Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 13

K - Words: 3,327 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,503 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey guys! Took me awhile to write this, because this one is pretty long. Sorry, felt like I needed to just get to the climax. I hope you guys stay with me on this, I promise it'll get more interesting in the next few chapters. I'm contemplating a smut chapter but I'm inexperienced so I won't even know how to even start.Enjoy this chapter it's good, to me at least.


The next day, Kurt woke up feeling anxious to see Blaine. He knew he had to tell him the truth, but he didn't want to. Other than his personal insecurity that Blaine might leave him, he didn't want to pile more bad news onto the boy. But he had to. Blaine had fallen in love with him. It was already too late as it is, but he had to.

After getting ready for school, he made his way to the kitchen and had breakfast alone, because his father had left for the garage early. Kurt could barely stomach anything with how nervous he was feeling. Just the idea of someone else knowing of his secret, besides his father shook the wits out of his body. He left the house, thinking fresh morning air would do him some good, and sat on the steps of the front porch waiting for Blaine to arrive. It was 7.15am. Blaine had said he would arrive at 730am, so Kurt just sat there. Watching the people in his neighbourhood go about their morning routine. He'd never taken any form of acquaintance with any of his neighbours. It was easier to live life with his dad as his only source of company, but things were different now that there's a third vital person in his life; Blaine.

The sound or a car honk brought Kurt back to reality as Blaine's car slowly came to a halt at the other end of the pathway. He picked up his bag and walked on over to the silver car, dreading every step he took knowing how bad today was going to be. 

"Hi," Blaine said, leaning over and kissing Kurt on his cheek when he had slid into the passenger side. Kurt blushed at the romantic gesture, his guilt and nerves on overdrive. "Are you worried?" Blaine asked. His eyes widen in shock and in sudden fear. What is Blaine talking about, Kurt thought. "W-what?" he asked incoherently, his nervousness taking over his articulation. "Are you worried of what's going to happen when we get to school? Because of what happened to me yesterday.." he said. Kurt let out a barely-audible sigh. Of course he was worried about that too, but confessing to Blaine was much immense. "I'm nervous too," Blaine said, taking Kurt's silence as a yes. "But we've got each other, right?" Kurt looked at the hazel eyed boy and nodded. He couldn't form words. 

As they pulled into the school's car park, Kurt and Blaine sat in the car for a little while. He turned to look at Blaine and saw the fear, the horror in the boy's face. He knew he had to be Blaine's rock for now. He needed to be support for Blaine. "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you, okay?" Kurt smiled, hoping he gave Blaine some solace but he knew Blaine was a nervous, fearful wreck, just like he was. "Hey," Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's, getting his attention. "It's going to be rough for awhile, but I promise you, things will get better. You won't have to endure this forever, just for now." Kurt said, feeling extremely guilty as he did so knowing full well that the bit of information he'd have to tell Blaine was going to make everything worse. They both got out of the car and walked over to the double front doors. They walked at a glaciers pace, both not knowing what to expect when they enter.

The doors shut behind them as they walked down the hallway, trying their best to ignore the glares and stares as they walked past students. Kurt could hear a group of cheerleaders muttering something into to each other, they all had their eyes on Blaine and him. Kurt looked over to Blaine and saw how hard he was trying to keep his composure and confidence, but the fear in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Well well well, if it isn't the fag duo," a voice bellowed from behind them. Kurt turned around to find that the voice came from the guy with the mohawk, Puck, standing with 2 other jocks beside him, like guards. "What do you want, Puck?" Blaine said with an aggravated tone.

"Some unfinished business," Puck said. 

"How about you just leave me alone." Blaine said.

"Not you, Anderson. I'm talkin' about lady Hummel over here." Kurt inhaled sharply. "We were once bros, then he came along and messed with your head, turning you into this faggot so now he has to pay." Puck took a step towards him but, just as quickly, Blaine moved to stand in front of Kurt, shielding him. "Do not touch him." Blaine said assertively to Puck. "If you lay a finger on him, Puck, I swear.." 

"You'll do what, Anderson?" Puck said, taking a step closer so he was standing right in front of Blaine, their faces inches apart. Both looking as if they were going to kill each other. "You'll hit me?"

Blaine was heaving now, practically steam boiling out of his ears. "Leave him alone, do you understand me? He has got nothing to do with anything."

"Nothing to do with anything?" Puck let out a sarcastic laugh. "He's the reason you're a fag. We were bros, then he came along and now you're sucking dick it's disgusting and he's at fault, so he's getting punished for taking you away from us."

"Are you fucking serious, Puck?" Blaine's eyes blazed with anger. "He didn't take me away from anyone! You're a general jack ass, half the time I didn't even know why I was friends with you! Yeah I get it your dad left you but that doesn't fucking give you a green card to be a destructive force to the universe!" Blaine shouted. A crowd of students had gathered around to watch the altercation now. "And for the record, you fucking slept with Quinn. Sure, technically speaking the relationship was unauthentic, but you didn't know that, yet you crossed a line of 'brotherhood'. Kurt's not the one who took me away from you guys. You, Puck, drove me away."

Puck was in disbelief. He stared into the eyes of his former best friend, unable to adsorb the words that was said to him. Kurt still stood behind the protection of Blaine, feeling the crowd of students watching the two boys shouting back and forth at each other. Some were looking at him too, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable at the attention.

"You know what, screw him. Bet you have anyway." With that last statement, Puck and the two boys turned on their heel and stalked off.

"Are you okay?" Kurt said when Blaine had turned around to face him.

"Relieved, actually." Blaine smiled. "This is my opportunity."

"Your what?"

Blaine didn't answer. Instead, he turned around and scanned the crowd of students who all had their eyes fixed on the two of them. "So I'm sure all of you must know by now that I'm gay, evident from a picture Puckerman showed all of you yesterday. Yes, it is true." Blaine said, raising his voice so everyone heard him. "No, Kurt didn't 'make' me gay. I've known since I was 14, but I hid because I was afraid of the repercussions if I had told everyone of my sexuality, which has proven to be right. To tell you the truth I don't think I would've ever come out if Puckerman hadn't outed me. Not in this school, at least.

"But today I realized something. I realized that I don't really care what anybody says about me. I don't really care if you think being gay is disgusting or if being gay means I'm an abomination or whatever, because the only person I truly care about happens to be the only person that accepts me. Kurt."

Blaine turned & looked him straight into his eyes. 

"Kurt, I love you. I love you so much I swear I've never felt this way for anyone. You're the only person that matters to me." And then gasp were heard everywhere when Blaine leaned forward and planted a kiss onto Kurt's lips, pulling away after a few seconds.

"So there it is, everyone. I'm gay, I'm in love & I'm proud. You can go ahead and utter & hurl every single insult you have for me, because nothing you say or do will change the way I am." Blaine said.

"Come on," he said softly to Kurt. As they walked, the group of students made a path and allowed them to walk through, all eyes still staring at them some with disbelief, some with hateful glares, some even wore proud faces, specifically the brunette girl Rachel Berry.

"That was very....valiant & courageous." Kurt said once they had settled into the Chemistry lab, still the only ones there, waiting for the teacher.

"I don't know what came over me. I think it was the spur of the moment, you know? Felt like I needed to do it...I'm sorry for kissing you in front of everyone. I didn't even think whether you'd be comfortable with that.."

"It's okay." Kurt smiled. "So how does it feel? To come out. Officially, and on your own terms."

Blaine seemed to wander for a while, before smiling. "It feels...liberating. Like I finally have some inner peace. Is this how it should feel like after coming out to hundreds of people?"

"Yes." Kurt smiled.

"I have you to thank after all.."

Kurt looked confused. "Me? What did I do?"

"Just your comfort, your support. You were there for me when nobody else was. You hugged me even when you barely knew me, you promised to be here for me, which you fulfilled. Just you in general, Kurt."

Kurt blushed, now feeling the full guilt in the pit of his stomach. Just the thought of having to tell Blaine the truth after all this make his insides twirl. "I'm glad I could help." he muttered, trying to hold back the guilty vomit.

"Come here." Blaine grabbed the back of Kurt's neck and slowly pulled their faces closer, but before their lips met, they were interrupted by the loud female voice. "There you are!" Rachel Berry shouted. "I've been looking everywhere for you two."

"What is it?" Blaine said, sounding a little annoyed.

"I just wanted to offer my word of congratulations. I was so proud of what you did earlier, coming out to the whole school like that. Owning your sexuality, despite what Puck did yesterday. It's very refreshing, obviously very rare in McKinley. You're wrong by the way, about Kurt being the only person who accepts you. I have 2 gay dads so I'm in full support of the gays. I accept you Blaine, and I'm sure a few other students do too. I just wanted you to know that. To know that there are people who accept you despite this school being infected with homophobia." Rachel smiled sweetly when she finished her last sentence.

Blaine looked at though he was on the verge of tears at Rachel's words of solace. "Th-thank you s-so much you have no idea how much that means to me." He got off his feet and wrapped Rachel in a hug, the girl returning the gesture. "Well, I have to get to class. I'll see you in Literature later, Kurt." she said, before turning around and walking. "Oh," Rachel said when she stopped at the door frame & whirled around to look at the two boys, "you two make a cute couple by the way," she said before walking out of the classroom completely.

"Are we a couple?" Blaine smirked.

Kurt could feel his insides tightening at the guilt. He had to tell Blaine before things got any further than they already are. He wanted to so bad, but he couldn't. He knew it hurt or destroy Blaine completely, and he couldn't live with that thought. He couldn't live knowing he's the cause of Blaine's misery.

"I have to-urm- tell you something, Blaine." Unable meet the boy's eyes. He stared at the front cover of his chemistry textbook, trying to gather as much courage as he could. "Tell me what?" Blaine asked. But before the conversation got any deeper, a bunch of students started pouring into the classroom. All glaring at the two of them before taking their seats. "Okay class. Settle down." Mr Schuester said as he walked in. 

"Later." Kurt mumbled.

He couldn't concentrate the entire time. Kurt kept trying to form the words he'd have to say to Blaine later. He could feel Blaine looking at him from time to time, and every time he felt those hazel eyes watching him, the guilt in his stomach stirred. He was so deep in thought Kurt didn't even realize how fast time flew, and before he knew it the bell rang signalling the end of a period.

"What do you have now?" Blaine asked while they were both packing away their things.


"So what did you want to tell me?" Kurt tensed. Just the innocence and curiosity in Blaine's tone doubled his guilt. Maybe even quadrupled.

"I need to talk to you. Can we talk after school?"

"Yeah sure. I'll see you at the parking lot after school I'll drive you home and we can talk there. Sound good?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, okay." Kurt muttered nervously.

"Shit, we're gonna be late. I'll see you later." Blaine kissed him on the cheek before rushing off to class. That quick kiss was basically the trigger. The moment Blaine left the classroom Kurt dropped back onto his seat and sobbed.

"This is too much I can't do this.." Kurt muttered quietly to himself. He took a couple of minutes trying to stable his breathing before slinging his bag over his shoulder and making his way to next period.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Kurt said to his teacher, who nodded in response. He settled on his seat and pretended to be paying attention to the lesson, though his mind was still swirling with guilt. "Are you okay?" a voice came from the left. He turned to look at the person who had asked him and met the worrying gaze of Rachel Berry. "You look so pale & you've obviously been crying. Did you and Blaine have your first relationship squabble?" 

"No," Kurt sighed. Though he & Rachel had conversed over the past few weeks, Kurt still had reservations. The only person he felt comfortable with, besides his dad, was Blaine. 

"Then what's wrong? You can tell me I'm a great listener & I give pretty decent advise." 

Sure you're a great listener. Tell that to the velocity of your speaking, Kurt thought. "It's okay, Rachel. I just..I was overwhelmed with something that's all." Kurt said. "I won't pry, but take it easy, al right Kurt?" Rachel said.

The rest of the time Kurt spent trying to figure out how exactly he was going to tell Blaine. Literature was one of his favourite subjects he hate how he was so distracted now barely paying attention to the discussion of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. This was how the rest of the time in school played out. Kurt sat in every single one of his classes so deep in thought & worry. Until the dismissal bell rang and then Kurt realized time was up.

Since it was raining, Kurt decided to wait for Blaine at the few benches placed near the exit door of the school. His mind swirled with the mere concept of telling Blaine. This was it. His thoughts was interrupted when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, followed by a soft, sweet kiss planted on his right cheek. "Hi beautiful." Blaine said.

Kurt blushed so hard he worried Blaine might see the colour of his cheeks grow red. "You're really cute when you blush." Blaine added. "I've never been called beautiful before." he admitted.

"That's ridiculous & a little sad. You're the most beautiful person I've ever known."

All these terms of endearment only added to the mountain of guilt Kurt was already feeling. He felt sick to his stomach now, vomit threatening to come out. "Come on." Blaine said. "Do you have an umbrella? It's raining." Blaine looked at him and smiled, while pulling off the cardigan he was wearing. "Here," Blaine said, handing him the piece of clothing. "Use this to shield your immaculately coiffed hair." he smirked. Kurt gave a nervous laugh and took the cardigan from Blaine, then the both of them went through the double doors and ran towards Blaine's car, Kurt using the cardigan over his head. Blaine didn't run to the driver's side though, instead he ran to the passenger & pulled the door open, standing there with the rain drenching his white tee. Once Kurt had slid into the passenger seat, he shut the car door and walked over to the driver's seat, shutting the door once he had slid inside.

"You're drenched." Kurt said, trying not to focus too much on the fact that Blaine's white tee was so wet he could make out the shape of his abs.

"Yeah, well I rather be drenched than let a strand of your hair go out of place." He winked. Blaine pressed on the gas pedal and they drove. The drive was quiet for awhile. The only sound was of the rain drops that crashed onto the wind shield. Kurt felt as though his mind was going to implode. He felt as though his chest was going to burst. Every single nerve in his body felt like they were going to pop. His mind was on overdrive and it was so hard to sit in the silence, when there was a war going on in his mind.

"So school was....nothing as what I thought it was going to be."

Kurt felt relieved. He'd give anything to distract himself from the fact that his confession was 20 minutes away. "What do you mean?"

"Well...I thought it was going to go bad. Really bad. I'm talking getting thrown into dumpsters bad. But no. Except for the whole altercation with Puck, the rest of the day was fine. A few students did use that vile word against me though, but it was nothing I couldn't bear."

"I'm glad." Kurt finally thought of something he'd wanted to ask. "Why-urm-why--you didn't have to protect me from Puck, you know. I mean it was sweet and romantic as hell, but I could've handled him. I think."

"I know, but I love you and I wasn't going to let anyone, especially Puck, hurt you."

Kurt gulped at the word 'love'. The guilt in him rising. "I would've done the same if the roles were reversed." Kurt smiled.

"And that is why I love you." He leaned over and kissed Kurt on his forehead.

Then they made a left into Kurt's neighbourhood and then it donned on him. It was time to tell Blaine the truth. Blaine pulled up in front of Kurt's house & turned to look at him. "So what is you wanted to talk about?"

Kurt went silent, staring down at his hands. He tried to gather as much courage as he could, but when he looked into those warm, kind hazel eyes, he lost it. A tear fell out of his eye and Blaine reacted. "Hey, what's wrong?" he said as he used his thumb to wipe away Kurt's tear.

"I have to tell you something, Blaine, but it's so difficult and I don't know how you're going to react, which is what scares me the most.."

"Kurt, you can tell me..whatever it is." It only made him cry harder, tears now flowing, a slow sobbing developed now. His crying was becoming more violent as the moment of utter confession drew closer. "Kurt, please don't do this to me please don't cry I don't know what to do I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong Kurt please.."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hands and held them, stroking his thumb over the knuckles for comfort, but it wasn't helping. Every word, every bit of affectionate just made it more harder to tell, but he had to. He had to tell Blaine because things between them were getting too deep, and Blaine deserved to know..

Kurt inhaled and gulped, his hands shaking from the nervousness than the cold, and with every bit of courage he could gather, he opened his lips and uttered the words he'd been dreading to say.

"Blaine...I have terminal cancer."


End Notes: SOOOOO?I apologize I'm a sucker for a good cliff hanger! I'll try to write Chapter 14 as fast as I can!! I hope you enjoyed, and please leave reviews and tell me what you want to see in the next chapters. I aim to please! Haha!


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OMG I HATE YOU CLIFFHANGER MUCH AND NOW I AM ABOUT TO CRY! This is actually a great story though, it just depresses the hell out of me


You're so sweet thank you so much for the kind reviews!!

This was really good. I really liked how Blaine told the whole school how he felt for Kurt and how he stood up to Puck. I also found it awesome that Rachel went out of her way to let Blaine so that she supported him and their relationship. I kind of figured Kurt was dying and now I am interested in seeing Blaine's reaction. I can't wait to see what happens next.

holy shit i did not see that coming