Klaine is the cutest couple ever. End of story. XDD <3 They're so cute! But they don't get nearly enough klisses or altogether screentime. Finchel gets to kiss and have all these scenes, but Klaine has had like five kisses in the entire show so far (maybe I'm overexaggerating...) My two favorite things to do are singing and writing. I also like drawing manga characters, but I really don't know how to draw boys that well, only girls...and that's mainly the eyes... Oh my Gaga, my birthday is 6 days before Chris Colfer's!!! Order a celebratory Grande Nonfat Mocha! ('You know my coffee order?!') <3 Klainebow! <3 Find me on: fiction.gleefic.com: KLAIN3B0WP0W3RF0R3V3RM0RE (Yeah, I messed up and typed 'E' instead of '3'.) I'm sorry, but this site sucks. That's why I come to scarvesandcoffee. bookrix.com: KittiesRawesomeb (I messed up and added a 'b' lol) XD <3 This is dedicated to the cutest couple in the universe. <3