Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 18

K - Words: 2,441 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
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Author's Notes: Well, here's chapter 18! This one was pretty..okay it was neutral but I wrote this while I was down with a fever. Yes, a true fighter I am haha. Enjoy though the next one's coming on pretty soon.Warning; Mature Sexual Content.


The morning sun burst through the seams of the window, litting up the dull olive green room. Kurt's eyes fluttered for a awhile, adjusting to the luster. He batted his lashes before opening his eyes completely, greeted by the serene image of a sleeping Blaine Anderson. He gazed at the boy's beautiful face. Blaine looked peaceful, his lips slightly parted, his eyes closed with his lashes pointing downwards like streams of a waterfall. He watched the boy's chest slowly rise as he inhaled, then slowly fall as he exhaled. The little stubs on his chin made him look less preppy than he usually looked, his gelled hair unruly. 

He gazed at Blaine, feeling every raw emotion he had for the boy. 

Blaine stirred a bit, then wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist & pulled him closer. He nuzzled his lips into Kurt's hair, then stopped moving. Kurt closed his eyes, comfortable in Blaine's warmth and embrace, and drifted back into slumber.

"Good morning."

Kurt's eyes flew open at the words and was greeted by the most sincere, dazzlingly quirky smile. "You're beautiful when you sleep. You're always beautiful."

"That's too flattering of a compliment to take so early in the morning," he smiled. Blaine lowered his head so that the tips of their lips were brushing against each other. They kissed, taking Kurt's breath away as their lips went by the familiar motion. "Wow, guess we're not the only ones who woke up" Blaine whispered while their lips were still intact. The boy swayed his hips from side to side, grinding his erection into Kurt's. He stifle out a moan, unable to stay silent at the arousing things Blaine was doing. "Umm," Blaine moaned out from kissing & sucking him on his neck. 

Then Kurt felt Blaine's fingers entwine around his erection, then the boy slowly started to pump it. Bobbing slowly, then picking up the pace, only to go slow again. "Blaine- please," was all Kurt could manage. Blaine's fingers were cold against his warm erection & the sensitivity of it made Kurt speechless. The irregular pace was frustrating but he didn't want it to stop. It felt more exhilarating, like Blaine was savouring every minute to watch Kurt stir in arousal.

"Blaine- Blaine I'm going to.." Kurt could feel the tightness in his stomach, the heat in his groin. The familiar crumbling sensation started to overcome him. "Come baby. Come for me." That triggered him. Kurt surrendered himself to his orgasm again, crumbling to a million pieces under Blaine as he screamed in pleasure. "When you scream my name like that Kurt, I want to fuck you so hard.." Kurt gasped for air, sweating under the warmth & weight of Blaine, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He threw his arms around Blaine's neck & pulled him into a kiss.

"You're the hottest thing in the world when you're so turned on like that." Blaine spoke despite the fact that their lips were on each other's. "You turn me on, Blaine." The kiss grew passionate, deep & lustful, but Blaine pulled away moments after. "Come on, I'm hungry." He got out of bed & stood there butt naked, staring down at Kurt. "Don't you want me to take care of your.." He pointed to Blaine's obvious erection & smiled to the boy. "How about we save this one for the shower." He winked & held his hand out for Kurt, but when Kurt got out of bed & started to walk, he stopped because there was a burning, stinging pain in his butt. "Ow. What the he-"

"What's wrong?"

"My butt. It-ow- it's-"

"It's sore?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

Blaine laughed and kissed him softly on his lips. "We had sex last night Kurt, of course your butt's going to hurt. Don't you research aftermath of anal sex on the internet at all."

"Of course not. You're weird if you did- Ow." His butt stung more when he took a step forward. Then Blaine suddenly swept him off his feet, the pain on his butt stung more at the sudden movement. "Ow Blaine! What are you doi-" then the sore stung less. "Better?" 


Blaine chuckled, carrying Kurt's entire body with his arms. "Come on then." They descended down the stairs & into the kitchen. Kurt blushed, remembering the events that transpired in the exact room. Blaine slowly place Kurt back on solid ground, then disappear into a room just outside the kitchen. He reappeared, carrying two bathrobes in his hands. 

"Robes, really?"

"As much as I want to see you naked all the time, I don't know how I feel about being naked in front of food." He gave his usual quirky smile & handed Kurt the white robe. "So what will you have? Eggs, bacon, pancakes?"

"Sounds like the same menu at my house every morning." Then it hit him, like a tornado in a small town. "MY HOUSE! BLAINE! MY DAD!" Kurt ran back up to Blaine's bedroom, trying his best to ignore the excruciating, stinging pain in his behind. He scanned the room & dived for his pants, fishing out his iPhone. He swiped the screen with his thumb & was horrified when he saw the 37 missed calls & 22 text messages pop-up. All from one person; his father.

"Oh my god. dad's going to kill me."

Blaine strolled into the bedroom & sat next to Kurt on the ground. "Blaine, I can't- I don't know how to face him he must've been worried sick oh god," he buried his face into his palm. Blaine wrapped his arms around his shoulders & pulled Kurt into his chest. "I should've let you go last night I'm sorry-"

"No. Don't apologize. I don't regret last night, Blaine. I don't regret it one bit. Last night was..the best date of my life. Just like you promised. Do not apologize for the blissful night you gave me." He sat up so he was face-to-face with the boy. "I love much & last night meant the world to me. Nobody has ever made me feel the way you made me feel, Blaine. I love you." He leaned forward and planted his lips right on the boy's, kissing him hard.

"I love you too. To the moon and back, I love you." Blaine said, kissing him chaste afterwards. "Now come on. Let's go face your dad."


"Kurt, I'm not going to let you face him alone." he said matter-of-factly. "Besides, your dad likes me. Maybe he'll be less infuriated."

"At this point, I don't think a live HD telecast of a football game would make him less raging." Kurt's phone started to vibrate in his hand & his heart sunk to his stomach when he looked at the caller ID; Dad. "Blaine..he's calling me-" Before Kurt could even complete his fearful sentence, Blaine snatched the cellphone out of his hands & put it to his ear. 

"Mr Hummel, yes It's Blaine. Yes, Kurt is fine. I'm sorry he didn't went- He spent the night here at my house- No Sir my parents weren't at home- I think it'd be easier if I were to explain what happened last night to you in person- Yes I'm taking Kurt home right now - Okay."

Blaine took the phone off his ear & handed it back to Kurt, then he started to pick up the clothes on the floor. "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM BLAINE! WHAT DID HE SAY!" Blaine looked up & smiled at him. "Kurt, relax. I'm going to tell him what happened last night, okay?"

"Wh-what do you mean you're going to tell him what happened last night? YOU'RE GOING TO TELL HIM WE HAD SEX?" Kurt bellowed. "Kurt, please calm down. I'll figure out how I'm going to explain it to him, okay? If you don't want me to tell him we had sex, I won't. It'd be awkward on both ends anyway. Relax baby, okay? He's just glad you're okay he was worried sick." Blaine smiled reassuringly. "It worries me that you're this calm I'm about to blow my top off."

"Isn't it already off?" Blaine smiled seductively & arched forward, leaning down to kiss him centre on his chest. "You're adorable when you're freaking out, especially when you're naked."

"I'm not naked."

"Are you sure about that?" Blaine untied the rope that was binding the two separated sides, slipped his hands underneath both Kurt's arms & snaked around to rest at the bottom of his spine. He leaned forward & planted his lips onto Kurt's, soft & tickling. "Now about that shower I mentioned earlier.."

"Maybe we should lie or something. Come up with some believable story. Oh how about your car broke down & we were stranded somewhere in the woods with no source of communication and a mass murderer found us & we spent the night hiding from him in the woods!" Kurt hyped.

Blaine chuckled, his eyes still fixed on the road ahead. "As believable as that sounds, I'm not going to lie to your dad, Kurt. I-We owe him the truth."

Kurt sighed & sunk back into the passenger seat. "So what are we going to tell him?"

"The truth, Kurt. It'll be okay, at least I hope it will."

"I don't get why you're the calm one."

"I'm calm because I got to spend the entire of last night kissing you and hugging you and holding you close to me. I'm calm because you were my first and it was amazing. I'm calm because last night was, and probably will ever be, the best night of my life. If having your dad scream at me the consequence, it's a small price to pay." He turned to face Kurt, and flashed his signature, dazzling, quirky smile before turning back to focus on the road.

"It was the best night of my life too." Kurt said timidly, still in awe of what Blaine just said. The car made a left turn & they were now driving down Kurt's familiar neighbourhood. He felt his insides swirl like a vortex as they slowly approached the house. When Blaine pulled up in front of the house, Kurt was basically hyperventilating.

"Calm down Kurt. It's going to be fine." Blaine got out of the car & walked over to the passenger side, pulling the door open & holding his hand out for Kurt. "Come on." They walked slowly up to the house, but before they were even half way up the pathway, Burt emerged from the house, his face blazing with rage and infuriation. He stood at the very top of the steps and crossed his arms, glaring at both boys.

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand in comfort & they walked towards Kurt's father, halting at the bottom of the steps. "Dad I'm sorr-"

"Are you gonna explain to me why you didn't come home last night?" His father's tone was soft, barely audible but full of menace and anger.

"I'm sorry dad I-"

"Mr Hummel, it was my fault. I- I was the one who asked him to stay over, " Blaine interrupted, "I know it was wrong & irresponsible of me, I'm sorry, but- but I'm in love with Kurt, and I wanted to just- just be with him for a night. I know I should've asked for your permission, but honestly I- we didn't plan on it."

Burt seemed to soften a little at the mention of Blaine being in love with his son. "Why didn't you answer any of my calls then, Kurt? You could've answered and told me. Do you know how worried I was?" He sighed.

"I'm sorry dad. I know I should've, but I was afraid you wouldn't allow me to. I'm sorry if I made you worry but I just- I'm sorry."

Burt glared at them for a moment longer, before letting out a sigh. "Well I'm glad you're safe. Blaine, maybe you should go now." His tone was authoritative. Though it was a suggestion, Blaine knew Burt meant is as an order.

"I'll call you later," Blaine turned to smile Kurt. "Mr Hummel, I really am sorry." He smiled nervously at Burt before turning around and walking back towards his car. Looking out his side window, he watched as Kurt followed his father into the house, but the boy turned around, his blue eyes dazzlingly mesmerizing from his pale, translucent fair skin. The corners of his beautiful, red lips turned upwards when his eyes met Blaine's. He waved lightly & entered the house, shutting the door behind him.

When Kurt disappeared from sight, Blaine sighed as he was once again reminded of Kurt's illness. He wasn't ready to lose the love of his life, and he probably never will be. Kurt had become such an impact in his life, the only prominence in his life & the thought of losing him....

"Okay dad, you can give it to me already." Kurt said uninterestedly. 

"Give what?" Burt asked, confused. "You obviously have some form of punishment for me so just say it already." He smiled at his son's assumption & picked up the newspaper, settling down on his arm chair. "I'm not punishing you, Kurt."

Kurt stared at his father in disbelief. He was expecting his father to be furious, but he looked calm. "I don't get it. First, you didn't blow your head off at Blaine when I initially thought you were going to, now you're not punishing me for being M.I.A for a whole night?"

Burt folded the paper into half and settled it on his lap. Tilting his head, his eyes pierced into his son's. "Does Blaine make you happy?" Kurt was a little taken aback by the question, especially since it came from his dad.

"I've never felt happier when I'm with him." Kurt confessed in a shaky voice, not wanting to meet his father's gaze.

"Then do you think I'd stand in the way of your happiness, Kurt? You're my son, I love you & if Blaine makes you happy, I'm all for it. But this can't happen again. I'm all for you being happy, but I'm a parent first. You can't be disappearing & not telling me where you are. You scared the life out of me last night.

And, I know Blaine's crazy about you, that's why I was calm to him. He loves you and he wanted to be with you, and I'm sure you wanted to be with him too. I'm angry at you basically disappearing for the night without a word to me, I'm not angry you were with Blaine."

Kurt felt a warm tear flow down his cheek. He ran to his father & wrapped him into a hug. "I love you, dad. I promise it won't happen again. I'm sorry I made you worry."

"Your happiness means everything to me, kiddo. You're not going to be around long, and I'd be damned if I don't let you have your happiness."

"You make me just as happy, dad."


End Notes: So what did you guys think? Tried to incorporate Kurt and Burt scenes because I love them. Please leave reviews here's the thing reviews babies!!


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