Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Blaine Anderson was a senior in William McKinley High School. He was at the top of the school's status quo; quaterback of the football team, dated the hottest girl in school, Quinn Fabray, wealthy. He had it all. He's charming, handsome, smart. He was basically the guy everyone wanted to be, and the guy every girl had wet dreams about. But Blaine Anderson is more complex than the guy everyone percieved him to be. He has never admitted this anyone, but he is gay. He had known since he was 14, but he hid in the closet because he knew his parents would never accept him and he knew he would never be accepted by his friends either if he came out. But everything changed. Everything changed when he met Kurt Hummel.
"Dude, wanna be my lookout when I push that cripple down the stairs?" Blaine had just came out from his English class when Puck had asked him for the favor. "I'll pass, Puckerman." He knew that if he had voiced out why he really didn't want to help, Puck would've teased him about being a sissy. Blaine didn't really like Puck but he was friends with him because Puck was popular and it was sort suppose to be that way. Puck was rough at character but Blaine knew why Puck was the way he was. The absence of his father had impacted Puck in such an immense way it basically shaped Puckerman to be the way he is now. "Call yourself a bro? I'll do it myself then. Later Anderson!" Blaine gave a weak wave before making his way to his calculus class.
When Blaine made a right turn, something hard bumped into him and before Blaine could even react, there was a loud thud & papers were flung everywhere. He bent down to pick them up for the person that had banged into him. When he was collecting all the papers on the floor, he realized that the person that had banged into him had gotten up and bent down to pick the papers up too. When Blaine looked up, he was greeted with the most beautiful, clear, soft, kind blue eyes he had ever seen. The other boy blinked his thick, long lashes upon meeting Blaine's hazel eyes. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking" said the blue eyed beauty. It took Blaine a couple of seconds to gather his wits & pick up his jaw before responding, "oh- er-- yea- s'okay". Blaine didn't know what was causing him to stutter, maybe because it felt like the boy's blue eyes were looking into his soul. His gaze dropped to the boy's moist, reddish-pink lips. It took all his power to pull his gaze away & stood. The other boy also got back on his feet, more gracefully than Blaine had. He handed the boy the papers he had collected and when the boy took it from Blaine, he felt the boy's finger tips brush agaist his own. The contact sent shivers down Blaine's spine as the soft skin pulled away. Blaine then realized he didn't recognize the boy. He had been in McKinley High for 3 years, this was his last. If Blaine didn't recognize this beautiful blue eyed boy, he was positive this boy is new. Upon realizing the maladroit silence, Blaine extended his arm, "Hey. My name's Blaine." He saw the boy blushed a bit which made Blaine smile wider. "Kurt", the boy said & took Blaine's hand in a gentle squeeze and shaking it in a gentle movement. "Are you new?" Blaine asked. "Yeah I am. I just transferred from Dalton Academy." Blaine raised his thick brows because he didn't know that school, and Kurt must've noticed Blaine's uncertainty because Kurt then went on, "It's in Westerville." Blaine nodded before continuing the conversation, "Oh cool. Well, welcome to McKinley!" He saw Kurt blush again and he swears it's the cutest thing ever. "Well I have to get to class. Nice to meet you...Kurt. See you around." he flashed Kurt a wide grin before making his way to class. He turned his head around to get a last glimpse of Kurt, but instead of seeing his face, Blaine's gaze dropped to stare at Kurt's tight jeans and how incredibly tight they were was his butt area. When the bell rang, it brought Blaine back to his senses and he dashed to class.
When he got to class, all he could think about was Kurt's eyes. Blue, like puddles of water. Like the daytime sky. He had never seen such beautiful eyes on a boy before. And Kurt's lips. Moist, swollen red. There was no doubt Kurt had beautiful features and that was all Blaine could think about when he was in his calculus class; Kurt.
When the dismissal bell rang, Blaine was more than thankful. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Thoughts of Kurt. But when he left the classroom and was walking down the hallway, he felt someone jumping onto his left side, hands wrapping around his frame & planting a kiss on his cheek. He turned to see a smiling Quinn Fabray.
"So, where are we going?" Blaine frowned because he could have sworn he never made plans with his girlfriend. "Did we have plans?" Quinn gave a flirtatious giggle and kissed him again, this time on his lips."No silly, but I don't want to go home straight. Take me somewhere." Blaine really didn't wanted to go anywhere, but Quinn wouldn't take no for an answer. So Blaine let Quinn drag him to the parking lot. When they were walking towards his car, he glanced to his far left and saw the same tight jeans he had checked out earlier today, also walking to another car. When he looked up, he saw the blue eyed boy looking around before falling his gaze onto Blaine. Blaine smiled at the boy and felt his insides melt a bit when the corners of those red lips lifted.
He caught a last glimpse of Kurt through Kurt's side window before his car drove away.
sounds interesting so far. I wants to know Kurt's secret. >.>
it promises to be interesting;)
Thank you for saying my story is great! I tried my best and getting reviews like yours really makes my day- if not my life. I'm very sorry about your sister. Reading my story must've brought you back to that place, im very sorry. I hope Kurt has better odds too. I hope you'll be sticking around to see how it oans out(: Thank you for reading!
I never read sad stories where my boys die in the end....so, why am I reading this? Damn. Because it's a great story and I love the way you have made the characters come to life. I love your Chrstmas miracle. - but we need one more - that our Kurt beats the cancer!! Pretty Please?It was kind of hard to read this because my sister died when she had a Cat Scan to check on her cancer and it triggered a brain hemmorage, they said they could do surgery but it was too late to save her brain function, so we let her go. Its been 7 years and I still miss her. I hope our Kurt has better odds - this being fiction and all. Make me a happy girl and give him a fighting chance, okay?
Great chapter :) spent most of it crying
Thank you(:
Makes me wanna read the next chapter so it cane be all bad :)