Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The minutes seemed to drag on forever. Kurt kept his head down, staring intently at his hands, silently hoping the ground would just open up and swallow him whole so he wouldn't have to endure the intense silence. Blaine wore a blank expression, eyes seemed hollow though fixated looking at the side of Kurt's face. He didn't say anything, he just sat there staring.
Kurt kept sobbing softly, tears constantly forming in his eyes and snaking down his cheek. He didn't dare look up at Blaine, not after the devastating information he had shared with him.
"W-what?" Blaine stuttered. "N-no. No you don't..." he said in denial.
His unwillingness to accept the information only made Kurt crumble more. He stifled another sob before responding. "I d-do. I found out a-about 6 months ago. Before I even came to McKinley...and met you. I tried chemo for a little while, but I never responded to it. That's when the doctors diagnosed that the cancer I have is beyond medical help, and they advised me to just live my life. The rest of it anyway.." he trailed off.
"So why didn't you tell me?"
"What didn't you tell me before, Kurt?" Blaine's voice was shaky, like he was trying to suppress the urge to cry.
"I didn't tell you because you were never suppose to fall in love with me, Blaine! I didn't tell you because I knew it was going to drive you away from me! I knew you if I told you you'd take off like anyone would! I didn't tell you because..because I don't want you to run away from me.. because..because I love you Blaine! I'm in love with you and I don't want to let you go but that makes me selfish because I'm probably going to die soon then I'll be the one leaving you!" Kurt screamed in tears.
He didn't wait for Blaine to respond, instead he unbuckled his seat belt and jump out of the car into the pouring rain & the roar of thunder. Every drop of rain like daggers onto his skin. He ran up the pathway, up the steps and onto the front porch. "KURT! KURT STOP PLEASE!" he heard Blaine shouting, running towards him but he didn't stop. He burst into the front door, slammed it shut and sunk to the ground & cried.
"KURT! KURT PLEASE OPEN UP!" Blaine screamed, trying to overpower the sound of the thunder. He pounded on Kurt's front door hard. "KURT! PLEASE!" but there was no response. He continued to scream and fist on the door for another 20 minutes before giving up. He sat on the ground next to the door frame and leaned his back onto the wall. "Kurt, please I love you.." he said under the sound of the pitter patter of rain, though he knew Kurt couldn't hear him.
Blaine stayed there until the rain receded. He watched as cars drove by the neighbourhood. He was drenched still & had developed a cold, but he still refused to leave. He wanted to stay there until Kurt opened the door. Just then, a car drove into the driveway & out came Burt Hummel. He squinted for a while and frowned when he realized Blaine was sitting on his front porch.
"Hi, Blaine, " Burt said once he had ascended up the steps onto the front porch. "What ah-are you doing here?"
He stood up when Kurt's father acknowledged him. "Hi sir. Sorry, I just..I'm waiting for Kurt."
"Is everything alright?" Burt picked up on something when he eyed Blaine from top to toe.
For some reason, Blaine found the need to the truthful to Burt. He was the only other person who knew of Kurt's sickness after all. "No. Everything's not alright, sir. Kurt... he told me about his illness." He went silent for a moment, memory going back to that life-altering, earth-shattering moment when Kurt had told him. "It's not alright because I love him and he's going to die soon, and I don't know how will I ever cope when he goes.." He couldn't stop himself. Blaine's tears streamed down his face, the ones that threatened to fall, back in the car. And then Burt wrapped him into his arms. "It's okay to cry, Blaine. I know I did. I still do actually. It's a lot to take in, I know. But look at it from Kurt's perspective. He has never told anyone before. I'm pretty sure he's overwhelmed, more than you in fact. Give him time, and he'll come to you." Burt pulled away and smiled weakly and him. "Now you have to go home. It's late." he added rather assertively.
"B-but..sir..I need to t-talk to Kurt.."
"I know you do, and he needs to talk to you too I'm sure. But for now he can't, and neither can you." He said. "I have to get inside. Kurt will come to you Blaine. He loves you."
"That's what he told me too. Did he t-tell you he l-loves me?"
"No," Burt said simply. "But I can tell by the way he talks about you."
With one last weak grin, Burt Hummel entered the house & shut the door behind him, leaving Blaine standing on the front porch alone. He stared at the door once more, with one last, faint hope that Kurt might appear, but he didn't. He took out his phone, type a quick message to Kurt and looked up when a ringtone was heard coming from the opposite side of the door. He walked towards the the front wooden door, and prayed Kurt was behind it.
"Kurt. I hope you're there. I love you. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be out here every single day until you're ready to face me. Please. I love you, Kurt. You're not being selfish. I want to be with you. I love you too, Kurt. Maybe even more than you think. I'll be waiting out here first thing tomorrow morning. I love you." Blaine finished off.
On the drive back home, Blaine fought the urge to cry the entire time he was driving, and when he arrived home, he burst into the front door, ran up the stairs 2 steps at a time & jump onto his bed, allowing himself to crumble & feel every single emotion he had. That night, he cried himself to bed like he never had before.
Kurt remained on the floor, back pressed against the front door when his phone vibrated.
"I'm not going anywhere." The text from Blaine read.
Then he heard footsteps walking towards the door, and then a voice broke the silence. Blaine's soft, shaky voice. "Kurt. I hope you're there. I love you. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be out here every single day until you're ready to face me. Please. I love you, Kurt. You're not being selfish. I want to be with you. I love you too, Kurt. Maybe even more than you think. I'll be waiting out here first thing tomorrow morning. I love you."
Kurt felt tears falling from his eyes again as Blaine spoke. He buried his face into his palm, praying for some form of strength. All he wanted to do was pull the door open and lunge himself onto Blaine, allowing the boy to envelope him in a loving embrace, but he didn't, and when he heard a car door shut, it sent him over the edge and he just cried, soft sobs escaping his lips.
Within seconds, a big pair of arms wrapped around his frame. "I know kiddo. I know.."
"I-I don't know what to do, dad. I don't want to let him go, but I have to."
"Who says you have to?"
Kurt was stunned. He looked up at his father with confusing eyes. "Kurt, I know you think letting him go is the right thing to do, but he's already in love with you. Do you think letting him go will make him forget about you?" Burt asked. "It's not."
"But..but I don't want to hurt him, dad."
"You're going to hurt him either way, Kurt. I'm sorry, but it's true." Burt said. "When you die..." he gulped.
Kurt sighed. "I wish some miraculous miracle would happen and cures my cancer.."
"I wish that every single day."
He let out a soft sob and allowed himself to fall into his father's loving embrace. They stayed there, in each others arms for a while before Burt kissed his forehead and left for the kitchen. Kurt made his way to his bedroom, flopped onto his bed & let his thoughts wander. He had no idea what to do, but he didn't want to hurt Blaine. He couldn't. After all the boy had went through, he couldn't bear to be another source of pain for Blaine. Somehow Kurt wished he'd never met Blaine.
When Blaine woke up, he didn't even gave himself a few more minutes to lay in bed. He got up immediately, got into the shower, changed & left. He drove to a local bakery, got a box of dozen cupcakes and was about to make his way to Kurt's house when he stoppted in front of the town library. He debated for a second before going inside.
A couple of heads looked up when Blaine opened the door. He felt weird being in a library he had never really been much of a bookworm. Blaine approached the front desk, a woman in her probable early late 30s was seating behind it. She looked up & gave Blaine a suspicious look when he stopped in front of her.
"Can I help you?" the woman asked.
"Yes. Urm-where is the uh-romance section?" He felt his cheeks blush hard in embarrassment.
"Over there," the woman pointed to the shelve on the far corner of the library.
He took about 20 minutes to look for the book he wanted, in the 'S' section. Once he found it, he walked back to the front desk, silently thanking his mother for signing him up for a membership here when he was younger.
"You'll be fined if you return it after the due date."
Then he left and drove all the way to Kurt's house. When he arrived, he was glad that both Kurt & Burt's car was outside. He made his way up to the front porch but before he could knock on the door, Burt Hummel appeared & was midly stunned when he saw Blaine.
"Morning, Blaine."
"Hi, Sir. Is Kurt inside?"
"Yeah...but urm- I don't think he's ready to talk to you kid." Burt said nervously.
"Oh...that's fine. Could you give this to him though?" Blaine handed Burt the box of cupcakes.
"Yeah sure." He turned around and disappeared into the house, coming back out after a few minutes. "I have to go. I'd let you inside...but I don't think.."
"It's okay, sir." Blaine smiled.
Burt got into his truck and drove off, giving a last wave at Blaine. "Kurt," Blaine said loudly, hoping Kurt could hear him. "I'll be out here all day long, just so you know." He settled himself onto the steps of the front porch & took out the book he had borrowed from the library. The book Kurt had read. He read the title out loud, for some reason. "A Walk To Remember."
Kurt took a blanket and sat himself at the front door, resting his back on the hard wood. He opened the box that Blaine had apparently bought for him and was immediately in awe of what laid inside.
In the box, sat neatly 12 cupcakes with alphabets on it. All the alphabets spelled;
He stared at the cupcakes & smiled to himself, wanting so bad to just pull the front door open and let Blaine kiss him away, but he didn't. He stayed rooted on the floor and stared at the cupcakes, not wanting to disrupt the sequence all he wanted to do was frame them up.
The next few hours went by quietly. It was in the middle of the afternoon now and there was no sound coming from outside. Kurt had to go to the living room and peep through the window to see if anyone was outside. Every time he looked, he expected Blaine to have left, but no. The boy still sat there on the front porch, reading a book. Though Kurt knew he could've just went to his room & busied himself, he chose instead to remained seated behind the front door. Somehow he felt like Blaine was keeping him company.
At 5pm, he heard a man talking. It was a voice he didn't recognize. He ran to the window in the living room to peep again & saw that it was a delivery guy. He handed Blaine a huge box of pizza in exchange for money. Kurt felt bad that Blaine had waited for him outside to the point of hunger. He wanted to just open the front door and let Blaine inside for warmth and food but he couldn't face Blaine. Not yet anyway.
"Kurt I bought pizza, if you want some you can creek the door open and I'll slip a few slices in for you.." he heard Blaine bellow.
He didn't answer. He stayed silent. Just Blaine's voice made him almost want to cry profusely.
"Are you sure?" Blaine said again. He waited for awhile but Kurt still stayed silent. "Alright then. If you change your mind I'll leave a few slices for you."
The next few hours passed & Kurt had started munching on the cupcakes Blaine had bought for him. He only dared to eat those that spelled his name, not wanting to ruin the words 'I LOVE YOU'.
Blaine ate one last piece of pizza, careful to leave 4 slices in case Kurt changed his mind and come out, but he knew it was a long shot because it was already 7pm. He had waited outside Kurt's home for nearly a day, but he never appeared. Blaine felt a little dejected, but he wasn't going to give up.
When a pick up truck entered the driveway, it caught Blaine's attention and he immediately knew who it was. The man with the baseball hat emerged, looking slightly tired. His eyes immediately drifted to Blaine & looked at him sympathetically.
"He didn't come out once, did he?" Burt said to him.
"No..he didn't." Blaine replied, sounding a little morose.
"I'm sorry kid. He'll come around soon enough. You don't have to wait for him like this, you know Blaine."
"I know, sir. But I need him to know that I'm not going anywhere. I...I need him."
Burt smiled at the boy. "I'm sure he'll be ready to face you soon, Blaine. Are you hungry? Maybe I can go inside, fix you something & eat out here with you?"
"Oh, no thank you sir. I already ate." He bent down and picked up the box of pizza and handed it to Burt. "I left some for Kurt. Could you maybe give them to him?"
"Sure, but I can't promise he'll eat them. He'll probably tell me how much calories there are in pizzas or something."
Blaine let out a soft laugh, realizing again how adorable Kurt is.
"You should go now, kid. It's late and you look exhausted."
Blaine hesitated for a while and then realizing how sleepy he was. "Yeah I think you're right." He cover his mouth when he yawned. Blaine turned to the front door of the house and spoke loudly, "Kurt, I'll be here tomorrow morning. I love you." He turned back to face Burt, catching the faint smile on the man's lips. "Goodnight, sir."
"Burt. Call me Burt."
Blaine smiled at the man before making his way to his car & driving off. When he got home, he didn't even bother to take a shower because his weariness finally came to surface. He went straight to his bedroom, flop onto his matress and drifted into slumber, the last vision in his mind was of Kurt's sad eyes, back when he confessed to Blaine of his illness.
The Hummels were silent during dinner. For some reason Kurt felt like his father was a tad angry with him, though he didn't want to ask. His father kept sighing & Kurt rolled his eyes at every sigh, knowing full well Burt wanted him to ask. Finally, after one long, loud sigh, Kurt couldn't stand it.
"What, dad?"
His father looked up & tried to act nonchalant. "What do you mean?"
"Please don't act like you're not suppressing some lecture for me. I know you have something to say, so get on with it."
His father smirked a little, before responding. "Fine. Kurt...he waited outside all dad for you, in the cold. Starving and tired, he waited for you. How much more proof do you need that he's not going to leave you?"
"Dad..." Kurt sighed. "It's not that. I just..I can't face him, dad. He knows now that my expiration date is near and I don't know how he's going to look at me now. It's gonna change. He's gonna be scared looking at me. I don't want to see him like that. I can't see him in pain. I just-I can't."
He dropped his gaze to the pizza slice on his plate, when he felt a palm over his hand. "I know you're scared, but you're going to have to face him sooner or later. How long are you going to let him sit out on the porch."
"I opt for later."
His father smiled at him sympathetically, and remained silent. Then, an idea struck Kurt. "Dad, do you think you can help me carry up that old two seater couch in my room?"
His father frowned for a moment, "Sure, why?"
"Because if I can't face him yet, and he's going to sit outside waiting for me, the least I can do is make it comfortable for him."
I think this has been my favorite chapter so far. It is so sweet that Blaine is sitting outside the house and reading "A Walk to Remember" just to show Kurt that he isn't running away from him. I also really liked that Burt sees Blaine for the good person that he is and wants Kurt to allow them both to be happy. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Thank you so much your words gives me more confidence to write thank you so much!!