's the best news I've heard all day!! I can't wait to see you!
Why? What other news have you heard?
Only that my mum went to the grocery store and found out there's no more turkey left. We basically have nothing to feast on for Christmas besides a carton of eggnog ):
In the spirit of Christmas, my dad has invited you and your parents over for dinner. I think he went overboard with food, as usual. Do you want to?
My dad said yes! He's working on convincing my mum, but if they're not going I'm still definitely there. Food, and getting to spend Christmas with you- this day just keeps on getting better. What time do we have to be there?
7pm. See you later, baby (;
Kurt paced the the living room, a light headache still intact, but otherwise he felt healthy- healthy as he can ever feel. "Kurt, could you give me a hand with th-"
"No, dad! I am in full blown panic attack here! Blaine and his parents are on their way here! This is the first time I'm going to officially be meeting his parents, and on top of that, meeting them as Blaine's boyfriend! This is huge, dad!"
Burt laughed obnoxiously from the dining room as he went about preparing the table to it's finest. "Somebody's nervous about meeting the parents," He mocked. "Of course I am, dad! They only just found out their son is gay, now they're meeting me- his boyfriend. This night won't end well I can tell."
"Relax, Kurt. His father pretty much loves you already. So there, one less person to worry about, now help me because they might be here any minute-" The door bell rang and Kurt halted where he stood in the living room. His insides tighten at the thought of Blaine's parents being just on the other side of the door. His hands trembled as they reached out for the knob, with one last nervous glance at his father, who stood there wearing a fake scared expression, his palms circulated the knob before pulling it open.
"Merry Christmas!" Blaine bellowed excitedly. He was basically jumping on his toes at the sight of Kurt. The two adults who stood behind Blaine both had bits of his features on their faces. The woman who was just a few inches taller than Blaine, had her brown hair pulled tightly into a neat bun. Her eyebrows were just as thick and bushy as Blaine's, only hers were well kept and looked impeccable. Her eyes a shade lighter then the hazel browns Kurt was used to, they were basically golden. Her sharp jawline looked like it could cut through glass. Dust of grey were smeared on her upper eyelids, which made her eyes looked all th more piercing. She wore her lips in a thin line, which didn't give the impression that she was friendly- or remotely humane.
The man however, wore the brightest grin Kurt had ever been greeted with- it actually looked a lot like Blaine's only his was more fatherly. His eyebrows were cleaner, lighter, but dark just like his son. He shared the same shade of brown in his optics as Blaine. A dark forest sat on his head, unruly but well kept. There were faint hints of veins rising in his neck, as if fighting for life. He looked like an older version of Blaine- drop dead handsome.
The Andersons looked like models out of a fashion magazine- Kurt would know.
"Merry Christmas. Come on in," Kurt gestured as he side stepped to allow them in. He could feel Blaine's mother starring at him disapprovingly, but he tried to brush it off by admiring the friendly grin of Mr Anderson. "Kurt, it's nice to meet you, finally- and conscious this time. Thank you for inviting us for dinner." The man said as he stretched out a hand to Kurt.
"It's nice to meet you too, sir. Oh, it was my pleasure- well mine and my dad's." He smiled politely. "Kurt, this is my mother," Blaine introduced. "Hello Mrs Anderson, it's nice to meet you," Kurt stretched out his hand, but the woman stared at it for awhile, she looked up at glared at Kurt before taking his hand lightly, but her fingertips. "I'm sure," she said sternly, her eyes avoiding Kurt's.
He stood there awkwardly, a little stunned at the reaction he got from Blaine's mother. Blaine seemed to realize it too, and quickly saved Kurt from the sheer uncouthness of the situation. "So, where's your dad?"
"He- he's in the dining room, over here." Kurt led the Andersons into the other room, where a busy Burt Hummel was walking in and out of the kitchen with plates full of steamy delights. "Burt! It's nice to see you again. It was very kind of you to invite us to your home," Mr Anderson greeted the man like they were old friends. "Richard- oh of course, of course! it's Christmas after all."
"Mr, Mrs Anderson, maybe you could wait in the living room until we've set everything up?" Kurt asked.
"Sure, or we could help?" Mr Anderson offered. "Oh no, it's fine really. We'll let you know when everything's ready." Kurt said, smiling at Mrs Anderson in hopes the woman would look less hostile. "Okay then, if you insist." Mr Anderson wrapped an arm around his wife and led her into the living room. "Make yourself at home!" Kurt yelled after them.
"So is there a reason why you're wearing that adorable hat, indoors?" Blaine asked as they carried plates after plates from the kitchen into the living room.
"Because it's fashionable?" Kurt lied, "Okay, because it covers my horrendous bald spot."
"Kurt, I told you, you look fine."
"Do I look fine in this hat? Kurt spun around playfully, showing off his hat. Blaine smiled and sighed at how adorable Kurt was. "Yes, Kurt. You do."
Once the plates were set, the three of them stood by the table and admired their work. It took them a good 15 minutes to lay out the feast Burt had made. It could've fed an army. "Mum? Dad?" When Blaine entered the living room, his parents both wore infuriated expressions and neither were looking at each other. His mother had her arms crossed, and Blaine knew that whenever she did that, it's because she just had a huge argument with his dad. "Everything's set." Blaine said uncomfortably.
"Okay," Mr Anderson got up from the couch and didn't bother to wait for his wife, instead he walked straight pass Blaine and into the dining room, immediately getting into a conversation with Burt. When Mrs Anderson was about to follow with, Blaine stopped her by grasping her arm gently. "Mum, I beg you. Please- please be nice, for my sake. Please, mum." She didn't say anything. She simply gaped at him before wiggling out of Blaine's grasp and walking into the dining room.
"Wow, Burt. This is quiet a feast you got here. No wonder they were basically out of everything at the local store." Mr Anderson joked as he took a seat beside his wife at the table. "I agree, everything looks delicious." Everyone was a little taken aback when Mrs Anderson spoke politely. It seemed like a foreign concept to Kurt- that the hostile, vindictive looking woman could ever possibly come off as polite.
"Th-thank you," Burt said, still a little stunned himself.
Blaine smiled at his mother in thank you, but she ignored it. Sliding into the next to Kurt's, a hand suddenly clasp into his. He jolted a bit at the sudden warmth in his hands, but calmed when he looked up and was greeted with the most dazzling smile ever.
Everyone started taking bits of everything on the table in silence. Once every plate was full of food, they started digging in. "So, Burt, you never told me what you do for a living." Mr Anderson asked. "I run a small tyre shop over here," Burt answered smiling. "An entrepreneur, you are. How is business like here?"
"It's okay. There isn't much competition in a small town like Lima, so most of the residence here comes to mine. It's a small business, but you know- I'm grossing."
"I might want to start a business here too, much like you."
"Oh, what kind of business?" Blaine was listening to the conversation between his father and Burt, when his phone vibrated. Digging into his pockets, he finished out his phone in secrecy and unlocked it under the table so nobody would notice.
Wow. A conversation about tyres. Very interesting.
He giggled at the text, and glance at Kurt in his left before quickly typing out a reply.
Didn't you hear? It's merry tyre-mas.
You are so funny it's almost impossible not to laugh-_-"
Careful. Santa doesn't like naughty boys.
What's Santa going to do?
"So, Blaine," Burt said. Blaine was startled. He jolted in his seat, his cheeks growing crimson as he looked at Burt, confused. "Hmm, sorry?" Mr and Mrs Anderson frowned at their son but all Blaine could do was conceal the grin that was threatening to form. He was embarrassed at the text, though it was private, it felt like everyone in the room knew what was going on between him and Kurt.
"Graduation's on the way, right? College? Plans?" Burt asked, completely oblivious to the redness in Blaine's cheeks. "Oh- urm," Blaine was nervous all of a sudden. He looked around the table- from his father, to his mother, to Kurt. "I- uh-"
"He'll be applying to Stamford, or Yale. Either one of the colleges me and Richard went to." Mrs Anderson answered before Blaine could, but Burt seemed to ignore it. He kept his gaze on Blaine the entire time, awaiting for his answer. "Yeah," Blaine said timidly. Burt smiled sadly at him, before engaging into a conversation with his father once more.
The hesitance did not go unnoticed to anyone- especially Kurt.
The rest of the dinner went well. Nobody brought up Kurt's cancer, or about his recent recovery from a coma. Everyone skirted around positive topics like school, businesses, Christmas traditions. When dinner ended, Blaine and Kurt offered to clean the dishes and the adults proceeded on in the living room where Burt and Richard bonded over a football game on the television.
"Well, that went well. Thank god." Kurt said once he was alone with Blaine in the kitchen. Standing by the sink, Blaine passing him plates after plates while Kurt dump them into the dishwasher. "Though when your mother entered here, she looked like she was going to pounce at me or something."
"I know. I'm sorry about that. She just- hasn't absorbed anything yet." Blaine said sadly.
"It's okay, Blaine. Who knew your dad and mine would turn out best friends. And here I thought we'd have to runaway together into the moonlight, away from our forbidden love."
"Mmm," Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, his fingers entwining each other at the centre of Kurt's chest. "That sounds intriguing." Looking out the window, the snow fell gently onto the ground- Blaine really loved the snow. "Come on," He said as he grasp Kurt's wrist and led him out into the backyard.
"Blaine, wha- it's freezing." Kurt tighten his grasp on Blaine palm, in search of warmth. He almost choked when Blaine suddely tugged into closer, snaking his arms his waist and pulling him so close their chest were flushed against each other.
"I'm so glad I got to spend Christmas with you," Blaine said as he pushed his forehead onto Kurt's, breathing onto the boy's lips. "Me too." Blaine started to move, taking small steps forward and backwards, holding Kurt close to him. Before Kurt realized it, they were dancing, swaying in the cold. White snow flakes falling all around them.
"You're the most amazing person I've ever met, Kurt. I didn't know life until I met you. I never thought anything- or anyone- could mean this much to me." Blaine whispered. The words soothed into Kurt's ears, his heart melting despite the icy cold ambiance. "You need to stop taking my breath away. I'm barely breathing just being around you," He smiled. "I love you, Blaine." Kurt breathed.
Mrs Anderson stood in the kitchen, the curtains concealing her from the two boys that were dancing in the cold outside. Her arms crossed, she didn't know what to make of what she was seeing. Her son, smiling so wide she never thought a smile like that even existed.
"I know you don't approve of his lifestyle, but you have to admit one thing." Mr Anderson said as he stood next to his wife and watched his son twisting and turning and swaying with another boy in the winter cold.
"And what is that?"
"That you've never seen him look that happy." Mr Anderson watched his wife from the corner of his eye, and even though it was vague, he swore he saw a smile form on her lips.