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fanfiction bio) hi!!! my names Alexx Katti.You might know my best friend Alexx Novva HeartlessRomanticWithoutAPen). She's the one who introduced me to Fanfiction,Glee,Demi Lovato,and Klaine.All my storys goes to her love and inspiration. Alexx Novva isn't posting on fanfiction anymore,due to personal reasons,but I put her stories up on her Scarves and Coffee acount irishsantana and you can find mine, noonecomparestoyou. The story behind Morgan Alexx Nova) and my identical pen-names is that we were partnered up for a creative writing project and created a character named Alexx,and she was part of both of us! Morgan took the emo side because she Is) and I,Elaine,took the goofy dorky nerdy geek side because I am)!!!! hehe! I hope you enjoy my stories,love you all lovlies! A.K




My shirt is SpongBob. My Converse have the Joker on the sides and the laces say HAHAHAHAHA on and on and on. I wear glasses and I've got braces. Screw me up and I'll screw you over twice as bad. I'm a book-lover. A reader. A writer. A crazy person and a lazyhead. A music-lover too. I'm a girl who's in love with her reflection. I'm me. Extra: Potterhead, Whovian, Torchwooder, Gilmore-Girlsian, Gleek, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Sherlockian and a full time weirdo.Motto: You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same. Follow it like it's gospel.




Klaine <3










I am in love with EVERYTHING darren criss, starkid productions takes up the majority of my life right now. Im an artist, there are drawing of klaine in between the pages of my sketch pads. I do my best at acting, i take after school classes and well as sing in my schools choir. out of my friends ive been deemed the blaine of the group, and im a huge gleek. on top of all of that, i take pride in being a total klainer!


I am a super klainer from Washington! i love avpm and starkid, darren criss is my future husband, and rumbleroar will be the priest to marry us!Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,Please enjoy my fanfics,your addy


So I figured since I started writing, that I would introduce myself and explain how I became a Starkid fan a Darren Criss fan and a Glee fan. I'm 26 years old, I have a four year old son whom my fiancée and I adopted at birth. They are both my world. We are currently in the process of trying to adopt another baby. I am a lesbian and have known from a pretty early age, life wasn't always easy but I was blessed with an amazing family and group of friends,nthat helped me through everything. I came across Starkid A Very Potter Musical one night when i was up trying to calm a fussy baby. I was searching on YouTube for songs, anything really that might help me calm my son. I came across the link for AVPM and at first was hesitant on evening opening the link because I was never a fan of Harry Potter. I noticed the view count on his video and realized it must have been good for so many people to have watched it. I will never regret that night. That's the night I fell in love with Harry Potter and everything Darren Criss. I'm a huge musical junky, so of course I was immediately smitten with Glee, I've never missed an episode and I never will, no matter how much the writers piss me off sometimes. It was just a bonus that Darren was added to he cast. I've followed his career from he beginning and I will continue to follow his career after Glee and Starkid. My interest to Darren and Chris led me to fanfiction and than to this Site. I have spent hours reading all of your stories, getting lost in the majic that is Blaine and Kurt. Because of you guys you have given me the courage to start writing again. And I want to say thank you so much for drawing out of me the passion tonstart writing again. Thanks you for reading my story thus far, and bare with me as I continue to learn and rediscover my writing. I hope I can only get better. I look forward to reading your stories and I hope you stick around to continue reading mine. I have a feeling stories that I'm working on right now but will only post one story at a time, I don't want to lose focus on any of them and want to give each story the attention they deserve. Thank you for going on this journey with me, Kelly


I'm 23, almost 24, I live in Texas, and I'm the only Gleek I know outside of the online communities. I've fallen in love with the idea of Klaine and I'm excited to explore.



Hello, all! I'm Emma and I'll be writing some fanfiction here :) You can find me on Tumblr here [x]



I am an avid Klainer. I would have to say that I had been since Blaine was first introduced and I promise you I will ship that ship until it sinks and then I will turn it into a submarine and we'll continue the journey. I have been writing fanfictions for a while now. It started with Simple Plan and My Chemical Romance, and moved to Jonas Brothers and Bones and so far, I have written a one shot and I have a WIP for Klaine. I love writing, it's one of my many passions. As far as person stuff goes, here it is: Ships I Ship: Klaine Samcedes Luck/Pizes Tartie Chang-Chang Ships I DO NOT ship: Britanna Bartie Quick Pez-berry St. Berry and a few others... I am 20 years old. I am from a corn and soy-bean filled state. I am married. I am in college. I am addicted to television shows. I am addicted to gay porn. Mostly Klaine) So, yeah. Love y'all!


I am a 55 year old lover of all things klaine. I discovered klaine fan fiction during last summer and have been hooked ever since.


Hi I'm originally known as samalamb100 but i moved to notfarfromlegend . Klaine is my otp i love them to bits. my stories are basically all have smut in them and there is nothing wrong with that is there? ;)



I'm Ellie. I'm 17 and I write because for me it's like breathing. I'm sick, I suffer of a sickness that makes me feel okay just when I'm writing. Because I don't think about it. I love Blaine, because he gave me the Courage to be myself. I love Darren because he makes me laugh even when I'm crying.




So. I spend my day obsessing over Klaine.. Dalton. Warblers and so many other stuff. I might update my bio later on.. But for now.. This is what you get





Klaine was my first ship, so yeah. I also enjoy starkid, the avengers, sherlock, doctor who, supernatural, harry potter, nerdfighteria, and hot men. DFTBA Y'ALL





I'm not that interesting, sorry.