Welcome all! I decided to change this as this account went through some changes. Because of RL commitments, AS has left the partnership. She is involved with her community theater I am totally jealous!). Anyhow, I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors, and I thank her for her contributions to Cruel Summer. She helped me push myself to do things I never thought imaginable in my writing. Since Cruel Summer is now complete, I should really update the Bio. :) I am a 36 year old Gleek/Potterhead/Starkid who loves fandoms. There is nothing like connecting with the rest of the world to fangirl over our favorite things. It keeps me young. :) Anyhow my journey into authorhood started a couple decades ago, when I was a teen. I used to write everything. Poems, plays, novels, etc. Then I simply stopped. And a funny thing happened: life. Next thing I know, almost 20 years have gone by and I'm like, WTH?? So I'm a Gleek first and foremost. I was one of the choir/musical geeks in high school, so I could really identify with the show. I'm one of the original Gleeks that watched the show from Pilot. However, I never really got into the fanfiction...until this Summer. After that atrocity of a season 3 finale in my opinion), I decided to battle my depression over the ending by reading some fanfiction. As I read, I got to thinking...what about Kurt? What was his POV in all this? And how about Blaine? It felt to me like the story wasn't complete. Enter Cruel Summer. I had a FB friend that I was bouncing ideas and theories off of. A couple weeks after the finale I decided I was going to write my very first fic, and my first non-academic piece in a very long time. It was only supposed to be a five chapter one shot to show Kurt's story after the letter opening. Well, as you can see, it turned into a novel length story, with multiple books planned. Full disclosure here: I'm a Klainer, maybe less than I used to be cause of this mess of a season, but I'm still a Klainer. So this series which is called the Seasons of Love 'Verse, Btw) is going to be Klaine centric. However, after the breakup, I'm feeling a bit bitter towards this ship. I'm more ticked that I've becomes emotionally attached to the characters, but that's neither here nor there. So this series is on hiatus until I have better Klaine feels. It's hard to write about a couple that are going through so many issues. However, I have some other plans. I'm in the process of working on an Ebook for Cruel Summer, planning a new sci-fi story that features Klaine but not in the traditional sense, and ruminating a crossover. I have also discovered I actually have a passion and a bit of talent for the craft, so I definitely plan on writing a lot more. Anyhow, I know a lot of you have been with me since the beginning, but I wanted to tell you a bit of myself. Stick with me and I promise I won't disappoint you. Hope you stick with me in my solo journey. I'm like the Paul McCartney when he left the Beatles... except for less epic. Links to our other sites: We will be posting to these sites as well) http://kurtsiekalanai.livejournal.com/ http://twooldladieswriteglee.blogspot.ca/ May Make a New Blog or Change the URL) http://www.fanfiction.net/u/4149611/ ETA: As of Chapter 22, it will just be KurtsieKalanai writing. AS is welcome back anytime as a guest author, though!