Remember Me
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Remember Me: Chapter 16

K - Words: 3,690 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
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Author's Notes: HELLO GUYS! Okay yes finally an update I'm sorry but this chapter was particularly hard to write, and I seem to be lacking in words. I have zero experience on anything remotely sexual so I apologize in absolute advance if the scenes in this chapter was a little gum ball. Enjoy though!!Note; SOME SEXUAL SCENES.


"How do you know so much about flowers?"

"My mom. She used to love gardening & sometimes I'd help her. All those times she would explain to me what each flower meant."

"That's adorable. Do you still garden with her?"

"No...she's..she's busy a lot now."

Kurt & Blaine were snuggled up on the couch at the front porch. It was evening, and the sun was setting. Blaine had his arms around Kurt, and his head was laying on Blaine's chest. They've been in this position for the past 3 hours, both not wanting to move because they were comfortable in each other's embrace. They missed it.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Kurt. God I've missed you so much." He planted a kiss on Kurt's temple, tightening his arms around the boy.

"Missed you too."

"Do you wanna go out tomorrow night?" Blaine asked.

Kurt was a little taken aback by the question. He wiggled out of Blaine's arms so he could look at the boy's face. "Go out?"

"Yeah, we've never really gone out on a-urm- a real date. I wanna take you out." He smiled at Kurt, with hopeful eyes.

"In public?"

Blaine frowned. "Are you embarrassed to be out with me?"

He laughed at Blaine's words because they came out vulnerable & Kurt thought it was precious. "Of course not, but this is Ohio, Blaine. Being openly gay is hard enough, shoving it people's face is like asking to be punched."

"I told you I'd protect you from anything, didn't I?" Kurt was unsure. As much as he loved the idea of going on a date with Blaine, he was nervous. "I'm not afraid, Kurt. I want to show you off to the world. Show everyone that my boyfriend is the most beautiful person ever & that everyone should be envious."

"Boyfriend?" Kurt blushed.

"Well, we've made out a lot & I gave you flowers & we're on this couch hugging each other, is that not a relationship?"

"I suppose it is.."

"So, aren't people in relationships suppose to go out on dates?"

"Okay." Kurt said, giving in to Blaine.

"O...Okay? You'll go out with me?" Blaine's voice rose to a high pitched, excited scream.

"Yes, Blaine. I'll go out with you."

He jumped off the couch and started doing a victory dance, thrusting his fist into the air. Kurt laughed as he watched the boy jumping around & screaming "HE SAID YES." He then sunked back into the couch & laid his head on Kurt's shoulder. "I promise it'll be the best date of your life."

Just then, Burt Hummel's truck pulled into the driveway & when he emerged, his eyes immediately met Kurt's & smiled. "Hi dad," Kurt greeted him once he had ascended up the steps to the front porch. "Hi, Mr Hummel." Blaine chimed after Kurt.

"So you two are back together?" Burt asked, smiling.

"Yes, Oh- I mean if you're okay with it sir." Blaine sat up, shifting away from Kurt, suddenly feeling nervous.

Burt let out a laugh when he saw the boy suddenly grow rigid. "Blaine, if I didn't want you with my son I would've chased you out the first day you sat out here." He was in awe of Kurt's father. He never knew such a parent existed, growing up with his. "Thank you, sir."

"Are you staying for dinner?"

"Oh, no I have to get going actually."

"Okay, well I'm going inside. Goodnight, Blaine."

"Goodnight sir."

Once Burt left them on their own, Kurt rested his head onto Blaine's shoulders this time. "Where do you have to be?" 

"I have to-urm to pick something up."

"I hope you're not a drug dealer because that's a turn off for me."

"No I'm not," Blaine laughed. "But I do have to go. What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Any time you'd like I guess."

"Loving the enthusiasm," Blaine said sarcastically. 

"I'm just..nervous alright. I've never been on a date."

"Don't be nervous. It's me, Kurt. I have to go now, but I'll pick you up at 7, okay?"


They both stood up and walked silently down the pathway to where Blaine's car was parked. The atmosphere was cold and Kurt had to wrap his arms around his frame. "Where are we going tomorrow?"

"It's a surprise." Blaine replied.

"This is Lima, there's only so many places you can take me."  "Still, it's a surprise. Don't stay up all night guessing though, because you'll never get it right."

"You've already planned the date haven't you? You're such a dork."

Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms, wrapping them behind his waist. Their faces inches apart once again, inhaling each other's scent & warmth. "A dork who loves you." Blaine whispered, his lips just on the tip of Kurt's before putting pressure onto it & taking him in a passionate, hungry kiss.

"Whoa, save it for the date tomorrow." Kurt pulled away, smiling.

"Sorry, I can't help myself your lips tastes so good." Blaine kissed him again for a few seconds before pulling away entirely. "So I'll see you tomorrow, 7pm."


"Goodnight," Blaine got into his car & looked out his window once more at the beautiful boy that was his. He smiled at how great it felt to be with Kurt, to know that they're together, to know that Kurt loves him back, but just as he allowed himself to think about much he loved Kurt, he was once again reminded that the boy was not going to be around long. That very thought was enough to send millions of tears down his cheek but he forced one last smile Kurt, before driving off.

Pulling into the car park of the local supermarket, Blaine got out of his car & entered the building, shuddering a bit when the blast of AC pinched his skin. He walked around, picking out ingredients that he needed, paid at the counter and left.

Once Blaine entered the front doors of his house, he walked to the kitchen & placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, only realizing there was a note placed on top of the marble counter. He picked it up & recognized the familiar handwriting of his mother.

Hi honey. Your dad and I had to fly off to Seattle. We'll be back on Monday. I couldn't get you on your cell, sorry. See you soon honey.

"What's new," Blaine sighed. He showered, got changed & laid on his bed, not able to sleep because he was thinking of the future. The future he had with Kurt. He wondered depressingly how long more does he have with the boy he loved so much. Kurt could be taken away from him at any moment & the thought scared the life out of him. He wanted forever with Kurt.

Blaine fished his phone out from the pocket of his jeans he wore earlier & open to a fresh new page of text message. He debated what he wanted to say. Once he settled on a simple text, be locked his phone & went to bed.

His phone buzzed & Kurt grabbed it immediately. He slide the lock key & the message tab popped out.

I just want to say that I'm not going anywhere, I'm not leaving you. Goodnight beautiful, I love you.

He smiled at the text from Blaine, though somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach he felt guilty that he couldn't give Blaine a normal relationship. Their relationship had a known expiration date, and that would come when Kurt's cancer takes him away. He shuddered at the thought, silently praying for some form of miracle to happen that would just heal him of his illness, but he knew it was never going to happen.

He rested his head on his pillow & a single tear fell out of his eyes when he thought of how Blaine would be when he was gone. At that last thought, he shut his eyes and slowly drifted into slumber.

"Kurt! I'm off to the garage. I'll be back for dinner." Kurt woke up & groaned when he saw his father standing over his bed side. "I'm going out tonight."

Burt frowned in surprise. Kurt was home most of the time & if he ever went out, it'd be either for school or to the mall in the afternoons to shop for clothes. "Where are you going?"

"Blaine is--urm he's taking me on a date."

"A date?" Burt smiled, trying to swallow his laughter that was gradually escaping his mouth."Yes, dad. A date. Stop laughing alright I'm nervous as it is!" Burt gave in & bellowed out giggle at how embarrassed his son looked. "Sorry kiddo, so what time will you be home then?"

"I don't know." Kurt voice was muffled because his head was buried under his pillows.

"Okay, well don't be too late." Burt started to ascend up the stairs, but stopped on his tracks and turned to his son. "I hope you have a marvellous time at your date." He left the room laughing.

"STOP!!" Kurt shouted in embarrassment. He grabbed his phone & checked the time. It was 10.48am, then only did he realize the magnitude of how important this date was. Going on this date would be like an establishment to their relationship, and Kurt felt nervous about it. He jumped off his bed and walked up to the kitchen, thinking some breakfast would calm his nerves.

Kurt still didn't feel at ease at all, even after downing 5 pancakes which was way out of his usual healthy diet. Then he got an idea, he ran into his closet and decided to find the perfect outfit for tonight. Dressing up always made Kurt feel at ease, but just as he was about to feel less on edge, his phone buzzed.

Hi! I hope you're excited for tonight! I know I am. See you at 7 beautiful.

He felt his stomach do a 360 degree flip at the text from Blaine, with a quick check at the time, he went back to his closet and started pulling on his top notch, designer clothes. "Urg this is impossible!" Kurt screamed frustratingly. He sunk onto the ground and started panting heavily, wishing so hard for his nerves to calm. 

Blaine pulled up in front of The Hummel's at 6.54pm. He donned a simple white linen shirt with a navy blazer & dark jeans. He felt antsy the entire day, but just as excited. He pulled his blazer tighter when he got out because it was cold around. Knocking on the door, he felt the butterflies in his stomach flap their wings as he waited for Kurt to appear.

When the door pulled open, his jaw dropped.

Kurt was stunning. He had extremely tight white jeans wrapped around his long, thin legs. His white linen shirt tucked in and buttoned to the brim, a chain accessory hung lazily on the collar & his hair was perfectly coiffed as usual.

"Y-you look amazing." Blaine uttered out.

Kurt blushed and drop his gaze to the ground, though Blaine noticed the shy smile forming on his perfect lips. "You do too." They stood there for a little while, Kurt shifting his feet awkwardly & Blaine simply admiring how beautiful his date looked.

"So..should we go now?"

Blaine snapped back to his senses & blushed realizing Kurt probably knew he was checking him out. "Yeah, after you." he said, holding out his arms gesturing for Kurt to go first. The boy shut the door behind him & walked past Blaine, towards the car. He couldn't help himself but to admire how tight Kurt's pants were at his butt area, as he walked behind the boy. Blaine smiled to himself at how perfectly irresistible Kurt's ass looked.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"It's a surprise."

"Fine, then I'm not talking to you until we get to wherever you're taking me." Kurt crossed his arms over his chest & pouted.

"It's okay, I don't mind just looking at you in silence."

Kurt looked out the window, but Blaine knew he was blushing. They drove with the soft music on the radio filling the silence. "Did I mention how ravishing you look in white?"

"You mentioned stunning, but thank you."

"I mean it though, you really do look stunning. How long did it take you to pull that outfit together?" Blaine asked.

"A while I guess. You didn't tell me where we're going I had a hard time deciding what to wear. I didn't want to overdress or under-dress see this is why you should tell me where we're going you put me in such a dilemma...what's so funny?"

"You are." Blaine chuckled.

"I'm serious I've never had a hard time deciding what to wear!"

"You're adorable."

"Just tell me where we're going I feel nervous not knowing!"

"We're here." Blaine pulled up into an empty parking lott, surrounded by trees. "Here?" Kurt asked. "Yes, come on." He got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side, pulling the door open for Kurt. "You're not by any chance going to chop my body into parts & throw them into the woods, are you?"

"And ruin that outfit? No way." He smirked. Blaine walked to the trunk of the car & pulled out a picnic basket, shutting the trunk shut afterwards & grabbing Kurt's hand. "Trust me, come on." He led Kurt into the forest, feeling the boy's grip tighten in his palm as they walked. "Okay Blaine seriously where are you taking me."

"Just trust me, okay."

They walked a little deeper into the forest until they emerged onto a land with sand stretched out far into the darkness & waves crashing onto the shore. "There's a beach here?" Kurt asked. Blaine smiled, and gently tugged Kurt's arm forward, gesturing him to follow. They walked a little further through the sand, Kurt stumbling now & then as he tried to stable himself. "Okay, stop." He let go of Kurt's hand & dropped the picnic basket, then bending down and started pulling out a few things. 

He pulled out a huge blanket & laid it onto the sandy ground, then two candle holders followed by two long candle sticks. "Surprise!" Blaine shouted, extending his arms to his sides.

"This is our date?" Kurt said, frowning a little.

He suddenly felt nervous. Blaine never considered how Kurt would react to the date he had planned for them, and now seeing the little frown on Kurt's face, he panicked.

"Y-yes. I-urm I cooked for us & I-uh I knew you didn't feel comfortable with a public date so I thought this would be more private & urm- I know it's cliché.." Blaine was pulling out all the containers of food he had cooked, his hands shaking trying to get composure but he was nervous, scared of what Kurt thought of his plan. "This is stupid I'm sorry I should've just taken you to a restaurant or someth-"

"I love you."

Blaine's faces shot up to stare at a smiling Kurt Hummel. "W-what?"

"This-what you did for our first date is just..the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

"Well...I wanted our first real date to be special."

"You've outdone yourself." Kurt smiled and sat down on the mat next to Blaine. "So what did you make?" 

Blaine smiled to himself, glad Kurt didn't hate what he had planned. "I made lasagne, some mashed potatoes, a bottle of sparkling apple cider & for dessert," he pulled the last content in the basket & held it up like it was a trophy, "vanilla ice cream, because it's not a date without ice cream."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Nowhere, I just love ice cream."

Blaine took out a mini lighter that he brought & lit up the two candle sticks. The fire illuminated & cast a gentle glow over Kurt's face. Blaine couldn't help himself but to stare at the boy's beautiful features, and when Kurt blushed, he smiled to himself. He loved knowing he had such an affect on Kurt. The gentle breeze was calming, not too cold for them to feel uncomfortable. They both sat opposite of each other, Kurt crossed his legs & Blaine stretched his onto the sand. To the right, the waves were crashing onto the shore very calmly. It was quiet around, and two other couple were at the other far end of the beach.

"So, will you have some lasagne?" Blaine smirked.

"Yes, of course," Kurt smiled sweetly.

He pulled the lid off the container and scooped up some lasagne onto Kurt's plate before handing it to him. Blaine watched as Kurt took a spoonful of the dish & put it into his mouth, feeling slightly aroused at the perfect O Kurt's lips made when the spoon was in his mouth, wishing how the spoon was his-

"Wow, this is amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Blaine snapped out of his dirty thoughts at Kurt's question. "Oh, just one of my many talents." he said, winking his left eye. Kurt rolled his blue eyes, but kept the smile on his lips. "I used to help my mom out in the kitchen a lot. Sometimes she'd let me make dinner, with her supervision. That's where I learned it from."

"Well, it's great honestly I could eat this all day. How are things with your parents?" Kurt asked nervously. He knew how Blaine's parents were not really there for him. Blaine had told him the night they first kissed.

"They're out of town more often than usual. I don't know really I don't even remember the last time I had dinner with them." Blaine said, trying to conceal dejection. "So then you eat by yourself every night?" Kurt asked, sounding a little shocked. "Yeah pretty much."

"That's terrible! You can't be eating dinner alone every night Blaine that's just- you can always come over you know." Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's thigh, comfortingly. He hated himself for feeling melancholy in front of Kurt, especially on their first date. "Was that you asking me to come over to your house at night?" He smirked, trying to change the subject. "If I wanted you for that, you'd know." He smiled.

"I cannot stop staring at you tonight I'm sorry you're just- you look really good. You always look good though."

Kurt blushed, taking small bites of his lasagne. "If you think I didn't notice you staring at my ass earlier, you're wrong." Blaine's cheeks burned crimson, though he tried to maintain his confidence. "I'm pretty sure you knew those jeans were tight enough to get my attention beforehand." He smiled slyly. "Don't talk to me I'm enjoying this lasagne." Blaine laughed at the adorable pink cheeks Kurt now had.

They continued talking to each other, like they were getting to know each other. Kurt talked about his dad, how he'd been the only source of company for him before Blaine, Kurt got to know of Blaine's musical talents, how he knows how to play the piano. Blaine tried to avoid talking about Kurt's cancer, and every time it would almost come up, he'd try to change it to another subject. He didn't need to be reminded again that he'd soon be losing Kurt. They talked for hours, until the very last bit of lasagne & mashed potato was stomached.

"I swear that was one of the absolute best meals I've ever eaten."

"I'm glad you liked it, and now finally. Ice cream!" Blaine screamed playfully, like a child. He took out the tub & handed Kurt a spoon. "No bowl?" 

"Ice cream taste better right off the tub," he smiled & shoved a spoonful of the cold treat into his mouth. Kurt did the same, and they ate in silence for awhile, both enjoying the cold tasty dessert. "You have a little- urm ice cream there," Blaine said.

"What? Where?" Kurt started wiping his chin & cheeks, but missing the actual spot on the corner of his lips. "Here let me get it," he pulled out a napkin from the basket, but dropped it. Instead, he leaned over towards Kurt & kissed the spot of ice cream. Small, innocent kisses. He felt the corners of Kurt's lips turn upwards. "I think there's some on your lips too," Blaine whispered. He moved his lips over to meet Kurt's, kissing him slowly at first, parting his lips a little as Kurt did the same.

He pushed his lips harder onto Kurt's, adding pressure onto the gradually passionate kiss. Their tongues were in contact now, gently touching at every kiss. Then Kurt started to bite & tug on his lower lip, and a moan escaped Blaine's mouth. His hand dropped to Kurt's thigh, squeezing it but the gesture only made his erection grow harder. "Oh god...Kurt-"

The boy pulled Blaine forward as Kurt slowly laid back, until he lying down on the mat & Blaine was on top of him, trying to hold himself up with his hand both pressed onto the mat. He was hovering over Kurt, their lips still intact. He felt Kurt's fingers linger down his sides, tracing swirly lines as he slowly went down to his lower back. His fingers stayed there, simply tickling Blaine's lower spine before Kurt's palm slid over his ass. When Kurt's palm clenched, clasping his cheek through his jeans, Blaine thrust his hips forward pressing his erection deeper into Kurt's thigh. "Ah- Kurt.." He moaned out. 

Blaine's lips were on Kurt's neck now, the spot below his ear. He kissed it, sucking on the smooth, flawless skin of the boy. "Blaine- please.." His erection only god harder at the sound of Kurt's voice when he was in pleasure. Every little moan that escaped from Kurt's mouth only made his hips thrust forward, wanting so bad to be inside of feel his bare skin.

Kurt then grabbed onto Blaine's blazer & pulled it off, throwing it behind him. He started kissing Blaine's neck, sucking on the skin every now and then. "Ah fuck Kurt.." Blaine grabbed the boy's thigh, lifted him up a little so his hand had access to his ass. Kurt tucked Blaine's shirt out of his pants, & started unbuttoning the top buttons, kissing the exposed skin every time he undid a button.

"Kurt--stop," Blaine said once Kurt was down to the very last button. He stared into those blue eyes & gulped. "Do you want to go to my house?"

Blaine's eyes were wild, blazing with passion as those words came out of his mouth. His eyes told a million stories, so full of possibilities as he stared hopeful at Kurt's. There was a faint look of fear in Kurt's eyes, but just as Blaine was about to regret what he had just proposed..



End Notes: SO?! I know I know such a trying attempt. Please review! I have to know if you guys think the making out part of this chapter was good! I gotta be reading a lot of books because seriously my language's becoming horrible. REVIEWS!! I'll try to post the next one soon!


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