Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The kiss was gentle, yet so earnest.The kiss was chaste, yet so full of passion.The kiss was so new to both boys, but it felt so right.It felt like home.
When their lips met, it was like the world stopped & everyone melted away. It was like they were the only souls left. Nothing mattered. Nothing, except for that moment.
Blaine felt Kurt's hand slid to the back on his neck, tangling his fingers into his curls & pulling him deeper into the kiss. A groan escaped Kurt's mouth and it sent all the blood pumping into Blaine's groin. He wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, lifting him up a little. The kiss grew more passionate, more intense. Their tongues exploring each other's mouth. Their teeth clang every now and then when Blaine tighten his arm around Kurt. It was growing more erotic & the tightness in Blaine's crotch was becoming uncomfortable.
And then suddenly Kurt pulled away hastily when the sound of a man clearing his throat was heard.
Both boys turned to stare at a furiously concerned Burt Hummel, standing there with his arms crossed over his front, his chest heaving rapidly & his blue eyes, similar to his son's, glaring down at them. Blaine gulped in sudden fear when he saw Kurt's father standing there, looking as though he was going to pounce at the slightest of movement. "Kurt, I think it's time for you go inside." Burt said with an assertive tone. He was obviously not to be challenge.
Kurt suddenly grabbed Blaine's phone, that he laid next to him, and quickly typed out something. He handed Blaine his phone back & whispered, "Call me later," before walking past his dad and into the house. Burt glared at Blaine for another second, before shutting the door, leaving Blaine sitting on the front porch alone, in utter disbelief at what just happened.
He picked up his phone and noticed that it was on the contacts page.Kurt had typed out his number in it.
Kurt definitely did not want to have to deal with his father, so he walked briskly to his bedroom door, descended the stairs & flop onto his bed, face first. His headache was worse now. His mind was going crazy at the recollection of the kiss with Blaine. How Blaine's lips had kissed him so utterly passionate, as if he was trying to devour Kurt's soul. As if his life depended on that kiss. As if the apocalypse was tomorrow and that he'd never get to kiss Kurt ever again.
He could still feel the grasp from where Blaine's hand had been on his waist. Those strong arms wrapped around him so protectively. His thumb gently stroking Kurt's sides. He had never met anyone who'd made him feel this way. So special, so loved, so desired.
Kurt was so deep in thought he didn't heard his bedroom door open, nor did he heard the angry foot stomping down his stairs. "Kurt, I want to talk to you," his father said once he was standing over Kurt's bed. He turned on his back & looked at his father, who was donning a rather unreadable face expression. One between fury & sympathy. Kurt simply gaped at his father, unwilling to start the conversation that was sure to be immensely maladroit.
"What did I just walk in on?"
"Me kissing a boy. It's bound to happen someday, dad." Kurt joked.
"I was right, wasn't I?" Burt asked. "That he's a closet gay, and that he likes you."
"Yes on the first part of, I don't know to the second." Kurt stated.
"What dyou mean? He was practically eating your face off out there." Kurt blushed at his father's choice of words.
"It was just a kiss, dad." Kurt lied. Knowing fully well that it wasn't just a kiss.
His father sighed before going on, "Kurt, I know you're a teenager and you're suppose to be experiencing things like this," Burt said. "But I'm worried for you, Kurt. I don't want you to get hurt. That's all. Especially since you have-"
"I know, dad." Kurt cut him off. "I know what I have and I know I have to tell him."
"I hope you do. The sooner the better." His father said in conclusion, before ascending the stairs and leaving Kurt's bed room.
Kurt was in his silky pyjamas, ready for bed when his phone rung and the illumination lit up the entire ceiling. He looked at the screen and saw an unfamiliar incoming call. He stared at it for 6 rings before picking it up, and a familiar voice came through the speaker. "Hi." Blaine said.
"Were you already asleep?" Blaine asked.
"No. I just took a shower." Kurt cursed himself for saying that. Why the heck did he even tell Blaine that. There was an awkward silence before Blaine said something.
"Sexy..." Kurt could tell Blaine was grinning from the other end.
"So, you're gay..." Kurt couldn't hold it back any longer. He needed to talk about what happened earlier.
"Yeah. And we kissed.." Blaine said.
"And that..." Kurt said.
"Do you want to meet me? We can talk face-to-face." Blaine said abruptly.
"W-what? It's 1am."
"You're not allowed out late?" Blaine laughed.
"Be quiet. It's late I don't think my dad would appreciate me going out to see you, especially considering what he saw earlier." Kurt said.
"I'm right outside. C'mon. Just come outside I'm in my car."
Kurt sat there & debated it over in his mind. Should he? Deep down in his gut he knew what would happen when he goes out to see Blaine. He knew because the kiss earlier felt far from it's conclusion. He wanted to see the boy who took away his first kiss. "Okay."
He pulled on a sweater over his pyjamas and sneaked up the stairs, through the living room and then quietly out the front door, gently shutting it behind him. He brisk walked to Blaine's car that was now parked a few yards away from his house. Then he saw the boy whom he had kissed earlier, leaning on the side of the car with his arms across his chest, his white shirt showing no form of enigma to his abdominal muscles. Kurt was about to go over to the passenger side when Blaine tugged on his arm & swirled Kurt towards him until their body were flushed against each other. Kurt laid his palms on Blaine's rock hard chest as Blaine's arms found themselves wrapped around Kurt's waist again, his fingers entwining each other on the lower part of Kurt's back. Blaine leaned forward again about to plant another kiss on Kurt's lips when Kurt stopped him by putting his index finger on those soft, beautiful lips. Those hazel eyes stared at Kurt in confusion.
"W-what are you doing?" Blaine asked.
"I need answers, Blaine." Kurt stated. "You came here bawling your eyes out, asked me a series of questions, admit that you're gay & then tell me there's more, but instead of elaborating, you kiss me. I have a trillion and one questions." Kurt said.
He unlocked his fingers from Kurt's back and rubbed his forehead. "Okay....I've battled with my sexuality since I can remember. I was in denial for a long time before I finally accepted the fact that I'm gay when I was 14. I was going to come out to my parents, but then I came across an aritcle on the internet about a teenage boy being beaten to death because he was gay. He died, Kurt. He died because people didn't accept him so they decided to end his life altogether. I got scared. You have no idea how scared I was, Kurt. I kept hidden in the closet because I was scared." Blaine confessed, burying his face into his palms and sighing.
Kurt simply stared sympathetically at the boy. He knew how Blaine was feeling. He had battled with it himself at a phase of his adolescence, but he had grasp acceptance & decided to be open. He knew how hard this must be & miserable Blaine is. He gripped on Blaine's wrist, forcing his hands down then tilting Blaine's head up with his thumb. "I know you're scared, Blaine. I know how hard coming out of the closet is, but you'll overcome it I promise. One day you'll have the courage to come out & be proud. I'll be right next to you when that happens." He said, giving Blaine a reassuring smile.
He saw tears forming at the corner of Blaine's eyes, but Kurt chose to pretend he didn't see them when Blaine wiped it away.
"If you've been hiding from the world all this while, why did you confess to me?" Kurt asked, though deep down he knew the answer.
"Because... because I've never felt like this around anyone before. I've never felt this comfortable talking to anyone before you. And also because...because I like you, Kurt. I liked you since the day we bumped into each other. From the day I saw into your eyes. From the very first day I saw you, Kurt." Blaine admitted.
He simply gaped at Blaine. Unsure of what to say. Because there really was nothing else to say. Kurt lunged himself onto Blaine suddenly, and kissed him. Hard & sloppily. It took Blaine by surprise, but within seconds, his arms were once again wrapped around Kurt's waist, pulling him in deeper, lifting him off his feet a little. They were flushed against each other, mouths devouring each other. So consumed in each other they once again forgot the world. Blaine pulled away unexpectedly and stared right into Kurt's eyes, which made him blush hard.
"D-does this mean you feel the same way?" Blaine asked timidly.
"Shut up and kiss me."
They both smiled at each other, before devouring each other once again. Forgetting the world behind them, kissing into the night. Neither boys noticed the mustang parked 3 houses away. Neither boys noticed the boy with the mohawk staring at them in utter shock. Neither boys noticed the flash of a camera phone. Neither boys noticed the mustang pulling away & driving off into the other direction..
The next week was utter bliss. Kurt had returned to school after being absent, and he had agreed to keep their relationship a secret. They acted normal around each other in school, though half the time all both boys wanted to do was jump each other's bones. They kept their distance so no one would suspect anything, though Blaine had to war with the urge to rip Kurt's tight jeans off his long legs whenever he saw Kurt walking down the hallway or sitting in class. Kurt was the sexiest thing ever to Blaine. After school, they would both drive separately to Kurt's house and did homework in Kurt's room,and they'd sneak in a couple of make-out sessions. Blaine always left an hour before Kurt's dad returned home. He still hadn't even seen Burt after he had walked in on them kissing, despite being at his house almost every afternoon of the week with Kurt.
Everything worked. Everything was systematic. Everything was great.Until everything took a turn for the worst.
Blaine pulled into the school's car park on Tuesday morning, excited that the first period was AP Chemistry. When he entered the school's front entrance, suddenly everyone stopped their conversations & turned to look at him. Blaine stayed rooted for a second, before awkwardly walking down the hallway, feeling hot stares on him. Why is everyone looking at me, Blaine thought. And then he arrived at his locker and his heart sank.
There, written with neon pink spray paint, was the word "FAGGOT."
He stared at it, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks, hearing soft snickering drowned somewhere in the crowd. He could see from the corner of his eyes some girls pointing at him, whispering something to each other. He looked around the hallway and settled on a boy who was trying to conceal his laughter when Blaine looked at him. "Who did this?" He asked the random boy, no effort trying to hide the anger in his tone.
"Me, Anderson. I did it." a voice came from somewhere in the back. Then the boy with the mohawk stepped out of the crowd. Blaine didn't even wait to question him, he lunged forward about to punch Puck but was instantly held back by two other footballers. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME DAVE," Blaine shouted at the boy who was grasping tightly on his arm.
"Shut up Anderson. The show's only beginning." Puck hissed before turning to the huge crowd of students that were all gathered around the altercation. Students at the far back were tip-toeing to get a better view of what was happening. "Ladies & losers of McKinley. We are here today, because our quaterback Blaine Anderson here has a confession to make." Puck said to the audience. "JBI, where are you?" Puck shouted over the crowd, and a boy with that familiar afro came stumbling out of the crowd, holding a huge rolled up paper. He handed the paper to Puck hastily and joined back the crowd. "See everybody, Blaine over here hasn't been completely honest to us." And then Puck unrolled the huge paper & showed the entire student body the huge photograph that was the paper.
A huge photograph of Blaine & Kurt kissing.
Gasps & snickers were heard from both ends of the hallway. But in that moment, all Blaine could think about was where was Kurt. "See, Blaine over here has lived behind the pretence that he's a straight guy & dating Quinn Fabray, but evidently, judging from the amount of tongue these two boys in this photograph are sharing, he is in fact, a faggot." Then the high pitched snickering erupted everywhere. There were students pointing and Blaine screaming 'FAGGOT' to him. Blaine tried to shrug off the two footballers holding on to his arms but their grasp only got tighter. Puck inched closer to him until he was standing right in front of Blaine, and then, without even so much as a hint, Puck's fist contacted with Blaine's cheek, sending a hot rush of blood to his jaw as the pain started to sip in. The footballers dropped Blaine to the floor and he laid there, holding on to his cheek, trying to ease the pain. "Now, we're even." Puck said before kicking him in the stomach and stalking away.
Blaine laid there in pain. His cheek was throbbing & his stomach hurt so bad he couldn't even speak. The rest of the school walk pass him, some cursing him with that vile, awful word over and over again. And then a girl with brunette hair, a boy who was extremely tall & an Asian girl ran towards him & crotched in front of his laying body. The tall boy helped Blaine sit up & laid his back on the lockers. "Blaine? Blaine are you okay? Do you want some ice for you cheek?" the brunette said. It took Blaine all the power in his system to even mumble something. "Wh-who a-are y-y-you?" he said, clutching on to his stomach because it was hurting so badly. The girl was taken aback a little, almost as if she was offended by the question. "I'm Rachel Berry. This is Finn Hudson, and this is Tina." she said, while pointing to the other two when she said their names. "Blaine your cheek is starting to get really red. Do you want to go to the nurse?" Tina asked. "No. No i need to get out of here. Anyone one of you know where Kurt is?" he asked Rachel. "No. I haven't seen him. First period hasn't even started. I don't think he's coming to school today he's usual way earlier." Blaine nodded, because he actually knew that fact about Kurt. "I-I need to go- OW FUCK" Blaine fell back to the lockers when his attempt to stand was derailed when his stomach throbbed harder. The tall boy, Finn, then took Blaine's arm and swung it over his shoulders, which made Blaine had to tiptoe a little because Finn was way taller than Blaine. "Can you help me- ow- back to my car?" Blaine said to Finn. He nodded and the two of them stumbled out to the car park, closely followed behind by Rachel & Tina.
"Fag." A random boy yelled at Blaine when he strolled pass him. Blaine was at the verge of breaking down but he needed to get back to his car. He needed to go find Kurt. He needed Kurt.
"Are you sure you can drive? Your stomach seems to be hurting a lot." Tina asked once they had settled Blaine into his car. "No I'm fine I just needed to get out of here." There was a crack in his voice as he tried to suppress his tears. Rachel then leaned into the car and hugged Blaine unexpectedly, "It's going to be okay. We'll be here if you need us," which was the last straw. Blaine sobbed into the brunette's sweater as she tighten the hug before letting go. Blaine looked at the three kind souls standing there, watching him with empathy. "Thank you." he said to the three, & they smiled back in response.
Blaine put his car into gear & drove off. Speeding to the place he needed to be. The place he wanted to be. He needed Kurt.
What does kurt have exactly??
Awws... very very cute. Pooor Blaine. =S Yay for the Glee kids... *smacks Puckerman* jerkoff... >.>