About the Site
A Kurt & Blaine Fanfiction Archive
Scarves & Coffee is a website dedicated to fanfiction of fictional characters Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson, and those with a love for them. All stories and posts featured on the site are Klaine-centric.
History of Scarves & Coffee
Scarves & Coffee was created by Oz, Jamie, and Jordyn in mid-2011 using a copy of the open source eFiction software as a place for Klainers to come together and post fics in our very own dedicated archive. During the run of Glee, the site became the hub of Klaine fanfiction and had hundreds of daily users and thousands of stories submitted. Once the show ended in 2015, activity and interest in Klaine fanfiction steadily declined, spam and aging code made the site unusable, funds to keep the site alive dried up, and the site eventually went offline around January 2021.
In June 2021, former owner Oz passed the digital torch on to atlas, who pieced the site back together using an old database backup and a zip file of ePubs. She also developed custom software to run the site. S&C re-launched a year later on June 1, 2022.
Site Staff

Hello, I'm atlas! I'm a full-time software engineer and part-time Klainer. I first watched Glee in middleschool around 2011, and it quickly became a staple in conversations with my friends. It was one of the first things that introduced me to the realm of online fandoms, fangirling, and, of course, fanfiction. Fanfiction got me reading, writing, creating, and connecting. Though fandom can sometimes be frustrating, the feeling of belonging and getting excited about something you truly care about with others just as excited about it is everything to me and I hope to share that with as many people as possible.
I am extremely excited to bring these lovely fics back to you all and connect with those of you who still call yourselves klainers <3